In this two-part series of Breaking the Bottle Legacy, we'll explore challenges to creating your peaceful relationship with alcohol. The power to create a peaceful relationship with alcohol sits squarely on top of your shoulders--namely inside your head and in your own brain. The challenges to your power include science, society and industry.
This is part two of the series, and in this episode we'll be discussing the challenges from society and the alcohol industry to your peaceful relationship with alcohol.
Societal messages about alcohol are everywhere and they've been a part of the unconscious stories you've believed about alcohol since before you ever drank. Our culture glamorizes alcohol and makes it seem like something we need to have. The messages are simultaneous that drinking alcohol is fun, sophisticated and it's the socially accepted default, where as not-drinking is suspicious. Once you realize that the message isn't actually true, it's just part of our culture's story about alcohol you won't be able to ignore how many messages you are exposed to on a daily basis. The acceptance and prevelance of alcohol in our society, challenges your peaceful relationship with alcohol.
Our attitudes and opinion's as a society are impacted by the alcohol industry itself. The reason that the alcohol industry challenges your peaceful relationship with alcohol, is because they have a very vested interest in keeping you drinking. Messages that focus on the harmful effects of alcohol are overshadowed by the "Drink Responsibly" campaign pushed by "big alcohol". You will need to create a peaceful relationship with alcohol knowing that alcohol will most likely be readily available to you for the rest of your life. The alcohol industry will make sure of that.
For more information on how to create a peaceful relationship with alcohol visit
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