Pastor Matt, Pastor Wade, and Pastor Eric team up for this Christmas Eve sermon entitled, "Cultivated to Conception". Our pastors build on the theme of continual cultivation to bring to life a pivotal truth. Mary was chosen for her special assignment of conceiving the Savior of the world because she had rightly cultivated the soil of her own heart! She rightly positioned herself to be overshadowed by the Almighty Spirit of God!! When the Word of God and the Spirit of God united it produced the conception of the one who would cause the falling and rising of many. Cultivation is not a one time event and neither is conception! To bring the reality of the Kingdom of God on earth, we must continually work the barren soil of our hearts to seed it with the Word of God. Furthermore, we must ask God's Spirit of Holiness to overshadow us so that His will comes to reality in our actions. You will fall or rise based on this process of cultivating unto conception! What are you birthing?