cover of episode (English) The Story of Xue-Yan-Tou Khanate and Hui-He/Uighurs Khanate, two turkic language nomad khanate on 5-11 century in Mongolia and Central Asia

(English) The Story of Xue-Yan-Tou Khanate and Hui-He/Uighurs Khanate, two turkic language nomad khanate on 5-11 century in Mongolia and Central Asia

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蘇老師講解國際新聞、中東與中亞歷史、中國事務、太空知識的頻道。 Diplomat's daily news review and history research on Middle East and Central Asia, China Affairs and Space Exploration

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(English) The Story of Xue-Yan-Tou Khanate and Hui-He/Uighurs Khanate, the two turkic language nomad khanate emerged on 5-11 century in Mongolia and Central Asia continent.

Xue-Yan-Tou 薛延陀 and Hui-He回紇/回鶻 are two tribeㄋ belong to one big Turkic language tribal alliance named as "Tie-Le" in 5-8 Century. Tie-le nation has nearly 40-50 different tribes expands from Mongolia to the East and Ukraine to the West, Persia to the south and Siberia to the north. They share same turkic language, culture and nomadic life.

The story begins.

The Mongolian Plateau has three major language groups since ancient times: Tungusic, Mongolian, and Turkic. Among them, the Turkic language groups were powerful military tribes "Dingling" in the Xia(2,000B.C.), Shang and Zhou(end in 300BC) dynasties, to the Gaoche in the Han Dynasty, and to Tiele in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Even in the era when the non-Turkic language groups ruled the roost, the Turkic people were sure that their strong military power was subject to other rulers Recruit as a mercenary group, and then influence the development of the world situation.蒙古高原自古以來三大語族:通古斯語族、蒙古語族、突厥語族。其中突厥語族由夏商周時代之丁零、到漢朝之高車,到隋唐之鐵勒,都是武力強大的部族,即使在非突厥語族稱雄的時代,突厥人也可靠其強大軍力受到其他統治者召募為雇傭兵集團,並進而影響世界局勢發展。

In year 628, One of the Turkic language tribe Xeu-yan-Tou’s leader Yi-Nan lead his tribe of 70,000 tents to escaped from West Turkic Khanate to join East Turkic Khanate but immediately he betrayed East Turkic Khanate and even defeat it. Tang Empire recognioze him as a Khan, many Tiele tribe came to join him.貞觀二年(628年),西突厥統葉護可汗被殺,西突厥大亂,乙失鉢之孫夷男率薛延陀部落七萬餘家附東突厥。東突厥頡利可汗政衰,夷男率徒屬,叛東突厥,攻打頡利可汗,大破之。頡利部諸姓多叛頡利可汗,歸順夷男推戴他為共主,夷男即位。唐太宗遣遊擊將軍喬師望,拜夷男為真珠毘伽可汗,賜鼓纛。夷男大喜,遣使向唐朝貢納方物,在大漠以北鬱督軍山下建牙。東至靺鞨、西至西突厥、南接沙磧、北至俱倫水,迴紇、拔野古、阿跌(Ädis)、同羅、僕骨、霫等部落都附屬於他。

630, Xue-Yan-Tou , Hui-He and Tang’s army jointly destroyed East Turkic Khanate, Xue-Yan-Tou took Mongolian steppe, became most powerful country in the north but still keep good relation with Tang empire. 貞觀四年(630年),頡利可汗阿史那咄苾被唐朝俘虜,東突厥滅亡,大部分東突厥人投降了薛延陀,有一部分投降唐朝。此後,薛延陀成為中國北方草原的主要力量,但仍臣服於唐。夷男率部東還故國,建庭在都尉揵山(於都斤山)之北、獨邏河之南。東至室韋、西至金山(阿爾泰山脈)、南至突厥、北臨瀚海(貝加爾湖),占據古匈奴故地,擁兵20萬,立子二人分居南北部。

639, Tang re-established East Turkic Khanate by the worry that the north(Mongolia) was controlled only by one force Xue-Yan-Tou, it may become big enemy anytime if Tang didn’t keep balance of power. Tang empire therefore nominated one loyal Turkish general Asna-Simo as new East Turkic Khan. However the war between Newly established East Turkic Khanate and Xue-Yan-Tou Khanate soon broke out in year 641.Tang army came to save the Turkic Khan Asna Simo and defeated Xue-Yan-Tou’s big army of 200,000 calvary. When Tang’s emperor asked Xue-Yan-Tou’s Khan Yi-Nan why he disobey emperor’s instruction, Yi-Nan answered:”How could I disobey your highness emperor’s order? But Turkic people were betrayer, not worthy your trust to them. Before we destroyed their khanate, every year they invaded China,killing thousands people.I thought they will become slaves to someone but you emperor treated them as own sons. Even so, they betray you again. Those Turkic people looks like human but their hearts are animal monsters, they don’t deserved to be treated as human. I am willing to help your empire to kill those Turks.” 639年,唐的行動開始導致了唐與薛延陀之間的關係惡化。阿史那咄苾被俘後,唐太宗將投降的東突厥人安置在唐朝邊界之內,而無需冊封一個新的可汗管理他們。然而,在639年,阿史那咄苾的侄子阿史那結社率陰謀暗殺皇帝敗露後,唐太宗改變了主意,並冊封了忠於唐朝的東突厥貴族阿史那思摩為新的東突厥可汗(俟力苾可汗),居於漠南作為唐和薛延陀之間的緩衝區。夷男定期攻打欲剷除這個新生的突厥汗國。當唐太宗派特使阻止他這樣做,夷男回答說:「我怎麼不敢聽從皇帝的聖旨?但突厥人背叛,不應該被信任。在滅亡他們的國家之前,他們每年入侵中國殺害數千人。我認為,皇帝打敗他們後,他們會成為奴隸,並把他們賞賜給談那個人。而皇帝卻把他們看做自己的兒子一樣,對他們非常禮遇。儘管如此,阿史那結社率還是反叛。它們看起來像人類一樣,但心如野獸,就不應作為人類對待。我接收了皇帝的很多恩典,我沒有什麼可報答的。我願為中國殺死突厥。至尊有命,安敢不從!然突厥翻覆難期,當其未破之時,歲犯中國,殺人以千萬計。臣以為至尊克之,當剪為奴婢,以賜中國之人;乃反養之如子,其恩德至矣,而結社率竟反。此屬獸心,安可以人理待也!臣荷恩深厚,請為至尊誅之。」

644, Xue-Yan-Tou destroyed East Turkic Khanate, forcing Asna Simo ran away back to Tang empire. 644-趁唐太宗征討高句麗的機會,薛延陀部隊發起新一輪攻勢,擊敗東突厥,迫使阿史那思摩逃回中原。

645, Xue-Yan-Tou’s Khan Yi-Nan passed away.His son Ba-Jou attacked Tang empire when Tang’s emperor led the army to conquer Korea. Tang’s general JiSi-SiLi(also a turk)fought back and captured few dozen thousands Xue-Yan-Tou army. Ba-Jou escape alone and was killed by Hui-He/Uighurs tribe. Xue-Yan-Tou Khanate was replaced by Hui-He/Uighurss Khanate. 貞觀十九年(645年),夷男去世,夷男少子肆葉護拔灼襲殺兄長突利失可汗自立為頡利俱利薛沙多彌可汗。拔灼惡政,民眾不附。他趁太宗遠征高句麗,不在唐朝,入侵寇掠夏州。唐朝將軍執失思力征討,俘虜數萬人、拔灼輕騎逃走,被迴紇部殺死,薛延陀滅亡。回紇起而代之。

The Hui-He/Uighurs are the ancestors of today’s Uyghurs living in Xinjiang Province in China . They are a tribal alliance of Turkic languages tribesin the beginning. The Uighurs emerged in the Mongolia region after Xianbei marched south to rule the northern part of China. The Uighurs tribal alliance was formed by 9 big tribes: (1)Yao-Luo-- Ge,(2) Hu-zu-Ge,(3) Chu-Lo-Wu, (4) Mo-Go-Xi-Tzi, (5)A-U-Di, (6) Koza, (7) Hu-Wen-Su, (8)Yao-Wu-Ge, (9) Si-Xie-Wu, the leader of the alliance came from Yao-Luo-Ge.Later another 2 tibes of Ba-xi-mi and Karluk joined the alliance, known as the Eleven Tribes Alliance. 回紇(末期改稱回鶻)是今日維吾爾人的祖先,是突厥語族的一個部族聯盟,回鶻人大約是在鮮卑南進爭奪中原之後,崛起於漠北地區,是烏古斯突厥人的政權,是一個由九大部落(藥羅葛、胡咄葛、啒羅勿、貊歌息訖、阿勿嘀、葛薩、斛嗢素、藥勿葛、奚邪勿)組成的部落聯盟,首領可汗出自藥羅葛氏,後來回紇又併入拔悉密、葛邏祿兩部,號稱十一部落聯盟。

From the 5th to the 6th century, the Huihe(Uighurs‘ former name ) people (also known as Weihe) mainly lived in the Orkhon and Tuul river basins. By the beginning of the 7th century, they lived in the Selenge river basin. In 630 AD, Huihe helps Tang empire to destroy East Turkic Khanate and established their ruling Ordon by the Tuul River. 5—6世紀回紇人(又稱韋紇)主要居於鄂爾渾河和土拉河流域,到7世紀初時他們又活動在色楞格河流域。西元630年,回紇協助唐軍消滅東突厥汗國,並在土拉河畔建立了他們的汗廷。

Later, Tumidu, the leader of Huihe, assisted China’s Tang Empire in attacking and destroyed Xue-Yan-Tuo khanate in June 646 AD. The Hui-he and the Xue-Yan-Tuo are both Turkic language tribes belong to Tie-Le nation. Domi Khan, the last leader of Xue-Yan-tuo Khanate, was defeated and killed by Tumidu in 646AD. Tumido declared himself Khan. In August of the same year 646 AD, Tumidu led the Tie-Le 13 tribes to reach the north bank of the Yellow River in Helan Mountain in the south, expressing his willingness to be ruled by the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Taizong nominated TuMidu as the General of Huai-hua and also the governor of Hanhai;

Tang government divided Xue-Yan-tuo khanate’s territory into 6 governorates and 7 counties, assigned those regions to Tiele 13 tribes, for example the "Han-hai(Gobi) Governorate" in the Huihe region was for Huihe’s Tumidu Khan. Tang also built the main traffic road from Huihe area to the inland of Tang Dynasty. 回紇的首領吐迷度於公元646年6月協助唐朝進攻薛延陀。薛延陀首領多彌可汗大敗,被吐迷度所殺。吐迷度自稱可汗。同年8月,吐迷度率領鐵勒13部,南越賀蘭山,到達黃河北岸,表示願意臣屬唐朝。唐太宗封吐迷度為懷化大將軍,兼瀚海都督;唐政府在回紇地區設「瀚海都督府」,將原先薛延陀帝國領土分設6府7州,府設都督,州設刺史,分封給鐵勒13部,還建設了回紇地區通往唐朝內地的交通幹道。

From then on, Hui-he became a big help in the north of the Tang dynasty. Most of the time he keeps good relation with Tang Empire. The Tang dynasty also used the Huihe army many times to suppress internal turbances in the Tang dynasty, such as An-shi Rebellion and Shi Chaoyi Rebellion. 從此回紇成為唐朝北方一大助力,很少時間是邊患,大部分時間關係良好,唐朝還很多次使用回紇軍隊來鎮壓唐朝內部動亂如安史之亂、史朝義之亂等。

In 651 AD, Huihe 50,000 army helped the Tang army to destroy the Western Turkic Khanate. 西元651年,回紇5萬騎助唐軍大破西突厥。

In 661 AD, Poran, the leader of Huihe, led the army to join Tang Dynasty's war against Korea. After Poran's death, his descendants Bi Li, Du Jiezhi, Fu Di-Pu, Chengzong, and Huzu successively became the leaders of Huihe. 西元661年,回紇首領婆閏率眾參加了唐朝對高麗的戰爭。婆閏死後,他的後裔比栗、獨解支、伏帝匐、承宗、護輸等先後成為回紇首領。

In the second half of the 7th century AD, Huihe continued to grow in conquests with some Turkic tribes and became one of the powerful ethnic groups in the Mongolian grassland. In the second half of the seventh century, the descendants of the East Turkic Khanate were resurrected. After the establishment of the East Turkic Khanate, it greatly oppressed the territory and power of Huihe. In the battle with the Turks, the Huihe/Uyghurs were defeated, some moved to the Tuul River Basin, and most of them surrendered to the Turks. 公元7世紀後半期,回紇在與一些突厥部落的征戰中不斷壯大,成了漠北草原強大的民族之一。七世紀後半葉,東突厥後裔復活,建後突厥汗國,很大地壓迫了回紇的地盤與勢力。在與突厥人的戰鬥中回紇人敗,一部分遷到土拉河流域,大部分則歸附突厥。

In the beginning of the 8th century, the Uighur nation entered the final stage of resisting the rule of the Turkic Empire. In 734, the /Hui-he, Uighur, Basimi, and Karluk tribes took advantage of the chaos within the Turkic ruling group to gain independent. In 742 AD, Huihe joined forces with Baximi and Karluk to attack the East Turkic Khanate’s Gudulu Yehu, and support the leader of Baximi tribe as chief khan. In 744 AD, the leader of Uyghur Guli-Pei-Luo Yabgu expel Baximi Khan and declared himself as Gu-Li-Pei-Lou Pi-Tse Khan. Tang empire recognized his title and position. In 745, after the destruction of the East Turkic Khanate, the Hui-He/Uyghur Khanate was restored. The capital is Ordon-bali, and its land is "East reach Shiwei Mongolia, West reach Altai Mount, South dominates the desert, controlled all of which are the land of the ancient Xiongnu" (New Tang History · The Uyghur Biography).到8世紀的初葉,回紇民族反抗突厥帝國統治進入最後階段,西元734年,回紇與拔悉密、葛邏祿乘突厥統治集團內部出現混亂之機獨立。公元742年,回紇與拔悉密、葛邏祿聯合向突厥進攻,攻殺骨咄祿葉護,立拔悉密酋長為可汗。公元744年,回紇首領骨力裴羅葉護破拔悉密部的可汗,自立骨咄祿毗伽可汗,唐封骨力裴羅為可汗。745年,回紇滅後突厥汗國,回紇汗國復立。都城為斡耳朵八里,其地「東極室韋,西金山,南控大漠,盡得古匈奴地」(《新唐書•回鶻傳》)。

In 755, the Anshi Rebellion broke out in the Tang Dynasty. At the invitation of Tang empror Suzong Li Heng, Huihe dispatched 4000 elite army to assist the Tang army recover Chang'an and Luoyang two capitals. Tang Suzong Li Heng used the wealth in Luoyangas the reward to Huihe army. "The land and the officials will return to the Tang, and the Gold, silver and other property will be taken by Hui-he." 755年,唐朝爆發安史之亂,回紇受唐肅宗李亨之邀,出動4000精騎,協助唐軍收復長安、洛陽兩京。唐肅宗李亨許以東都洛陽的子女財帛,任由回紇軍搶掠為報酬,「土地、士庶歸唐,金帛、子女皆歸回紇」。

756 Hui-He assist Tang empire to destroyed An-Shi rebellions,recovering two capital: Chan’An and Luo-Yang. 756年,回紇出兵助唐平安史之亂,收復長安和洛陽。

In 759, Tang Suzong empror married the young Ning-guo princess to Hui-he Geler Khan (son of Guli Pei Luo) was named "the Yingwu Weiyuan Bijiaque Khan", and Geller Khan made Princess Ketun. 759年,唐封回紇葛勒可汗(骨力裴羅之子)為「英武威遠毗伽闕可汗」,肅宗以幼女寧國公主嫁之。葛勒可汗立公主為可敦。

In 762, Mou-Yu Khan (the son of Ge-Le Khan) sent troops to help Tang to destroy shi-Chao-Yi's rebellion and regained Luoyang and Hebei. In 763, the Tang Dynasty credited Mou-yu Khan as Dengli (Tenger) Jiechu-Dengmishi Hankulu Yingyi Chien-Kong Piga khan (also known as Dengli Khan). 762年,牟羽可汗(葛勒可汗之子)出兵助唐平史朝義之亂,收復洛陽及河北等地。763年唐封牟羽可汗為登里(天)頡咄登密施含俱錄英義建功毗伽可汗(亦稱登里可汗)。

In 780, Tang credited Dun-Mo-he was the Wu-Yi success khan. In 788, Tang Dezong emperor married his daughter Princess Wei-An to Dunmohe Khan. In the same year, "Hui-He" change their name to "Hui-hu", taking the meaning of Hu "swirling light and swift as a falcon" ("New Tangshu·Biography of Uighur"). Hu is name of a falcon called “Falco rusticolus” 780年,唐冊頓莫賀為武義成功可汗。788年,唐德宗以女威安公主嫁頓莫賀可汗。同年,回紇上表請改「回紇」為「回鶻」,取「迴旋輕捷如鶻」之意(《新唐書•回鶻傳》)。

The Hui-Hu/Uyghur Khanate marching to Central Asia: In 812, the Huihu/Uighur Bao-yi Qahan led the army to conquer the west. He passed through Tang’s Beiting governorate,defeat the Tibet-Karluk-YeniseKirkise alliance army, and occupied the Seven Rivers area(today’s Lake Balkash in Khazakstan) and Zhenzhu River(today’s Syr Darya river in Uzbekistan), Ba-he River (today’s Farg`ona Vodiysi area in Uzbekistan), and so on. It controls the entire Junggar Basin(today’s northern part of China’s Xinjiang province ) and the Chu River Basin in the west of Pamir highland. In addition, he controlled the "Silk Road trade", the main transportation route for Eastern and Western trade, and traded silk and horses with Tang empire. 向中亞進軍的回鶻汗國: 812年,回鶻保義可汗親統大軍,經過北庭、龜茲,大破吐蕃、葛邏祿和黠戛斯聯盟,佔領中亞的七河流域、真珠河(今錫爾河)、拔賀河(今費爾干納)等今天烏茲別克地。控制了整個準噶爾盆地及蔥嶺西的楚河流域。並且,控制了東、西方貿易的交通要道「絲綢之路」,與唐進行絹馬交易。

In 840 one of Hui-Hu’s high ranking officials the "Julu Mohe" collaborated with enemy Yenisei Kirkis Khanate, lead the Kirkiz army of 100,000 horses to attack the Hui-Hu’s capital, killed the Khan, and burn the capital city Harabala Hasun. The Uighur Empire was thus perished. 840年(唐開成五年),回鶻渠長(高官)「句錄莫賀」引黠戛斯10萬騎攻回鶻,殺可汗,焚都城哈喇巴喇哈遜。回鹘帝國至此滅亡。

Some of its remnants entered the Tang Dynasty, while others moved westward to the western territory of the Uighur Empire. They first settled in the Hexi area, the ancestors of today’s China Yugu tribe. They were called "Ganzhou Uighurs" and "yellow-head Uighurs" in history. 其殘餘人馬有的進入唐朝內附,有的則往回鹘帝國西部領土西遷的回鶻人,先到了河西一帶安家,也就是今天的裕固族的先祖,歷史上叫「甘州回鶻」「黃頭回紇」。

Another part of the Uighurs arrived in today China’s Xinjiang province, which were also the territory of the Uighur Khanate that time. They established the Gao-chang Uighur Kingdom, Kara Khanate and other regimes. After hundreds of years, the local residents of the Tocharians were merged and assimilated by Uighurs, they are the Uyghurs in today China’s Xinjiang today. 另一部分回鶻人分批到達了西域地區,當時也是回鹘汗國領土,建立了高昌回鶻王國喀喇汗國等政權,經歷數百年時間,將當地的居民吐火羅人融合同化,令他們接受了回鶻人的語言、文化和民族意識,即今天的新疆維吾爾族

Gaochang Uighurs were closely related to the Five Dynasties and Northern Song Dynasty from the 10th to 11th centuries. At the beginning of the 12th century, it belonged to Kara-Khitan kingdom. In the early 13th century Mongolian army came to conquer them. Since the 1420s, it belongs to the Chagatai Khanate.In the late 17th century, they were Occupied by the Junggar Mongol tribe. In the middle of the 18th century, it was under the jurisdiction of the Manchurian Qing Empire government. 高昌回鹘於10至11世紀,與五代、北宋關係密切。12世紀初隸屬西遼。13世紀初歸附蒙古。14世紀20年代起,地屬察合台汗國。17世紀後期被準噶爾部佔領。18世紀中葉歸清政府管轄。

Another Uighur tribe moved as far as the Chu River and Balkash River Basin to the west of Pamir highland. This is the westernmost territory of the Uighur Khanate. Another Uighur tribe moved as far as the Chu River and Balkash River Basin to the west of Pamir highland. This is the westernmost territory of the Uighur Khanate. Another Uighur tribe moved as far as the Chu River and Balkash River Basin to the west of Pamir highland. This is the westernmost territory of the Uighur Khanate. 一支回鹘部族遷最遠到蔥嶺以西的楚河、七河流域一帶,這裡是回鹘汗國最西端領土,

The Uighurs and other local Turkic people formed the Kara Khanate, also known as West-Pamir Uighurs or Aslan Uighurs.. Kara-Khanate’s territory strenched from Kuqa in the east, the Aral Sea in the west, the Amu Darya River in the south, and Lake Balkhash in the north. 該部回鶻和當地其他突厥語民族組成喀喇汗王朝、又稱為蔥嶺西回鶻、阿薩蘭回鶻,極盛時所轄東起庫車,西至鹹海,南臨阿姆河,北抵巴爾喀什湖的廣大地區。

The two-khan centralization system is implemented, the capital is located in Barasakuun, and the deputy khan is stationed at Tarros, and then moved to Kashgar. The chief Khan is also called Asalan Khan, Arslan Khan, and the deputy Khan is called Bogla Khan. . In the middle of the 10th century, these Uighurs began to accept Islam.實行雙汗中央集權制,首府位於八剌沙袞,副可汗駐守怛羅斯,後遷至喀什噶爾,正可汗亦稱阿薩蘭汗,阿爾斯蘭汗,副可汗稱博格拉汗。10世紀中葉這批回鹘人開始信奉伊斯蘭教。

Those Uighurs mainly worked in agriculture, also raise some animals and did some nomadic life The natural conditions of the Karahan dynasty were better than those of the Gaochang Uighurs. Therefore, irrigated agriculture was very developed, and handicrafts such as iron smelting, forging, textiles, tanning, and painting flourished. Literature and art prospered, and famous articles such as "The Dictionary of Turkic Language" and "Wisdom of Happiness" were born. 居民主要從事農業,兼營畜牧業與遊牧業,喀喇汗王朝的自然條件比高昌回鶻要好一點,因此灌溉農業十分發達,冶鐵、鍛造、紡織、製革、繪畫等手工業興盛。文學藝術繁榮,誕生了《突厥語大辭典》、《福樂智慧》等名篇。

In 985, Kara-Khanate provide shelter to Seljuk Beg Turkish tribe who escaped from Ugus Yabgu. seljuk Beg and his tribe accept Islam in Kara-khanate, and they join the internal civil war in Kara-Khanate as a Mercenary military group. They fought Ugus and Persian Gazvanide empire. 985年由於與烏古斯領袖的爭執,塞爾柱·貝格帶領部族離開了烏古斯葉護國,獨立為新的部族,喀剌汗國庇護他們。塞爾柱的部落在錫爾河一帶遊牧與喀剌汗國一起皈依伊斯蘭教,還曾經以武裝傭兵團的身分參與了喀喇汗國的王位內戰,與烏古斯族、加茲尼王朝交惡。

1040 Seljuk’s grandson Turgli Beg defeated Gazvanide and estqablished Seljuk Sultanate in Eastern Persia Hurashan region. So we can said that Seljuk Turkey, Rum Sultanate and Osman empire until today’s modern Turkey Republic, they have the blood from Hui-Hu/Uighurs as well because Seljuk Turkey was living with those Uighurs 55 years time. Today’s Turkish people and Ughurs people in Xinjiang province China have same root of Tie-Le nation at 5-9 century. 1040年,塞爾柱的孫子圖赫里勒·貝格與恰格勒·貝格於丹丹納干戰役中打倒了宿敵加茲尼王國,征服了伊朗東部的呼羅珊地區,圖赫里勒自立為蘇丹。為紀念祖父,兄弟將國名命為塞爾柱蘇丹國。我們可以說塞爾柱起源於烏古斯葉護國、與回鶻人建立的喀剌汗國共同生活55年,之後打入加茲尼王朝建立塞爾柱蘇丹國。之後魯姆蘇丹國、奧斯曼土耳其帝國到今天的土耳其共和國一脈相承,土耳其人的血脈也有回鶻人的血脈,但說到今天土耳其人與新疆維吾爾人之間到底是什麼關係,應該算是遠親的關係,但共同的祖先是鐵勒。

In 1212, Kara-Khanate was destroyed by the newly-emerged Khwarazimir Dynasty in the central Asia. 1212年喀剌汗國被西部新興的花剌子模王朝滅亡。

Afterwards, the Khwarazimir was eliminated by the Mongol Empire, and the Chagatai Khanate and the IlKhanate were established. After that, both were destroyed by the Timurid Khanate, and finally eliminated by the Osman Turks, so the Uighurs also integrated into China, Xinjiang, Central Asia, Persia, Turkey and other places. 之後花剌子模被蒙古帝國消滅、成立察合臺汗國與伊兒汗國,之後兩者都被帖木兒汗國消滅,最後又被奧斯曼土耳其消滅,所以回鹘人也就這樣融入中國、新疆、中亞、波斯、土耳其等地之血脈。

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