Meg Leddy is a mom, wife, Physician Assistant in melanoma plastic surgery, and podcaster (host of the podcast: Burnout, What I Have Learned So Far with Meg Leddy)__ __For those of you struggling with burnout in your jobs, this is the episode for you! You'll walk away feeling like you've got this!
Take home points:
Burnout usually isn’t a one-time thing, it happens over and over again. Be on the lookout for the signs: losing sleep, waking at 2 am,reflux or other physical problems, being unusually forgetful or distracted. Remember, someone can appear to have it all figured out but still be burned out.
Tips: Meg uses Brene Brown's suggestion before falling asleep at night by reminding herself "I am enough, what I did today is enough."
Remind yourself constantly, "The Universe has my back". This helps you not feel like you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and reminds you You don’t get to choose the outcome in life, it’s not all under your control.
Make the choice to match your schedule to your intentions. Choose your intentions based on your core values (click here) to see the Brene Brown exercise Meg used). Core values are like your compass, they determine where you go in life.
Your job doesn’t define you. If every piece of you is defined by your job, you’ll burn out. Bring all those other pieces back into who you are. Look at who you are outside of work. We’re not one-dimensional beings. You can have a slash career. This can give us more balance and we’ll be better at our jobs.
If you’re self-identifying as burned out, there’s help, there’s something better out there. Take time. Stop, take time to heal. Burnout eventually affects your health if you don’t get help.