cover of episode #96: ATL's Lice Ladies share the crazy movie-worthy story of Jennie's life as girl pop band star/fairy tale romance to a nightmarish abusive marriage. Inspirational story about choosing YOU

#96: ATL's Lice Ladies share the crazy movie-worthy story of Jennie's life as girl pop band star/fairy tale romance to a nightmarish abusive marriage. Inspirational story about choosing YOU

logo of podcast Physician Assistant Burnout: Tips, Tools, and Interviews with PA and Life Coach Hope Cook

Physician Assistant Burnout: Tips, Tools, and Interviews with PA and Life Coach Hope Cook

Shownotes Transcript

This isn't just a story of entrepreneurial success.  Jennie Lasater, founder of Lice Ladies, and her co-owner, Molly Brandenberger, chat with me about their life-long friendship which started in a girl pop band (they even performed with New Kids on the Block!!) and culminated in Jennie escaping a near-death experience with her abusive husband.  Jenny chose not to let her past define her and used her anger to fuel her determination to build a successful business.  A self-described science nerd, she used her degree in science and her fascination with headlice to create a safe and effective method of treatment.  The Lice Ladies even have a product line on Amazon!  

Amazon products from Liceladies)


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If you're not happy in your own life, ask yourself why you continue to stay stuck.  If you need help packing your bags and moving out of "Stuckville", consider hiring a life coach (me!).  To schedule your free 30 minute chat, click here.)  We'll see where you are now in life and where you'd like to be and decide if we're a good fit.  This is your life speaking to you, it's time to make some changes!