How NOT to be a PA Sellout: The Physician Assistant Vocation### )
I have met many a PA or NP) who has become entangled in a web of profit-driven, incentivized-by-the-numbers healthcare). They have forgotten why they became a physician associate (PA) to begin with.
We all become PAs with a great desire to help people), but it often doesn't end that way.
The transformation happens sometime around graduation... Once the salary figures) start being tossed around.
It's amazing how our priorities can shift so rapidly. We tend to focus on competition, numbers, earnings, and benefits, sometimes neglecting the true worth of our abilities in helping those who rely on us.
We succumb to social pressures, and after a while, when money and profit run dry, we are left unsatisfied.
This level of dissatisfaction is measured by the degree to which you have succumbed to another pressure in life:
This counterforce can be very powerful, and you want to fit into a group. Unconsciously you feel that what makes you different is embarrassing or painful. Your parents often act as a counterforce as well. They may seek to direct you to a career path that is lucrative and comfortable.
If these counterforces become strong enough, you can lose complete contact with your uniqueness, the reason you went into medicine), and who you really are.
Your inclinations and desires become modeled on those of others. This can set you off on a very dangerous path, and you end up choosing a career path that does not really suit you), your desire and interest slowly wane and your work suffers for it.
You come to see pleasure and fulfillment as something that comes from outside of work.
Because you are increasingly less engaged in your career, you fail to pay attention to changes going on in the field, and you fall behind the times and pay a price for this.
At moments when you must make important decisions, you flounder or follow what others are doing because you have no sense of your inner radar or direction to guide you. You have broken contact with your destiny, the one you aspired to when you started PA school.
At all costs, you must avoid such a fate! The process of following your life task all the way to mastery can begin at any point in life.
The hidden force that drove you into a career in medicine, into this career as a physician assistant, is always in you and ready to be engaged.
The first step is inward, search the past for your inner voice, clear away the voices that confuse you such as parents or peers, and look for an underlying pattern, a chord to your character that you must understand as deeply as possible.
The choice of this path or redirection of it is critical. To help in this stage, you will need to enlarge your concept of work itself.
Too often, we make a separation of this in our lives. There is work, and then there is life outside of work, where we find real pleasure and fulfillment. Work is often seen as a means for making money so that we can enjoy that second life that we lead. Even if we derive some satisfaction from our careers, we still tend to compartmentalize our lives in this way. This is a depressing attitude because, in the end, we spend a substantial part of our waking life at work.
If we experience this time as something to get through on the way to "real pleasure," then our hours at work represent a tragic waste of the short time we have to live. Instead, aim to see your work as part of something more inspiring as part of your "vocation." Your work is connected deeply to who you are, not a separate compartment in your life. If you do this, you will develop a true sense of vocation!
Choose a position that corresponds to your inclinations. Make a living and establish some confidence. Once on this path, you will discover other side paths. Eventually, you will hit upon a field that suits you perfectly.
You will recognize it when you find it because it will spark that childlike sense of wonder and excitement. It will feel right. Once found, everything will fall into place, you will learn more quickly and deeply, and your skill level will reach a point where you will be able to declare your independence from within the group you work for and move out on your own.
In a world in which there is so much we cannot control, this will bring you the ultimate form of power. You will determine your circumstances, and you will be the PA you wanted to be when you first visualized the stethoscope hanging around your neck.
Whatever you do, don't be a PA sellout. Be who you know you are called to be deep inside. If we do this, we can transform the PA profession from just a career to the one place in medicine where patients, not profits, come first.
We transform our profession into a vocation the way it should be!
The post How NOT to be a PA Sellout: The Physician Assistant Vocation) first appeared on The Physician Assistant Life).