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Today on the podcast I'm diving deep on taking the edge off with alcohol and seeking relief by drinking.
I share why you believe that alcohol helps you relax, the science behind what happens in your brain to make you feel relaxed from alcohol. Also how when you drink more than just one drink you put yourself at risk for experiencing increased anxiety when the alcohol is dissipating from your system. Your brain actually increases excitatory neurotransmitters is an attempt to counteract the depressants and as alcohol wears off your left feeling irritable, hyper-sensitive and anxious. For more on this listen to episode # 14 Alcohol and Anxiety (link below).
I also talk about the cultural messages that make drinking after work and before dinner something that is normal and accepted including a little history on "happy hour".
We'll look at what's really behind your need to take the edge off and how mastering the Results Cycle can change your life so that you're not continually seeking relief. For all the details on the Behavior Map and Results Cycle, listen in to Episode #11 Behavior Map and Results Cycle (link below).
The e-book "Alcohol Truths: How Much is Safe" is included in another FREE e-book promotion. 28 different titles all for free!
Click here for more details: https://books.bookfunnel.com/nonfictionmay2021/ca7bz4pbj8)
Alcohol and Anxiety Episode #14)
Behavior Map & Results Cycle Episode #11)
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