In today's episode we discuss King Hubbert the technocrat and scientist with a flawed methodology and Malthusian worldview. We also go over a brief history of the Rockefeller starting with John D. Rockefeller's rapist snake oil salesman father up to the offspring that would dominate the world oil market during the Cold War years. The majority of the episode we discuss a theory outside of the conventional western geological orthodoxy that challenges the very notion that petroleum is dinosaur goo. Oh yeah, we're talking abiotic oil theory my friends. Abiotic oil would come out of the Soviet Union during the Cold War when Stalin realized that being dependent on the west for oil could be a possible death sentence for Russia so he would create a project to study all the various aspects of oil in a move that some people have compared to the Manhattan Project in scope. This is an interesting one and if the theory of Abiotic Oil is true it would change the way we think about geology and geopolitics at a fundamental level. I personally find the theory of Abiotic Oil persuasive, but I am by no means an expert in geology so take what I say with a grain of salt and enjoy this slippery ride.
Myths, Lies and Oil Wars by F William Engdahl
Odd Reservoir Off Louisiana Prods Oil Experts to Seek a Deeper Meaning - WSJ)
Fossil fuel without the fossils | Nature)
The argument needs oiling | The Economist)
Stalin And Abiotic Oil (Or How Ruppert's 'Peak Oil' Pile is Gaining Tonnage) March 5, 2005 ()
Dave McGowan Newsletter #55: Who Is Really Behind the 'Peak Oil' Scare? ()
Dolly Parton-I’ll Oilwells Love You
Johnny Cash-Roughneck
Mark Lanegan-Night Flight to Kabul