Ana Caban and Skip Jennings are sharing what they're grateful for this Thanksgiving on The Shift with whole foods chef Christina Pirello. This woman is amazing, she beat the odds against leukemia when she was 26 years old and has continued to fight back by putting love into her whole foods cooking. Her books have been seen all over the U.S. and have caused a sensation in the holistic community. By changing the way that you eat, you have given you body a chance at healing and living the best life you can live. We've even got some great Thanksgiving recipes to share with you on this show, so don't miss it! ,Ana Caban and Skip Jennings are sharing what they're grateful for this Thanksgiving on The Shift with whole foods chef Christina Pirello. This woman is amazing, she beat the odds against leukemia when she was 26 years old and has continued to fight back by putting love into her whole foods cooking. Her books have been seen all over the U.S. and have caused a sensation in the holistic community. By changing the way that you eat, you have given you body a chance at healing and living the best life you can live. We've even got some great Thanksgiving recipes to share with you on this show, so don't miss it!