How To Get Phone Companies To Just Say No To Wiretapping Phil Zimmermann President & Co-Founder Silent Circle
Phil is going to talk about his latest projects, which are helping several mobile carriers to provide their customers with wiretap-free phone services. These carriers are breaking ranks with the rest of their industry's century-long culture of wiretapping. When you can get actual phone companies to join in the struggle, you know change is afoot. And yes, Navy SEALS are involved.
Phil Zimmermann is the creator of both PGP, the most widely used email encryption software in the world, and the Zfone/ZRTP secure VoIP standard, and is now co-founder of Silent Circle. Earlier in 2012 Phil was honored as an inductee into the 'Internet Hall of Fame.' PC World named him one of the 'Top 50 Tech Visionaries' of the last 50 years and InfoWorld named him one of the 'Top 10 Innovators in E-business.' He has received Privacy International's 'Louis Brandeis Award,' CPSR's 'Norbert Weiner Award,' the 'EFF Pioneer Award,' and the Chrysler Award for 'Innovation in Design.'