On this, the first day of the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah, our three pastors continue with our Israel-centric messages. God has always confirmed His presence to mankind through fire! In His covenant with Abraham, God revealed Himself as a smoking firepot and a blazing torch. In Exodus, He is the fire in the burning bush and the fire on Mount Sinai. He is a fire consuming offerings on the altar with the Priests and a pillar of fire that leads Israel through the desert. In Deuteronomy, He is the God that speaks from the fire and is Himself a consuming fire! God's presence--His fire--would fall when the Temple was dedicated, when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost (Shavuot), and the eyes of our risen Savior/King are filled with this same fire! The God over all creation has revealed himself not just as a fire, but as an Israeli Fire! It is imperative for those who claim to be true believers to awaken to the reality that no amount of syncretism, false biblical ideas, or hidden prejudice can change the centrality and importance of Israel and her promises. Seek the one true fire of God's presence...that Israeli fire that we as Gentiles have the eternal privilege to partake.