Thought-provoking and endlessly entertaining, Speciesism: The Movie takes viewers on an eye-opening journey that transcends Devries’ curiosities, arousing wonder in watchers and leaving a lasting impression on viewers of all walks. This is a Gritty Documentary that Challenges the Way We Look at Animals & Each Other. Join us as we chat with the director, Mark Devries, all about the making of this film and the idea behind it. ,Thought-provoking and endlessly entertaining, Speciesism: The Movie takes viewers on an eye-opening journey that transcends Devries’ curiosities, arousing wonder in watchers and leaving a lasting impression on viewers of all walks. This is a Gritty Documentary that Challenges the Way We Look at Animals & Each Other. Join us as we chat with the director, Mark Devries, all about the making of this film and the idea behind it.