This episode is all about shifting music. Music appeals to all people from all walks of life. Music doesn't need to be understood through spoken word, but it is felt. This is the most basic form of communication. Music captures many emotions and can drive us to do things we have never thought possible, it lifts us up and carries us through. Join us on The Shift With Skip Jennings as we speak with Stephan Muldrow, musician, all about the power of music and his own work. ,This episode is all about shifting music. Music appeals to all people from all walks of life. Music doesn't need to be understood through spoken word, but it is felt. This is the most basic form of communication. Music captures many emotions and can drive us to do things we have never thought possible, it lifts us up and carries us through. Join us on The Shift With Skip Jennings as we speak with Stephan Muldrow, musician, all about the power of music and his own work.