In the past few weeks, the Netflix show ‘Baby Reindeer’ has been the number 1 TV show in the world. The bio of the show reads “When a struggling comedian shows an act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to wreck both their lives.”
This show provided quite a nuanced look at the insidious nature of stalking and a lot of the complex emotions that the victims can experience.
Joining the podcast today is Nicole Madigan. Nicole is a journalist and the author of “Obsession”. Nicole was stalked for over three years. It wreaked havoc on her life and trapped her in a constant state of fear.
In this chat we speak about:
Nicole’s story and how a stalker infiltrated her life The emotions experienced by victims of stalking Whether Baby Reindeer on Netflix was an accurate representation of what stalking is like How stalking and harassment isn’t taken seriously in our worlds or by law enforcement How difficult it is to prove that someone is stalking you and where authorities come into it The 5 different stalking types What percentage of perpetrators are men/women and the gender break down of victims Misconceptions of stalking
You can find more from Nicole here)We mentioned a previous episode that we recorded with Dr Angela Jay here)You can watch us on Youtube)
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