到乞伏國仁時期,前秦擊滅前涼,占有河西、隴右。乞伏國仁率部眾投靠了前秦,被前秦封為鎮西將軍、南單于,都督討西胡諸軍事、鎮勇士川(又稱苑川,今天甘肅榆中大營川),勇士川之後也成為西秦的首府。乞伏國仁借前秦之威,逐漸發展自己的勢力,在淝水之戰後,建立了西秦。 西元383年,苻堅率80萬大軍攻打東晉(即淝水之戰),任命乞伏國仁為前將軍,統領作為先鋒的騎兵。適逢乞伏國仁的叔父乞伏步頹在隴西叛亂,苻堅改派乞伏國仁回師討伐。乞伏步頹聽到後,非常高興,在路上迎接乞伏國仁,迎回國主。
苻堅在淝水之戰失敗後,乞伏國仁見機而起,吞併周邊不順服的部族,部眾達到十多萬人。西元385年8月,符堅被後秦姚興所殺,乞伏國仁對他的豪帥說:"苻氏憑著超乎世俗的能力卻被烏合之眾打敗,可以說是天意。循守常法,迷信期運,這是前輩們引以為恥的;見機而作,是英豪之舉。我雖然德行淺薄,但是憑世代之德,豈能看著時運到來卻不行動嗎!"9月,乞伏國仁自稱大都督,大將軍,大單于,兼任秦、河二州牧,建立西秦政權,建年號建義。設置武城、武陽、安固、武始、漢陽、天水、略陽、漒川、甘松、匡朋、白馬、苑川十二郡,並建築勇士城(今甘肅榆中)作為都城。 乞伏國仁建立西秦後,為國富兵強,稱霸一方,採取選賢任能、禮賢納士的政策。文武百官,各得其所,新舊臣宦,咸服賓禮。乞伏國仁還大力振興農牧事業,積極發展生產,尤其注重教育文化的發展,培養選拔治國人才。乞伏國仁在位時期,西秦國泰民安,盛極一時。 公元388年乞伏國仁死後,大臣們都認為他的兒子「乞伏公府」年幼,應立年長者為君。因此,屬下百官擁戴推舉乞伏國仁的弟弟「乞伏乾歸」為大都督、大將軍、大單于、河南王,國內實行大赦,改元太初。 431年西秦被赫連夏國末世君王赫連定所滅,但同處流亡路上的赫連夏國也就在同一年被鄰居的慕容鮮卑吐谷渾給一舉攻滅王國,赫連家族被檻送北魏後殺頭。原被夏國俘虜的乞伏鮮卑降戶為吐谷渾虜去。因而,乞伏鮮卑有一部分與吐谷渾融合。 另一部分融入統一北方的北魏,乞伏氏貴族在北魏時,籍貫大都改成金城或金城榆中、馬邑等,與漢族士大夫、官僚無大區別。不論是在北朝作官為吏的上層,還是一般乞伏鮮卑人,後來大多被同化成漢人,不再使用乞伏名號。 This is another inspirational story about the leader of the Barbarian tribe who was wise, capable of ruling management and also keeps military skills, knowing to use most intellectual officials, reforming civil affairs, recruiting talents, so that they can occupy a big piece of land and declare Qakhan or king.
The Xianbei Qifu tribe belonged to Longxi Xianbei (in ancient times there were Qifu (such as Fu), Siyin, Chulian, and Chilu tribes) in today's Gansu province in China. In fact, the Qifu tribe was a tribe that merged with Gaoche (Turkic language tribe) and Xianbei after Gaoche joined the Xianbei tribe alliance. The Gaoche tribe moved south to Qifu Mountain in Mongolian steppe and merged with the Xianbei tribe to form the Qifu tribe.
At the beginning of the 5 Barbarians- Sixteen Kingdoms era(304-439AD), the Han/pre-Zhao Xiongnu kingdom founded by the Xiongnu leader Liu-Yuan conquered and unified the whole North China, and the various ethnic regimes surrendered to him. The Xianbei Qifu tribe, who was nomadic in the Mongolian steppe, moved to today's Gansu area to avoid the contact of the even more barbarian ruler, the King of Zhao Shi-hu. Chifu tribe moved gradually south to Longxi(Gansu area) and live together with the Han people here. Therefore, Qifu Xianbei is also called Longxi Xianbei.
The Qifu tribe developed rapidly in Gaopingchuan (now Qingshui River Basin in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region). During the period of Qifu-shuyan, they defeated the Xianbei Mohou tribe who lived in Yuanchuan, and then moved to Yuanchuan (Dayingchuan, Yuzhong, Gansu), known as the "Fertile Land of Dragon Horses", and developed into a population of 500,000.
In the period of Qifu-Guoren as the leader, he led his troops to join the former Qin emperor Fu-Jian's army. Qifu Guoren used the power of the former Qin empire to gradually develop his own power. After the Battle of Feishui in 383AD, he established the Western Qin kingdom.
In 383 AD, Chin emperor Fu Jian led an army of 800,000 to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty (the Battle of Feishui), and appointed Qi Fu Guoren as the general to command the cavalry to advance to the enemy front. At the same time as Qifu Guoren's uncle made a rebellion in Longxi, Fu Jian sent Qifu Guoren back to destroy the rebel. But Guoren and his uncle united as one and start to fight emperor Fu-Jian.
Qifu Guoren declared his rule in 383 September.Before he die in 388, he rules his country well. His brother continue his rule as king.
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