cover of episode The Death Of The Personal Brand (& The Future Of Creative Work)

The Death Of The Personal Brand (& The Future Of Creative Work)

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The Koe Cast

Dan Koe
Dan Koe: 个人品牌不再是个人化的,创作者经济的兴起让更多人想成为创作者,但它已偏离了最初的轨道。曾经,个人品牌或成为创作者是那些想要从生活中获得更多的人的希望灯塔。随着创作者经济的兴起,越来越多的人想要成为真正的创作者,因为他们认为这是一种做自己想做的事情的方式,并且借助互联网的力量,更多的人可以做到这一点。 Dan Koe: 我们不需要更多只顾赚钱,不关心其他事情的网红。我们正处于一个关键时刻:注意力持续下降,垃圾食品泛滥,而最受关注的榜样却对此无动于衷。如果想改变现状,我们也需要获得关注,并成为那些通过做有意义的事情引领积极方向的人。销售产品本身并不坏,它是摆脱为他人工作的唯一途径;工作也不是坏事,只是垫脚石。 Dan Koe: 大多数人只是内容创作者,而不是真正的创造者;他们被内容模板束缚,缺乏原创想法。许多创作者陷入生存模式,成为内容模板的奴隶,缺乏原创想法。创作者应该更深入地理解算法背后的用户心理,才能创作出有深度、有意义的内容。许多创作者的做法,例如在大型账号下评论,加入互动小组,缺乏深度和意义。互动小组并非都是不好的,它可以帮助创作者互相合作,共同成长。在社交环境中,团队合作比单打独斗更有效。 Dan Koe: 不要轻易否定这些方法,要尝试理解其背后的深度和意义。短视频平台由于时间和字数限制,内容往往比较浅显;要脱颖而出,需要创作长篇内容。长篇内容更有利于脱颖而出、产生影响,并建立独立的受众群体(例如邮件列表)。个人品牌往往过于关注赚钱,而忽略了其他方面;他们关注高流量话题,受众流失严重。个人品牌应该思考自己是否在帮助他人做有意义的事情。为了产生积极影响,个人品牌必须持续改进和发展;停滞不前会导致衰落。不要只追求快速赚钱,要追求有意义的事业。 Dan Koe: 不要局限于YouTube创作者、个人品牌或网红等标签,要展现真实的自我。互联网、社交媒体和软件都是工具,其积极或消极取决于个人态度。最终目标是通过互联网获得报酬,做真实的自己。乔丹·彼得森是一个很好的例子,他利用各种工具来推进自己的人生事业,而不是专注于短期内容趋势。乔丹·彼得森的成功在于他高品质的想法和批判性思维。不要因为社交媒体的现状而放弃,要设定更高的目标。要改变对社交媒体的看法,利用它来提升自己。每个人都拥有可以帮助他人的知识和技能。 Dan Koe: 要追求人生事业,最终需要创建自己的事业。将个人事业视为独立工作,有助于克服心理障碍。不要被“互联网”、“事业”等词语吓倒,要尝试理解其背后的深度和意义。不必立即知道自己的人生事业是什么,重要的是朝着积极的目标前进。人生事业是未知的,需要通过实验和发展来创造。如果不知道如何设定积极的目标,可以先弄清楚自己不想要什么。 Dan Koe: “粉丝”这个词已经失去了其冲击力,更喜欢用“读者”或“受众”来代替。要建立事业,需要有受众;互联网提供了免费且易于访问的平台来吸引受众。互联网的优势在于:传播范围广、可以吸引志同道合的人、免费且易于访问。社交媒体是追求人生事业的工具,可以帮助人们与他人建立联系,分享知识,解决问题。要充分利用互联网的潜力,帮助他人,并从中获益。未来可能会有近70亿家公司,每个人都可以拥有自己的事业。互联网是吸引受众关注人生事业的途径。拥有受众(无论大小)对于建立事业至关重要。受众来源不限于社交媒体,还可以通过付费广告、播客赞助等方式获得。 Dan Koe: 创建人生事业需要三个要素:积极的目标、吸引受众的能力、项目转化为产品的能力。项目是实现目标、解决问题、积累经验的途径;盈利的产品带来改变,帮助人们更接近目标。每天都要建立项目,推动自己朝着未来的愿景前进。如果吸引到与自己拥有相似个性和愿景的受众,那么自己建立的项目很容易转化为产品。要不断尝试和改进,才能创造出更好的产品。创建产品并非要完全解决人们的问题,而是提供工具和方法,提高效率。创建人生事业需要四个要素:积极的目标、吸引受众的能力、项目转化为产品的能力、持续改进的能力。 Dan Koe: 创建事业是一个持续改进的过程,需要不断尝试和迭代。第一件作品往往不尽如人意,重要的是要坚持下去,不断改进。发布作品只是旅程的开始,需要持续改进和迭代。要学习如何脱颖而出,避免成为那些缺乏深度的创作者。要学习如何在限制条件下发挥创造力。创意工作的四个支柱是:品牌、内容、产品和推广。许多人专注于技能提升,却不懂得如何变现;许多人成为课程的奴隶,缺乏独立思考。品牌是一个环境,它包括所有与受众互动的方式。品牌是受众在长期接触后形成的整体印象。在创作内容和产品时,要考虑其与品牌愿景的一致性。人们会购买价格更高的产品,前提是品牌能够提供独特的价值。品牌并非只是静态的形象,而是动态的、不断演变的过程。 Dan Koe: 内容创作的关键是提供独特的视角,而不是重复已有的信息。人们关注的是视角,而不是信息本身。要脱颖而出,需要从已有的想法中寻找新的视角。要学习如何有影响力地思考。介绍 CoreNotes 系统,帮助创作者将想法转化为原创内容。CoreNotes 系统帮助创作者将任何想法转化为原创的、有深度的想法。CoreNotes 系统是一个笔记系统,帮助创作者创作内容。介绍 CoreNotes 系统的使用方法:从一个想法出发,选择 3-4 个方面进行展开(问题、目标、例子、好处、过程、概念)。详细介绍 CoreNotes 系统的六个方面:问题、目标、例子、好处、过程、概念。CoreNotes 系统可以帮助创作者创作更有深度、更有影响力的内容。从问题出发,可以找到更多有价值的内容创意。问题是目标的起源,也是吸引注意力的关键。通过 CoreNotes 系统,可以创作出更优秀的内容。他最受欢迎的 YouTube 视频“一人公司模式”和“如何将自己产品化”都源于 CoreNotes 系统。CoreNotes 系统可以帮助创作者创作各种形式的内容。 Dan Koe: 教育是新的营销方式。人们对事物的兴趣并非天生,而是逐渐培养的。要吸引受众,需要通过教育和品牌认知来培养他们的兴趣。在社交媒体上,与其寻找细分市场,不如通过教育来创造客户。系统是新的产品。人们需要的是系统化的解决方案,而不是简单的解决方案。他自己的写作课程“Two Hour Writer”就是一个系统化的产品。创建系统的第一步是设定明确的目标。他创建“Two Hour Writer”课程的过程,以及如何设定目标、测试解决方案、改进系统。他如何将“Two Hour Writer”课程中的内容应用于多个平台。通过不断尝试和迭代,可以创造出更优秀的产品。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why has the concept of personal branding lost its original appeal?

Personal branding has strayed from its original purpose of allowing individuals to embrace their curiosity and display their skills. Instead, it has become a tool for monetization and audience growth, often leading creators to focus on high-performing topics rather than authentic self-expression. This shift has resulted in a loss of depth and authenticity, making personal brands feel more like glorified search engines than genuine representations of individuals.

What is the key to standing out as a creator in today's saturated market?

To stand out, creators must focus on producing unique, long-form content that offers depth and value. Short-form content and social media algorithms often lead to shallow engagement, but long-form content allows creators to own their audience and build meaningful connections. Additionally, creators should prioritize their vision and passions over marketing tactics, as people are drawn to authenticity and depth.

How can creators avoid becoming trapped in the cycle of content templates and survival mode?

Creators can avoid this trap by focusing on original ideas and critical thinking rather than relying on content templates. They should view social media and algorithms as tools shaped by human nature, not as rigid formulas to follow. By diving deeper into their interests and creating content that reflects their unique perspectives, creators can break free from the cycle of survival mode and build a more fulfilling creative practice.

What role does experimentation play in building a successful creative career?

Experimentation is crucial for success in creative work. Creators must continuously iterate on their ideas, products, and content to find what resonates with their audience. The first iteration of anything is likely to be imperfect, but publishing and receiving feedback is the starting point for improvement. This mindset of persistence and iteration allows creators to evolve and refine their work over time.

Why is long-form content more effective than short-form for building a lasting audience?

Long-form content is more effective because it allows creators to delve deeper into topics, providing value and fostering meaningful connections with their audience. Unlike short-form content, which often relies on quick engagement, long-form content helps creators establish authority and trust. It also enables them to own their audience through platforms like email lists, reducing reliance on social media algorithms.

What is the ultimate goal of pursuing creative work on the internet?

The ultimate goal is to get paid to be yourself by leveraging the internet as a tool to display your work, art, and experiences. This involves attracting an audience, building products that solve problems, and continuously evolving your creative practice. The internet provides a platform for creators to share their passions and make a meaningful impact while achieving financial independence.

How can creators productize their skills and turn them into profitable ventures?

Creators can productize their skills by building projects that solve problems and then turning those projects into products. For example, a fitness program, a writing system, or a productivity planner can be developed based on personal experimentation and then offered to others. By attracting an audience with similar goals, creators can monetize their solutions and create sustainable income streams.

What is the importance of having a positive aim in creative work?

A positive aim provides direction and purpose in creative work. It helps creators focus on meaningful goals and avoid stagnation. Even if the exact path is unclear, having a positive aim ensures continuous progress and evolution. This approach allows creators to experiment, iterate, and ultimately discover their life's work through a process of trial and error.

Why is it important for creators to build their own systems rather than relying on existing ones?

Building your own systems allows you to create unique and original solutions that stand out in a crowded market. While existing systems can provide a foundation, personal experimentation and experience lead to innovations that resonate with your audience. This approach not only differentiates your work but also ensures it aligns with your vision and goals.

How can creators use social media as a tool for meaningful connection rather than shallow engagement?

Creators can use social media as a tool for meaningful connection by focusing on sharing knowledge, solving problems, and fostering genuine interactions. Instead of chasing likes and followers, they should aim to educate and inspire their audience. By viewing social media as a platform for human connection rather than a source of distraction, creators can build deeper relationships and make a lasting impact.

This chapter explores the evolution of the creator economy, highlighting the shift from authentic passion projects to a more formulaic, often inauthentic approach. It emphasizes the importance of creating content and products driven by genuine passion rather than solely focusing on marketing and sales.
  • The creator economy initially offered a beacon of hope for those seeking fulfilling work.
  • The rise of influencers and the focus on algorithms have diluted the original authenticity.
  • Creating content you want to see in the world, and building products you want to see in the world, are key to standing out.

Shownotes Transcript

You wanted to take advantage of becoming a creator so you could do what you want. It used to be the beacon for people who wanted to avoid robotic and lifeless work. Now, when you try to build an audience, you get trapped. Here's how to stand out, pursue your life's work, and find fulfillment in it all.

––– Free Guides & Mini Courses –––

One-Person Business Foundations (free): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

Generate Infinite Creative Ideas (free): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

13 Brand, Content, & Marketing Trainings (free): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

––– Paid Courses & Products –––

My book: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

Writing & Content Course: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

Marketing & Monetization Course: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

Life's Work Masterclass (+ both courses): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

Kortex, The Second Brain For Creators: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

––– More Content –––

The Koe Letter - the written version of this video: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

This podcast was originally a YouTube video: ⁠⁠

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Twitter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) LinkedIn: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠