Mike is joined by Heather Silmon, a fan of watching horror and ranting about horror! We cover Troll, the heartwarming tale of a troll and his friend (both played by Phil Fondacaro) and the disturbing transformations of one Sony Bono. We talk the whiny brother played by the kid who fought against the Nothing but now cant stop being a tattle tale and a terrible Harry Potter Jr. Also Micheal Moriarty is back as Harry Potter. the FIRST Harry Potter.We cover the infamous sequel Troll 2 on her podcast Wednesday Wine and Horror). We also cover the superior documentary about Troll 2, Best Worst Movie. so please check her out, she is hilarious! and hit her up on Facebook) and she will be glad to talk horror with ya.
We now have a website! Visit us at www.strangebiscuits.com/graveyard) to send us movie suggestions and comment on episodes! You can follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Thegraveyardshiftpod/) On Twitter at https://twitter.com/GS_horrorpod) And on Instagram at www.instagram.com/thegraveyardshiftpod/) If you would like to make a donation to help keep the show going and get access to bonus content, you can do so by checking us out at https://www.patreon.com/Graveyard) email us at [email protected]) for movie suggestions or Patreon ideas. Thanks for listening.