cover of episode Social Capital: The Currency Of The New Rich

Social Capital: The Currency Of The New Rich

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The Koe Cast

Dan Koe
Dan Koe: 小时候,由于信息有限,我以为创业遥不可及,只相信父母认可的可能性。但互联网改变了这一切,让我接触到各种创业理念。许多人有好的创业想法,却缺乏行动和方法,不知道如何将想法变为现实。创业初期,人们常常缺乏资金、知识和技能,感到迷茫。我曾经也迷茫过,直到意识到不需要启动资金,而是需要社会资本。 社会资本是指与目标受众建立良好的声誉,并为其提供价值,从而获得影响力。拥有社会资本后,可以无需外部资金或投资就能取得成功,并快速组建团队或网络。我以Cortex为例,说明拥有社会资本如何帮助我在竞争激烈的市场中占据优势。社会资本的力量不在于粉丝数量,而在于愿意帮助你的人脉网络。建立社会资本的关键在于建立一个能够帮助你实现目标的人脉网络。互联网时代,建立个人品牌,分享观点和价值,吸引人脉网络,实现共同目标。 我以出版书籍为例,说明社会资本如何帮助个人实现目标。社会资本可以帮助任何拥有技能或兴趣的人创造可持续的收入,摆脱业余爱好的限制。即使没有大量的粉丝,也可以通过建立忠实的受众来推广作品,获得支持。社会资本不仅对个人成功重要,也对企业发展至关重要,大型公司开始重视与创作者合作。社会资本是新一代的货币,而非风险资本;关注度是新的货币,但关注度本身可能导致空虚。 社会资本与《黑镜》中“Nosedive”集类似的社会信用体系存在相似之处,但两者也存在区别。创作者经济既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面,需要辩证看待。互联网上存在三种人:网红、消费者和创作者,创作者更注重创造价值而非关注度。创作者注重价值创造,而非虚荣和关注度;价值创造需要受众的认可。创作者与网红、名人和消费者的区别在于,创作者更注重影响力而非关注度。 建立道德的社会资本不仅仅是建立受众,更要创造价值。社会资本的三大支柱:传播、声誉和价值。大多数人创业失败是因为没有关注用户获取,而仅仅专注于产品本身。关注传播,才能让作品被更多人看到,并判断其价值。创业不是为了自我满足,而是为了服务他人,创造价值。不要过度追求所谓的“真实性”,而应专注于创造有影响力的作品。应先建立传播渠道,再考虑付费推广等方式。 Cortex Premium 提供了社区、课程、模板等服务,帮助创作者建立传播渠道。建立声誉需要时间和信任,不能仅仅依靠关注度。我以Cortex为例,说明即使产品与现有产品类似,但由于建立了信任,也能获得成功。我的视频内容注重深度和长期价值,而非短期的关注度。短视频和长视频各有优缺点,但长视频更注重深度和理解。缺乏信任,受众会将创作者视为商品,而非价值创造者。价值创造者专注于深度、创造力和解决问题,而非关注度。 价值是衡量人们对作品重视程度和解决问题规模的指标。价值创造者解决的是真实存在的人类问题,而非虚构的问题。即使拥有传播和声誉,如果没有解决有价值的问题,最终也会沦为商品。大多数人认为需要先积累资金才能创业,这是错误的观念。社会资本是另一种杠杆,可以用来赚钱。建立社会资本的方法是建立受众,并利用受众资源与他人合作。企业收购其他企业是为了获得客户资源,因为客户是企业最重要的资产。 建立受众可以帮助你学习各种技能,无需事先学习所有技能。学习技能的方式应该是目标导向的,而非孤立地学习单个技能。建立个人品牌,无需许可,即可开始创业。可以利用Cortex的联盟计划来学习和实践技能。通过学习技能和建立受众,可以获得人脉资源,即使产品并非所有受众都需要,也可以通过推荐获得销售。可以围绕任何兴趣建立受众,因为兴趣本身具有吸引力。 建立受众的步骤:从写作开始,选择一个短视频平台和一个长视频平台。写作、短视频平台和长视频平台的组合可以快速获得成果,并学习重要技能。建立社会资本的最后一步是建立声誉和传播。尽早开始销售产品,可以激励自己,并判断自身价值。免费内容不足以影响他人生活,需要通过价值交换来建立联系。我定期发布产品,建立权威性,与只专注于内容创作的人区别开来。建立声誉的关键在于持续创造和销售产品,而非依赖捐赠。不要害怕金钱,要积极看待金钱的多种价值。建立社会资本,加入新富阶层,并推荐相关资源。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is social capital and why is it important for creators and entrepreneurs?

Social capital is having a good reputation with an audience of people who want to pay you for the value you provide. It allows creators and entrepreneurs to leverage their audience to build businesses without relying on external funding or traditional gatekeepers like record labels, publishers, or employers. It enables them to attract a network of supporters who can help distribute their work, provide feedback, and promote their products or services.

How does social capital differ from traditional startup capital?

Traditional startup capital involves raising funds from investors or banks to launch a business. Social capital, on the other hand, relies on building an audience and leveraging their trust and support. It eliminates the need for external funding by allowing creators to directly connect with potential customers and collaborators, making it a more accessible and sustainable form of leverage in the digital age.

What are the three pillars of ethical social capital?

The three pillars of ethical social capital are distribution, reputation, and value. Distribution involves getting your work in front of people through built, borrowed, or bought channels. Reputation is built by earning trust and credibility with your audience. Value is created by solving real, tangible problems that people care about, ensuring your work is worth paying for.

Why is distribution crucial for building social capital?

Distribution is crucial because it ensures your work reaches an audience. Without distribution, even the best creations go unnoticed. It allows you to test the value of your work, gather feedback, and build a network of supporters. Focusing on distribution helps creators avoid the 'starving artist' trap by ensuring their work serves and impacts others.

How can creators build reputation as part of their social capital?

Creators build reputation by consistently delivering value, earning trust, and focusing on long-term impact rather than short-term validation. This involves creating content that solves real problems, engaging authentically with their audience, and avoiding shallow or vanity-driven content. Reputation separates value creators from influencers and ensures sustained success.

What role does value play in building social capital?

Value is the foundation of social capital. It measures how much people care about what you do and the magnitude of problems you solve. Creators must focus on solving real, tangible problems in areas like health, wealth, relationships, and happiness. Without value, even strong distribution and reputation will not sustain long-term success or fulfillment.

How does social capital empower creators to compete with established companies?

Social capital allows creators to compete with established companies by leveraging their audience's trust and support. For example, a creator can launch a product like a note-taking app and compete with giants like Notion by addressing specific pain points and building a loyal user base. The audience's willingness to promote and support the product gives creators a unique advantage.

What are the risks of focusing solely on attention in the creator economy?

Focusing solely on attention can lead to a shallow and vain life, as it prioritizes likes and followers over meaningful impact. Attention alone does not guarantee value or long-term success. Social capital, which combines attention with purpose, profit, and peace, ensures creators provide real value and build sustainable careers.

How can creators start building social capital without a large following?

Creators can start building social capital by focusing on a niche audience and solving specific problems. They don’t need a large following; even a small, engaged audience can provide significant support. By sharing their expertise, creating valuable content, and building trust, creators can attract a network of promoters and collaborators who help amplify their work.

What is the difference between an influencer and a value creator?

An influencer focuses on gaining attention, validation, and likes, often prioritizing vanity metrics. A value creator, on the other hand, focuses on solving real problems, creating meaningful content, and building long-term impact. Value creators prioritize depth, creativity, and truth over conformity, ensuring their work has a lasting positive effect on their audience.

Shownotes Transcript

If you are a creator, founder, solopreneur, or just a creative who wants to turn their interests into independent work, social capital is your key.

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––– Kortex –––

My writing and note-taking app: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

Free second brain course (and community): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

The Writer's Bootcamp (now with YouTube strategy): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

––– My Products –––

My book: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

One-Person Business Launchpad: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

My Idea Museum (write faster): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

2 Hour-Writer (foundational skill): ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

––– More Content –––

The Koe Letter - the written version of this video: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

This podcast was originally a YouTube video: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)

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