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Judaism’s unprecedented religious reformation began with a case law of the Israeli High Court on March 1.

The Israeli High Court ruled on March 1, 2021 that in accordance with the Law of Return (Law of Return), there are two Jewish sects that are mainstream in the United States, namely the "reform and conservative" in Israel. The process of naturalizing Judaism (conversion) in the territory is effective, and these people can also be recognized as Jews and immediately acquire Israeli citizenship.

The author must first explain the importance of this event. For Judaism, this is a major event comparable to the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther in the Christian world. Why do you say that?

First of all, there are about 16 million Jews in the world, of which 7 million live in Israel, 8 million live in the United States, and another 1 million live in Europe and around the world. Judaism is not a universal religion like Christianity or Islam. Whoever wants to join can be baptized to join on the same day, not so. In addition to the way of matrilineal inheritance, non-Jews can only join in the way of naturalization (convert). The naturalization process means that you must follow a Jewish rabbi for two years, learn all the knowledge and rituals related to Judaism, adjust all behaviors and thoughts from the inside to the outside to become a Jew, and obtain a Jew after passing an exam and confirming that it is correct. Identity. Why is it so difficult? Because not everyone can be the elect of God casually, Judaism is a small group religion exclusively dedicated to Jews and does not preach to foreigners.

All Jews believe in Judaism, but according to different denominations and different levels of piety, Jews in Israel can range from secular, which is completely free from any religion, to traditional, to national religious. , To the Ultra-Orthodox (Ultra-Orthodox) that strictly abides by all the traditional and ancient precepts, and each level can be divided into many different sects. The community of disciples led by each Jewish rabbi is equivalent to an independent small sect, although Judaism in Israel is mainly led by the European Rabbi (Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi) and the Spharadi Chief Rabbi (Spharadi Chief Rabbi). However, no one can figure out how many Jewish sects there are in Israel.

These sects and sects, and between different levels and levels are also independent, each with its own community, its own religious school, and its own different inheritance sources. But basically Israel’s Jewish religious affairs are controlled by the “ultra-orthodox”, including the Ministry of Religion, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, the religious courts, and the city Rabbinate. It covers all religious affairs of Jews from "birth, circumcision, marriage, divorce, heathen naturalization to Judaism, death, kosher certification" and so on.

The most frustrating thing is that the ultra-orthodox are very exclusive. In addition to religious affairs, they even exclude the founding of Israel in 1948, the representative of Zionism, and also exclude secular communities. They think that they represent the orthodox authority of Judaism, so why are they against the Israeli government? It is because they believe that the diaspora in 2000 is God’s test of the elect, but God did not say that the test is over. The nation of Israel can be restored in 1948. Instead, it should wait until the Jews are waiting for the Messiah. Only after arriving can Jerusalem and the state of Israel be rebuilt. Digress, pull it back.

"Ultra-Orthodox" do not accept other denominations to intervene in the above-mentioned religious affairs, so if you are not naturalized as a Jew through the process approved by them, or your family's Jewish origin is questioned (this happens most often in the U.S. and Soviet Jews) , You will find that your Jewish identity is invalid and unrecognized in Israel. The negative consequences of this incident include that you cannot marry in Israel because no Jewish rabbi will preside over your marriage; in addition, you cannot divorce in Israel. , When you die, you won’t even be able to find a cemetery for burial. The biggest blow is that emotionally, you find yourself being a Jew for some reason and being retired from religion. Why is it so embarrassing?

American Jews and Israeli Jews are of the same origin. They are also a combination of separated Jews from countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. However, different denominations have developed in different soils. Judaism in the United States is divided into "reformed and conservative". The two sects are the mainstream. Because these two sects developed in the United States, their thinking and values ​​are quite different from that of Israel’s Judaism. In addition, more than 90% of American Jews’ political stances are biased towards the liberal Democratic Party, so they are influenced by American Protestantism. After being influenced by mainstream social culture and life, the above two factions of American Judaism emerged as "female rabbis (gender equality awareness)", "inter-marriage", "failure to strictly observe Jewish precepts", and " "Assimilation of American culture" and other characteristics, especially cross-ethnic marriages are regarded as unforgivable and most unforgivable by the conservative religious factions in Israel. They completely ignore that even if American Jews marry Christians, many families still choose Jewish culture. Facts about raising children with family values.

In the United States, it is too difficult to observe the strict Jewish precepts like Israel. It is easy for American Jewish young people to meet young men and women of other religions in life, campus and work, and then make friends and marry. The United States is not everywhere in terms of food. There are kosher foods, I am afraid it is easier to find halal foods, so 60% of American Jews do not abide by the kosher dietary precepts.

In terms of observing the Sabbath regulations, the Sabbath is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. Israel is closed on weekends and national holidays. However, in the United States, classes and get off work are only closed on Friday afternoon. The company's line number is also on Saturday and Sunday. Do Jews of 2% of the U.S. population take off Friday and Saturday Sabbaths? Therefore, it is difficult for American Jews to observe the Sabbath.

American Jewish youths grew up in a society where the religious atmosphere of Judaism was not so strong. For them, Judaism is more cultural than religious.

As for the religious holidays Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Yom Kippur? Except for a few large cities or states, there are no holidays in the United States. By the end of the year, when the entire United States is celebrating the Christmas holiday, Jews are not celebrating Hannuka but Christmas. Why do they always have to be different from others? Therefore, the young Jewish people in the United States also celebrated Christmas, but this is an unforgivable thing in the eyes of the Israeli rabbi. Jesus Christ is not the Jewish Messiah. The Jews have been waiting for their own Messiah for thousands of years. Then, how can we celebrate the birthday of the false savior Jesus? Therefore, in the eyes of the Israeli Jewish rabbis, the little wisdom in life of American Jews adapted to local conditions is an unforgivable act of apostasy. Therefore, Israeli Judaism and American Judaism are actually in a state of opposition to each other on many levels.

The ruling coalition of the right-wing government that has been in power in Israel for more than ten years takes into account the feelings of the ultra-Orthodox religious parties in the ruling coalition, the Shas Party and the Biblical United Party. Therefore, the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel monopolizes the religious affairs of the Holy Land and is hostile to the American Judaism His attitude is indifferent, and even when there are religious disputes, he blindly favors Israel’s ultra-orthodox and shows mercilessly to the American Jewish community. Therefore, for many years, there have been voices saying that American Jews and Israeli Jews are separated and do not communicate with each other. status.

Of course, politically we can see that the Jews in the United States unconditionally support Israel, because they can't support the opponent Palestinians, right? In fact, this support is a bit sour.

In the current U.S. Senate, 38 of the 353-seat House of Representatives (7%) are Jewish deputies, and 10 of the 100-seat Senate are Jewish senators ( -members-of-the-117th-congress), this is disproportionately high compared to 2% of the U.S. population by Jews, and has greater influence than other minorities. Successive American presidents have shown that they love Jews more than their opponents and support Israel more than their opponents in their election campaigns, in order to obtain support from American Jews in political and economic power, and this can also increase their chances of winning the election. American Jews control the huge political and economic power in society.

In short, the epoch-making ruling of the Israeli High Court on March 1 detonated sensitive points of conflict among the various denominations of Judaism. The importance of Martin Luther's coming out to start a new religion and challenging the Roman Catholic Court is not lost.

This ruling breaks the ultra-Orthodox’s long-standing monopoly on the religious process of “naturalization as Jews”. It opens a big hole in the monopoly of religious affairs by the ultra-Orthodox. If you don’t quickly make up for it, other Will matters related to birth, marriage, kosher certification, etc. also be accepted in accordance with this judgment to accept American Jewish practices?

Therefore, the Israeli ultra-orthodox rabbi will never accept the loss of monopoly interests, and has already stated that they will do everything possible to overturn this judgment, saying that the naturalizations made by the American reformers and conservatives are fake and fake. These people are fundamentally fake. Not a Jew. David Lau, one of the rabbis, claimed that these people were not Jews. The court approved these immigrants who had nothing to do with Judaism to flood the state of Israel. So many Gentiles would make Israel a country of Gentiles. There are even ultra-Orthodox people who put dogs on Jewish hats and claim that these American Jews are bastards even if they wear Jewish hats. The hostility between the two sides is evident.

The secularization of the Israeli opposition party supported and praised the High Court’s decision. The leader of the opposition YeshAtid, Yair Lapid, said: "Israel must allow all Jewish denominations to have full equal rights, whether it is ultra-Orthodox, reform Is it conservative.” “We must all live here together with tolerance and mutual respect.” “A sane government will put an end to the absurdity. Israel is the only democratic country in the world without Jewish religious freedom. ."

Avigdor Liberman, the leader of the Israeli Homeland Party (Yisrael Beytenu), which represents the interests of the Jewish immigrant community in the Soviet Union, called the decision a "historic" progress. Liberman said his party would continue to fight with "religious coercion." Fight to the end, and insist on safeguarding the Jewish, Zionist, and liberal national characteristics of the State of Israel.

It is worth observing in the future whether the Israeli ultra-orthodox Jewish forces will succeed in their counterattack and continue to monopolize Israel’s domestic religious affairs, or open up to other Jewish sects to join Jewish religious affairs, and bridge the hostility and mutual hostility between American and Israeli Jews The rift has caused the world’s already small Jews to regain their unity. I think Israel’s leaders, if they are wise enough, will be able to serve millions of ultra-Orthodox Jews and eight million. It is very clear how the American Jewish community should choose. It is only possible that politicians make irrational choices for their own political interests and regardless of the righteousness of the nation. Let us continue to look at the follow-up development of this matter, and then make a decision.

蘇育平/以色列版宗教改革?法院判決引爆猶太教各教派敏感衝突點 原文網址: 蘇育平/以色列版宗教改革?法院判決引爆猶太教各教派敏感衝突點 | 雲論 | ETtoday新聞雲 Follow us: @ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook

猶太教破天荒的宗教改革,由3月1日以色列高等法院一則判例說起 以色列高等法院於2021年3月1日裁定,依照以色列回歸法(Law of Return),由兩支在美國為主流的猶太教派,也就是「改革派(reform)與保守派(conservative)」在以色列境內進行歸化猶太教(conversion)的程序是有效的,這些人也可以被承認為猶太人並立刻取得以色列國籍。



所有的猶太人都信仰猶太教,但是依據教派不同、虔誠程度不同,在以色列的猶太人可以從完全不受任何宗教拘束的世俗派(secular)、到傳統派(traditional)、到國家宗教派(National religious)、到嚴格遵守所有傳統古老戒律的極端正統派(Ultra-Orthodox),而每一個層次又可以分為許多不同的派別,每個猶太拉比帶領的徒眾社區就等於是一個獨立小教派,雖然以色列的猶太教主要由歐洲系大拉比(Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi)與中東北非系大拉比(Spharadi Chief Rabbi)兩人共同領導,然而到底以色列有多少猶太教派其實誰也無法搞清楚。

這些教派與教派之間、不同層次與層次之間也都是各自為政,各有自己的社區、自己的宗教學校,以及各自不同的傳承淵源。但基本上以色列的猶太教宗教事務是把持在「極端正統派」手裡的,包括宗教部、國家總拉比協會(Chief Rabbinate of Israel)、宗教法庭與各城市拉比協會(city Rabbinate),掌管了猶太人從「出生、割禮、結婚、離婚、異教徒歸化猶太教、死亡、潔食Kosher認證」等一切宗教事務。







至於宗教節日逾越節、猶太新年、住棚節、贖罪日呢?除少數大城市或州,美國可沒有放假啊,到年底全美國在放聖誕節大假期時,猶太人卻不過聖誕節而非要過光明節(Hannuka),怎麼老是要跟人家不一樣呢?因此美國猶太年輕人也跟著過起聖誕節,但是這在以色列拉比眼中又是不可饒恕的事情,耶穌基督可不是猶太人的彌賽亞,猶太人幾千年來還在等待自己的彌賽亞來到呢,又怎能去慶祝假救世主耶穌的生日呢?所以美國猶太人因地制宜的一些生活小智慧,在以色列猶太拉比眼中就是離經叛道不可原諒的背叛行為,因此以色列猶太教與美國猶太教其實在許多層面上是處於相互對立的狀態。 而以色列已經掌權十幾年的右翼政府執政聯盟因為顧及執政聯盟中的極端正統派宗教政黨夏斯黨與聖經聯合黨之感受,因此對於以色列極端正統派社群壟斷聖地宗教事務、敵對美國猶太教派的態度不聞不問,甚至在有宗教爭議時一味偏袒以色列極端正統派而毫不留情面給美國猶太社群,因此多年來一直有聲音表示美國猶太人與以色列猶太人已是離心離德、互不溝通的狀態。 當然在政治上我們可以看到美國的猶太人是無條件支持以色列的,因為總不能去支持對手巴勒斯坦人吧?其實這個支持是有點心酸的。




因此以色列極端正統派拉比絕不可能接受壟斷利益流失,並已聲言將盡一切辦法推翻此判決,並指美國改革派與保守派所作的歸化都是假的、偽造的,這些人根本都不是猶太教徒。大拉比之一的David Lau聲稱這些人都不是猶太人,法院批准這些跟猶太教無關的移民淹沒以色列國,這麼多外邦人會使以色列成為外邦人的國家。甚至還有極端正統派人士把狗戴上猶太小帽指稱這些美國猶太人即使戴上猶太小帽也是狗雜種,雙方之敵意可見一斑。

以色列反對黨世俗化人士則是支持並讚揚高院判決,反對黨未來黨(YeshAtid)黨魁拉比德(Yair Lapid)說:「以色列必須讓所有猶太教派擁有完全平等的權利,無論是極端正統派,改革派還是保守派。」 「我們所有人都必須在容忍和相互尊重的情況下一起生活在這裡。」「一個理智的政府將結束荒謬的局面,以色列是世界上唯一沒有猶太人宗教信仰自由的民主國家。」 而代表蘇聯猶太人移民社群利益的以色列家園黨(Yisrael Beytenu)黨魁利伯曼(Avigdor Liberman)則稱該決定為「歷史性」的進展,利伯曼表示他的政黨將繼續與「宗教脅迫」抗爭到底,並堅持維護以色列國的猶太人、猶太復國主義及自由主義的國家特性。


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