Soaking, parking, floating, marinating, dock and park, jump and hump… never heard these terms in relation to sex before? Well fear not, neither had we! Until a teenage Mormon armed with Tik tok made our day and shed some light on this hush hush act.
Kinks. My newish boyfriend just told me he has a few different kinks and mentioned things like urinating during sex as one of them. I’m not sure I’m ready. Do I try or dump and run!?
My boyfriend of one year wants to move in together, I think he is my penguin but I low key want to live alone forever! Help!? How do I broach this and is this normal!?
My ex messaged out of the blue and wants to “catch up” to see how I’ve been.
I’m seeing someone now and very happy but also considering meeting my ex… is this ok? Should I meet him? Do I tell my bf? Do I blow him off? (Not literally, metaphorically of course, get your mind out of the gutter would ya)
Please keep your questions rolling into the DM’s @lifeuncutpodcast because oh how we love Therapy Thursday!
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