One of the best things that a believer can experience is coming to grips with just how sinful we are while at the same time growing in our love for the Lord. Too often we smooth over our actual state and walk with the Lord by only embracing the truth that we through Christ have been credited with righteousness. We do this without equally wrestling with the fact that there must be ongoing transformation aimed at righteousness. We are quick to embrace that we are Sons of God, and rightfully so, but too slow to recognize that we are also Sons of men. We love the promises in Christ but struggle to see that there are sinful habits, behaviors, and desires in us that poison our productivity in Christ and must be dealt with. “Look at it” preached by Elder Eric, brings a razor-sharp edge to the attitude and perspective a mature Christian must have; living in the tension of knowing that we are Sons of God and Sons of men. A view that has the courage to look at the condition of our own hearts and trust that it will be healed, restored, and transformed by the power of the grace of God. This is a sermon you will want to listen to over and over again!