cover of episode The Most Important Skill To Learn In The Next 10 Years With Devon Eriksen

The Most Important Skill To Learn In The Next 10 Years With Devon Eriksen

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The Koe Cast

Dan Koe
Devin Erickson
Dan Koe: 这段访谈的核心围绕着未来十年最重要的技能,以及在AI时代如何提升自我,如何看待当前教育体系的不足,以及如何培养个人的自主性等问题展开。访谈中,Dan Koe与Devin Erickson就这些问题进行了深入探讨,并分享了各自的观点和经验。 Devin Erickson: Erickson 认为,现代世界的七大自由艺术是逻辑、统计学、修辞学、研究、实用心理学、投资和自主性。他批判了当前教育体系的弊端,指出其资金来源并非学生本人,导致课程设置服务于资助方而非学生自身需求。政府资助的教育更像职业培训,而非真正的教育,它培养的是对政府有用的人才,而非能够独立思考和发展的个体。他强调,教育的核心是学习如何学习,而不仅仅是掌握特定技能,自主性能够让人们具备持续学习和解决难题的能力。他认为,成功并非仅仅取决于智力,智力是必要的但非充分条件,自主性才是关键。成功需要行动和反馈循环,而不仅仅是思考,自主性能够让人们愿意承担风险并从失败中吸取教训。他建议,培养孩子的自主性是改变教育现状的第一步,因为拥有自主性的孩子能够在成年后独立解决问题。自主性意味着相信存在着“难题”,即那些需要持续努力才能解决的问题,而现行教育体系扼杀了这种信念。现行教育体系将避免失败定义为成功,这使得学生缺乏冒险精神,不利于他们未来取得真正的成功。对于那些已经经历过现行教育体系的人来说,培养自主性的方法是认识到自身的风险规避行为,并设定可实现的目标,逐步提升自身能力。在AI时代,学习是一个持续的过程,需要不断尝试和修正,而不是一开始就制定完美的计划。未来难以预测,学习是一个持续的反馈循环过程,需要不断行动和学习。学习的关键在于行动和持续学习,而不是制定完美的计划。行动胜于等待时机,在学习和实践中不断修正方向。人们对人工智能的恐惧源于对人工智能的误解,目前的人工智能只是特定任务的工具,而非能够取代人类的智能体。人类区别于人工智能的关键在于人类能够根据环境变化学习和调整,而人工智能目前只能执行特定任务。人类并非为单一目的而生,而现行教育体系却将人类培养成单一目的工具,这与人工智能的威胁本质上是一致的。摆脱对人工智能的恐惧,需要人们承担起自身责任,主动学习和设定目标。人类是通才,能够适应各种环境,而人工智能只是工具。虽然未来可能出现真正有感知能力的人工智能,但目前的人工智能只是工具,人类的核心能力在于决策和创造。将自身定义为单一工具会让人们对人工智能感到威胁,而应该将自身定位为能够创造和使用工具的个体。作者的观点并非完全符合任何既定政治哲学,而是基于个人对自由和人类发展的理解。真正的自由并非绝对的自由,而是拥有选择和控制自己命运的能力。任何身份标签都可能成为限制个人发展的因素,重要的是要根据实际情况选择合适的工具和方法。作者的政治观点是长期目标,需要不断学习和尝试才能实现。在不断变化的世界中,人生目标并非一成不变,可以根据自身需求和环境变化进行调整,重要的是要找到能够带来满足感的核心价值。当技能或目标不再服务于自身真实需求时,需要重新审视自身目标,并寻找更符合自身需求的方式。作者选择创作科幻小说,是因为小说能够激发人们的想象力,并对未来发展产生影响。缺乏高质量的科幻小说会对文化发展产生负面影响。缺乏面向特定人群(例如男性)的科幻小说,会导致文化发展失衡。缺乏与特定政治或文化理念相结合的艺术作品,会导致其无法传播和发展。创作小说是一种自我表达的方式,作者的责任在于创作出清晰、有趣且能够引起读者共鸣的作品。人们需要能够激发斗志和创造力的故事,而不是充满绝望和悲观情绪的故事。作者在书中表达的关于所有权和投资的观点,也影响了他创作和传播作品的方式。财产权是文明的基础,任何反对财产权的政治理念都是反文明的。出售时间而非创造价值,会限制个人发展和财富积累。资本主义奖励那些能够高效创造高价值产品的人。许多人因为缺乏自信和冒险精神而未能充分发挥自身潜力。许多人对金钱持有负面看法,这阻碍了他们创业和追求财富的意愿。对金钱的负面看法是自我设限的一种表现,它会阻碍人们追求进步和成功的意愿。人们需要允许自己犯错,才能在追求成功的过程中不断进步。金钱是人们关注程度的衡量标准,它反映了人们对某件事物的重要性程度。对他人成功的批评,往往源于自身价值观与他人价值观的冲突。对他人成功的不满,往往源于一种以自身价值观为标准来评判他人的心态。“内容创作者”这一说法过于强调内容本身,而忽略了建立信任感的重要性。建立受众的关键在于建立信任,只有获得信任才能让受众愿意为你的作品付费。许多创作者犯的错误在于过度强调销售,而忽略了内容价值的创造。社交媒体是推广个人作品的有效工具,创作者应该利用社交媒体建立受众。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the seven liberal arts of the modern world according to Devon Eriksen?

The seven liberal arts of the modern world are logic (deriving truth from known facts), statistics (understanding data implications), rhetoric (persuasion and spotting persuasion tactics), research (gathering information on unknown subjects), practical psychology (understanding true motives of others), investment (managing and growing assets), and agency (making decisions and taking proactive action).

Why does Devon Eriksen believe the current education system is flawed?

Devon Eriksen argues that the root cause of the education system's flaws is that a third party, such as the government, pays for it. This means the curriculum is designed to serve the interests of those funding it rather than the individual student. He contrasts this with the Roman concept of education, which focused on teaching individuals how to learn and adapt rather than training them for specific tasks.

What is agency, and why is it crucial for success according to Devon Eriksen?

Agency is the tendency to initiate action to achieve one's goals. Devon Eriksen emphasizes that agency is more important than intelligence for success because it involves resilience, risk-taking, and the ability to learn from failure. He argues that while intelligence is necessary, it is not sufficient for success without the willingness to act and persist through challenges.

How does Devon Eriksen view the role of artificial intelligence in society?

Devon Eriksen believes that current artificial intelligence is task-specific and does not pose a threat to human uniqueness. He argues that humans excel in their ability to learn, adapt, and make decisions based on broader contexts, which AI cannot replicate. He refers to AI as 'artificial stupidity' because it lacks the ability to understand or act outside its programmed tasks.

What advice does Devon Eriksen give to aspiring authors?

Devon Eriksen advises aspiring authors to take risks and self-publish their work rather than relying on traditional publishers. He emphasizes the importance of building a direct relationship with the audience and proving the value of one's work through feedback and sales. He also encourages authors to overcome fear and believe in the value of their creations.

Why does Devon Eriksen believe stories are important for society?

Devon Eriksen argues that stories are the DNA of societies and play a crucial role in shaping culture and imagination. He believes that science fiction, in particular, allows people to envision and prepare for future technologies and societal changes. He criticizes the lack of robust, masculine stories in modern fiction, which he sees as a failure to provide cultural scaffolding for healthy identities.

Shownotes Transcript

Devon Eriksen, author of Theft of Fire, grew up surrounded by images of space, brought home to him by his father, an engineer at JPL. After decades as a software engineer, the unwavering encouragement of his wives presented an opportunity to pursue his childhood dream of being an author. He began writing stories with a single overarching goal: give the reader something to love.

In this podcast, we discuss the future-proof skill stack, how intelligence doesn't equal success, how to navigate the world of AI, becoming an independent author and creator, and more.

––– Devon Eriksen –––

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––– More Content –––

The Koe Letter - the written version of this video: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

This podcast was originally a YouTube video: ⁠⁠⁠

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