2021.05.03 國際新聞導讀-以色列發生冓火節踐踏死傷事件、以色列組閣將換人進行、伊朗西元前600年阿契美尼德時代鐵器作坊被發現、巴勒斯坦取消大選引爆不滿
通過哈維沃·雷蒂格古爾 今天晚上9:59 7
2021年4月30日,一名Meron暗戀受害者的葬禮上,一名超正統派猶太人在Bnei Brak的一座墓地裡哭泣(GIL COHEN-MAGEN / AFP)
有人看到以色列現金經濟研究的自主性,指出了哈雷迪社區的大規模逃稅行為;在Mea Shearim,Beit Shemesh和其他地方與警察發生例行沖突;拒絕參加國民服役;在拒絕教授非哈雷迪學校所教授的基本課程的學校網絡中;最近,由於過去一年中許多Hasidic派別拒絕大流行封鎖。
2021年4月29日,超正統派猶太人聚集在以色列北部梅隆山的猶太教教士西蒙·巴爾·約查(Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai)的墓地上,慶祝猶太節日Lag B'Omer。(賈拉瑪莉/法新社)
這些記錄表明,如果梅隆山(Mount Meron)場地舉辦了其他任何形式的活動(如搖滾音樂會或政治集會),那麼警察安全法規將限制大約15,000人的出勤率。週五的活動有超過100,000人參加。
在梅隆(Meron)的拉比西蒙(Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai)的墳墓上,滿是祈禱披巾的人。2017年10月11日(David Cohen / Flash90 / File)
正如一位前高級警察在周末每天對《葉迪奧特·阿赫羅諾斯》(Yidioth Ahronoth)所說的那樣:“如果警察的安全工程師在紀念前對現場進行最後一次檢查,他們將試圖關閉Toldot Aharon庭院(發生災難的地方)—您認為該決定會得到執行嗎?……甚至警察局長也不能做到這一點。如果有人嘗試,那是他們在警察局的最後工作。”
正如記者Nadav Eyal在周日的Yedioth Ahronoth專欄中指出的那樣,Meron節被警方正式歸類為“自發的宗教事件”。這是聚會的荒謬術語。Lag B'Omer節不僅是在一個已知的假期(即Lag B'Omer)以非常不自發的方式舉行的,而且還構成了該國最大的年度宗教聚會。
成千上萬的超正統猶太人在慶祝猶太節日Lag B'Omer在山上慶祝篝火。2021年4月29日,以色列北部的梅隆(David Cohen / Flash90)
星期四,在災難發生前數小時,內政部長Aryeh Deri向Haredi廣播電台Kol Hai吹噓說,他已成功阻止衛生部官員因擔心冠狀病毒而限制參加人數。德里(Deri)感到遺憾的是,該部的專業人士並沒有意識到,參加者將受到梅隆音樂節(Meron Festival)紀念的第二世紀聖賢拉比(Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai)的精神影響而受到保護。
沙斯黨主席Aryeh Deri在2021年3月23日在耶路撒冷舉行的大選中投票(Yonatan Sindel / Flash90)
他說:“政府職員不理解。” “這是一個神聖的日子,是猶太人[每年]最大的聚會。” 他建議說,壞事不會發生在宗教朝聖的猶太人身上:“在遇難時,應該相信拉比·西蒙。”
2021年4月30日,以色列北部猶太人梅隆山(Moron Meron)猶太節日Lag B'Omer的慶祝活動中,遇難者喪生,救援人員和警察在現場喪生。(David Cohen / Flash90)
猶太節日Lag B'Omer在Mt. 2021年4月30日在以色列北部的梅隆(David Cohen / Flash90)
哈雷迪周刊發行量最大的《米甚帕恰》雜誌編輯尤西·埃利圖夫(Yossi Elituv)敦促其追隨者不要只關注警察的失誤或缺乏政府的監督。
他在周五寫道:“我們的社區也有義務學習課程。” 第一個教訓:國家必須介入並結束混亂。“我們的首要任務是使山區擺脫[宗教]捐贈的控制……。州政府需要建立一個專業機構來管理該地點……將山丘從the賦中移開,並授予其西牆的地位,對違反規則的容忍度為零。”
Haredi周刊Bakehilla的編輯Moty Weinstock得出了同樣的結論。
在阿什肯納齊方面,情況是一樣的。二十年前,以色列的阿什肯納茲·哈雷迪姆(Ashkenazi Haredim)拒絕承認陣亡將士紀念日在軍事公墓舉行的儀式。他們抱怨說,軍事儀式是從其他國家借來的。猶太人必須以自己的古老方式進行紀念。然後,在過去的十年中,在沒有大驚小怪,大張旗鼓或沒有任何形式明確承認的情況下,聯合律法猶太人政客們主持了這些儀式,擔任以色列政府的正式代表,與穿著緊身衣的女兵們站在一起,躺著。花圈在具體的紀念館。
戴著祈禱披肩的超正統猶太人在篝火旁聚集,他們在拉格·奧默爾山(Lag B'Omer)慶祝活動中參加拉比·希蒙·拉比(Rabbai Shimon)酒吧Yochai的墳墓旁的祈禱。2012年5月10日,星期四,以色列北部的Meron。(美聯社照片/ Ariel Schalit)
在2018年,就在他參加那年的Lag B'Omer朝梅龍朝聖之旅之後,Haredi記者Aryeh Erlich在推特上發布了對現場狹窄通道的擔憂: [Hasidic教派]造成了人為的瓶頸和可怕的推ving,以致被壓迫的危險迫在眉睫。這是唯一的出口……。在打開寬闊且醒目的標記出口之前,他們不得在該地點再次舉行篝火晚會。”
週日,在他對特拉維夫地區廣播電台103 FM的採訪中,他精確地預測了這場災難,埃利希否認任何因死亡而對哈雷迪社會的指責。
“你怎麼能責怪Haredi公眾?” 他要求。梅隆朝聖之旅“已經持續了550年。”
以色列救援部隊和警察在慶祝猶太節日Lag B'Oomer在Mt. 2021年4月30日在以色列北部的梅隆(David Cohen / Flash90)
After Meron calamity, Haredim question the price of their own autonomy
Ultra-Orthodox media figures are calling for a commission of inquiry, and lashing the state for letting their community endanger itself
By HAVIV RETTIG GUR Today, 9:59 pm 7
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man weeps at a cemetery in Bnei Brak, during the funeral of one of the victims of the Meron crush on April 30, 2021. (GIL COHEN-MAGEN / AFP)
The shock of Friday’s catastrophe at Mount Meron is still raw. The graves of the victims, including the children killed in the crush, are still fresh. Yet the debate over what it all means for the country and for Haredi society has only begun.
A few overpowering facts, not least that nearly all the victims were Haredi, are driving an unusual new introspection, and leading the major media outlets of the community to turn against one of its characteristic traits: its longstanding and much-criticized “autonomy” from the Israeli state.
Haredi Israelis are simultaneously part of and apart from broader Israeli society. Making up as much as 12 percent of the Israeli population, the community is not uniform; different sects and subcultures interact in very different ways with the state and with other subgroups. While the “autonomy,” as Israelis often refer to the phenomenon, does not encompass all Haredim, it encompasses enough of the community to be — so growing numbers of Haredim now believe — a serious problem.
One sees the autonomy in studies of Israel’s cash economy that point to mass tax evasion in the Haredi community; in routine clashes with police in parts of Mea Shearim, Beit Shemesh, and other places; in the refusal to take part in national service; in school networks that refuse to teach the basic curriculum taught in non-Haredi schools; and, most recently, in the refusal of many Hasidic sects over the past year to obey pandemic lockdowns.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews gather at the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at Mount Meron in northern Israel on April 29, 2021, as they celebrate the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer. (JALAA MAREY / AFP)
It is a community that talks about itself in the language of weakness, always a street scuffle or political squabble away from talk of “decrees,” “persecution,” and “antisemitism.” Proposals for welfare cuts or calls to introduce more math education in their schools are described in Haredi media in terms borrowed from czarist oppression in Eastern Europe.
That rhetoric of weakness and victimhood has a purpose: to cloak or perhaps to justify the opposite reality. As a group, Haredim are not weak. They are powerful enough to constantly expand and defend their separate school systems, to found towns and neighborhoods for their communities, to maintain a kind of self-rule that forces Israeli politicians to literally beg Haredi rabbinic leaders — usually unsuccessfully — to adhere to coronavirus restrictions.
The story of the Meron disaster cannot be divorced from this larger story of Haredi autonomy, from the Haredi habit of establishing facts on the ground that demonstrate their strength and independence, and then crying “persecution” when those steps are challenged.
The strange meaning of ‘spontaneous’
In the two days that have passed since the disaster, investigators and journalists have uncovered a despairingly long litany of warnings from past years about the safety problems at the Meron site. State comptroller reports, police site analyses, dire admonitions by earnest safety officials in Knesset hearings — all fell on deaf ears.
These records reveal that if the Mount Meron site had hosted any other kind of event — a rock concert or a political rally — then police safety regulations would have limited attendance to roughly 15,000 people. Friday’s event saw more than 100,000 in attendance.
Men covered with prayer shawls at Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s grave in Meron. October 11, 2017 (David Cohen/ Flash90/ File)
They reveal, too, that Israeli officials simply do not believe it is possible to demand such limitations from the Haredi community.
As one former senior cop told the Yedioth Ahronoth daily over the weekend, “If a safety engineer from the police, in their last inspection of the site before the commemoration, would have tried to shutter the Toldot Aharon courtyard [where the disaster occurred] — do you believe that decision would have been enforced? … Not even the chief of police can do that. If someone tries, that’s their last job in the police.”
Haredi political parties, acting at the behest of Haredi religious leaders, would have made sure of it.
As journalist Nadav Eyal noted in his Yedioth Ahronoth column on Sunday, the Meron festival was officially classified by the police as a “spontaneous religious event.” It’s a preposterous term for the gathering. It’s not just that the Lag B’Omer festival takes place in highly non-spontaneous fashion on a known holiday (i.e., Lag B’Omer) but it also constitutes the largest annual religious gathering in the country.
Months of planning go into it. Its many different lots and bonfire ceremonies and musical performances are carefully divvied up among the competing sects and religious endowments that run the pilgrimage.
Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews celebrate the lighting of a bonfire during celebrations of the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer on Mt. Meron in northern Israel on April 29, 2021. (David Cohen/Flash90)
The government spends a small fortune each year on stages, grandstands and chartered buses from Haredi towns. And each year, a half-dozen government agencies all try to take credit.
So when police label the event “spontaneous,” they do not mean that it is literally spontaneous. It is a way to acknowledge that the police have no control over the event, that they could not impose attendance caps or infrastructure standards even if legally required to.
On Thursday, hours before the disaster, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri bragged to the Haredi radio station Kol Hai that he had successfully prevented Health Ministry officials from limiting the number of attendees over coronavirus fears. Deri lamented that the professional echelon at the ministry did not grasp that attendees would be protected by the spiritual influence of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the second-century sage commemorated at the Meron festival.
Shas party head Aryeh Deri casts his vote in the general elections in Jerusalem on March 23, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
“The government clerks don’t understand,” he said. “This is a holy day, and the largest gathering of Jews [each year].” Bad things, he suggested, don’t happen to Jews on religious pilgrimage: “One should trust in Rabbi Shimon in times of distress.”
Even as he bragged of his and the Haredi community’s political power, he then deployed, instinctively, the rhetoric of victimhood. He urged listeners “to pray for the world of Torah and for Judaism, which are in danger. They’re in great danger.”
An end to the autonomy?
Children were crushed to death at Meron. Hardened paramedics wept on television. When cellular networks on the mountain went down, fearful families were reduced to sharing photographs of their missing loved ones on social media in a desperate attempt to make contact. One rescuer described to reporters the moment he had to yell at a tormented colleague to stop trying to resuscitate a child: “It was hopeless, and we had to try to resuscitate others.”
Rescue forces and police at the scene after a mass fatality scene during the celebrations of the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer on Mount Meron, in northern Israel on April 30, 2021. (David Cohen/Flash90)
No complaint from secular Israel could make Haredi society question the strange autonomous bubble it had constructed as a cultural defense against the state’s modernizing influence, nor the power of the Haredi rabbis and their courts, whose egos and squabbles had divided the holy site into disconnected courtyards and helped drive Friday’s deadly chaos. But the shattering images from Meron cut through the glib self-assurance and silenced, at least for the moment, any boasts about Haredi self-rule.
And as the confident voices dwindled into shocked silence, other voices came to the fore, cries of angry self-critique that are rarely heard from the mainstream of Haredi society.
The voices all carried a single message: The state’s kowtowing to our leaders has brought this disaster upon us.
A hat at the scene of a deadly crush during the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer on Mt. Meron, in northern Israel on April 30, 2021 (David Cohen/Flash90)
Yossi Elituv, editor of Mishpacha, the largest-circulation Haredi weekly, urged his followers not to focus only on police errors or lack of government oversight.
“Our community also has a duty to learn lessons,” he wrote on Friday. The first lesson: That the state must step in and end the chaos. “Our first and immediate task is to free the mountain from the control of the [religious] endowments…. The state needs to establish a professional authority to run the site….Take the mountain away from the endowments and confer on it the status of the Western Wall, with zero tolerance for rule-breaking.”
On Sunday morning, Elituv followed up with a four-word tweet: “State investigative committee, now!”
Moty Weinstock, an editor at the Haredi weekly Bakehilla, reached the same conclusion.
“Any solution at Meron that amounts to less than bringing order to the entire mountain, canceling the religious endowments and dismantling all the areas designated [to specific sects] will ensure the horrifying images come back,” he declared.
On social media, in other newspapers, including the Hasidic mainstay daily Hamevaser, and in countless media interviews, Haredi Israelis asked the same questions and leveled the same complaints.
A community that had convinced itself it could flout the demands of state authorities has suddenly and with growing confidence and earnestness begun to cry out for “order” and “authority,” to demand that the state impose its control, the rabbinic courts’ pride and vanity be damned.
New assumptions
Contrary to its most basic claim about itself, Haredi Judaism is neither rigid nor unchanging. New ideas filter in, old ones are reinterpreted. Scholars of Haredi life speak of profound changes across a broad spectrum of cultural and social mores, from a growing number of Haredim in higher education, in the workforce and in the military to new roles for women and new political loyalties that are collectively driving the community into ever deeper integration with mainstream Israeli society.
Yet change requires one underlying condition: It must happen quietly. Assumptions shift unacknowledged, new practices are treated as old and commonplace.
Take Haredi Zionism as an example. Ten years ago, the Shas party formally declared itself a Zionist party and joined the World Zionist Organization. But the declaration was whispered, not shouted. Today, no Shas voter would believe that until a decade ago the party would not officially call itself Zionist and had avoided joining Zionist institutions.
It’s the same story on the Ashkenazi side. Twenty years ago, Ashkenazi Haredim in Israel refused to acknowledge the ceremonies conducted at military cemeteries on Memorial Day. The military rituals were borrowed from other nations, they complained. Jews must commemorate in their own ancient ways. Then, over the course of the past decade, without fuss or fanfare or explicit acknowledgment of any kind, United Torah Judaism politicians have taken to officiating at those very ceremonies as official representatives of the Israeli government, standing alongside pants-clad female soldiers and laying wreaths at concrete memorials.
Haredi society can change with the times, as long as it does not admit the change aloud.
In 2018, just after he took part in that year’s Lag B’Omer pilgrimage to Meron, Haredi journalist Aryeh Erlich tweeted his concerns about a certain narrow walkway at the site: “The narrow exit path that leads from the bonfire ceremony of the Toldot Aharon [Hasidic sect] creates a human bottleneck and terrible shoving, to the point of an immediate danger of being crushed. And it’s the only exit…. They must not hold the bonfire at that site again before they open a wide and well-marked exit.”
Erlich’s tweet went viral on Friday, exactly three years too late.
In an interview Sunday with the Tel Aviv-area radio station 103 FM about the disaster he predicted so precisely, Erlich rejected any blame directed at Haredi society for the deaths.
“How can you blame the Haredi public?” he demanded. The Meron pilgrimage “is a tradition that’s been going on for 550 years.”
Then who was to blame? “It’s the police that approve the event. There are clear regulations. No event can take place without a safety officer, a policeman who signs off on it and approves it, and that’s what happened at Meron.”
There’s a “sovereign,” he added. That sovereign “decided to ignore [the danger], chose shoddy improvisation instead, and failed to impose safety standards. The Haredi political parties are victims here; it’s not serious for the police to now say that because of [the Haredi parties] they didn’t do what they were supposed to do. The police are supposed to enforce the law.”
It is a pivot in expectations that by its very denial of Haredi culpability signals the shift away from Haredi autonomy. Erlich couches his critique as a defense of Haredi political leaders. But even here, with the blame directed exclusively at the Israel Police, the argument is the same: The police no longer have the right to ignore safety rules merely because Haredi religious sects demand it. How dare the state risk the lives of its Haredi citizens by allowing Haredi autonomy to trump their safety?
The catastrophe at Meron will not lead any in the community to question other elements of its separate existence, such as its independent school system. Nothing so fundamental will change from a single tragedy. But those now asking the state and the police to take over at Meron, those now questioning, openly and not-so-openly, their leaders’ wisdom and their community’s ethos of separation, will apply that lesson to other things in the future.
Yamina MK Ayelet Shaked出現在2021年4月6日第24議會的就職典禮上。
利庫德消息人士周四表示,如果總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)組成下一屆政府,利庫德準備將國防和外交事務既交給雅米納黨。
一位接近Shaked的消息人士說:“ Ayelet可以做得很好,但是我們仍然不在談論投資組合。”
內塔尼亞胡的任期將在5月4日之前組建政府,他希望下週與Yamina,Shas和Torah Judaism達成結盟協議。然後,他將專注於向宗教猶太復國主義黨領袖貝扎萊爾·斯莫特里希(Bezalel Smotrich)施加壓力,要求其擔任教育部長,而不是讓一個政府能夠將教育組合最終交給梅雷茲(Meretz)領導人尼贊·霍洛維茨(Nitzan Horowitz)。
如果內塔尼亞胡未能在5月4日前組建政府,總統魯文·里夫林(Reuven Rivlin)可能會授權貝內特與耶什·阿迪德,藍白黨,新希望黨,工黨,伊斯拉爾·貝特努,梅雷茨和拉姆(阿拉伯聯合酋長國名單)。
如果內塔尼亞胡無法組建政府,聯合托拉猶太教派或至少四個Degel Hatorah MK會加入由貝內特領導的聯盟,然後不需要拉姆的支持。
UTJ MK Yakov Asher週四告訴haredi(超東正教)電台Kol Chai,在Netanyahu任期結束之前,他的政黨將“必須重新評估局勢”。
斯莫特里奇(Smotrich)週三致信內塔尼亞胡(Natanyahu)和新希望(New Hope)主席吉迪恩·薩阿(Gideon Sa'ar),敦促他們共同為不依賴拉姆的新政府做出妥協。
斯莫特里奇在信中說:“我事先保證會支持您達成的任何安排。” “就在你手中。拯救以色列國。不要錯過這一刻。”
Shaked touted as foreign minister in Netanyahu-led government
Shaked speaks English well and regularly dealt with international relations when she was justice minister and a member of Netanyahu’s security cabinet.
APRIL 15, 2021 22:12
Yamina MK Ayelet Shaked is seen at the inauguration of the 24th Knesset, on April 6, 2021.
The Likud is prepared to give both the Defense and Foreign Affairs portfolios to the Yamina Party if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forms the next government, sources in the Likud said on Thursday.
Negotiating teams of Likud and Yamina met for some three hours on Tuesday, and multiple sources familiar with talks said the Likud offered the Defense portfolio for Yamina leader Naftali Bennett and the Foreign Affairs portfolio for MK Ayelet Shaked.
Shaked speaks English well, and regularly dealt with international relations when she was justice minister and a member of Netanyahu’s security cabinet.
“Ayelet would do any post well,” said a source close to Shaked, but that “we are still not talking about portfolios.”
Yamina said the reports about the posts offered to the party were “incorrect.”
Netanyahu, who has a mandate to form a government until May 4, hopes to finalize coalition agreements with Yamina, Shas and United Torah Judaism next week. He will then focus on pressuring Religious Zionist Party leader Bezalel Smotrich to join the government as education minister, instead of enabling a government in which the Education portfolio could end up going to Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz.
If Netanyahu fails to form a government by May 4, President Reuven Rivlin will likely give the mandate to Bennett to build a 62-MK coalition with Yesh Atid, Blue and White, New Hope, Labor, Yisrael Beytenu, Meretz and Ra’am (United Arab List).
It is possible that if Netanyahu fails to form a government, United Torah Judaism, or at least the four MKs of Degel Hatorah, would join a Bennett-led coalition, which would then not require the support of Ra’am.
UTJ MK Yakov Asher told the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) radio station Kol Chai on Thursday that before the end of Netanyahu’s mandate, his party would “have to reevaluate the situation.”
Smotrich sent a letter to Netanyahu and New Hope chairman Gideon Sa’ar on Wednesday urging them to compromise on a new government together that would not rely on Ra’am.
“I promise in advance to support any arrangement that you reach,” Smotrich said in the letter. “It is in your hands. Save the State of Israel. Do not miss this moment.”
這一發現可以添加到由伊朗考古學家侯賽因·阿齊茲(Hossein Azizi)領導的一項調查中已經發現的60個文化和歷史遺跡和遺址中。
(照片來源:Wikimedia Commons)
這一發現可以添加到由伊朗考古學家侯賽因·阿齊茲(Hossein Azizi)在文化遺產和旅遊業研究所的監督下進行的一項調查中發現的60個文化和歷史遺跡和遺址中。這些場所包括建築物,城堡,渡槽,陵墓,公墓和丘陵。
Archaeologists discover millennia-old iron production sites in Iran
This finding can be added to the 60 cultural and historical relics and sites that have already been discovered during a survey led by the Iranian archaeologist Hossein Azizi.
MAY 2, 2021 11:30
The Tomb of Serah, daughter of Asher, Pir Bakran, Iran
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Archaeologists have discovered several millennia-old iron production sites across the Chahak rural district in Khatam county of Yazd province, a historical village in south-central Iran, a local tourism official announced on Saturday, the Tehran Times reported.
This finding can be added to the 60 cultural and historical relics and sites that have already been discovered during a survey led by Iranian archaeologist Hossein Azizi under the supervision of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. These sites include buildings, castles, aqueducts, tombs, cemeteries and hills.
The official reported that the oldest cultural elements that have been identified so far in this survey date back to the late Middle Paleolithic, a period about 25,000 to 35,000 years ago.
The Tehran Times reported that available data suggest the production of iron objects was practiced in the region during the Achaemenid era.
Indeed, Iranian culture dates back nearly 2,500 years, to the days of Cyrus the Great and Darius, founders of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty (ca. 600 BCE) mentioned in the Bible which then ruled over the entire ancient Near East and Central Asia for more than 200 years.
According to experts, the Times reported, Achaemenid art is a combinatorial art with both elegance and beauty. Some of the most elegant artifacts by Achaemenian artists include metal ware, especially bowls, which are one of the most important artifacts that have been discovered across the Empire.
Some of these bowls have royal inscriptions, which represent the importance of these objects in the Achaemenid court and have provided researchers with significant information about the metalwork, decorating style and techniques of production, as well as regarding commercial, social, economic and artistic communication.
絕大多數巴勒斯坦人希望退出現任領導人,並希望舉行新的選舉。巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)於9月參加了與巴勒斯坦各派有關以色列-阿拉伯聯合酋長國正常化協議的虛擬會議。
巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)在1月15日宣布巴勒斯坦大選時大肆賭博。
2009年,阿巴斯決定放棄在聯合國人權理事會上對南非法官理查德·戈德斯通(Richard Goldstone)指責以色列和哈馬斯犯下“戰爭罪”的報告的支持,引發了憤怒。
儘管持謹慎樂觀態度,但可能取消選舉的第一個跡像出現在兩週前。當時,阿巴斯高級顧問納比爾·沙斯(Nabil Shaath)宣布,“很可能”由於以色列的失敗而推遲投票回應巴勒斯坦人關於耶路撒冷投票的要求。
法塔赫已經目睹了嚴重的危機,特別是在該派系資深官員納賽爾·基德瓦(Nasser al-Kidwa)決定與被監禁的法塔赫領導人馬萬·巴爾古提(Marwan Barghouti)一起組成自己的議會選舉名單之後。
Kidwa-Barghouti聯盟以及流亡的法塔赫特工穆罕默德·達蘭(Mohamed Dahlan)(阿巴斯的競爭對手)的名單,意味著法塔赫在三塊不同的石板上奔跑。
Will Abbas survive the elections crisis?
The controversy over the Jerusalem vote provided Abbas with a good excuse to call off the elections. There's nothing better than blaming Israel for obstructing the planned elections.
MAY 1, 2021 21:59
THE LARGE majority of Palestinians want the current leadership out and they want new elections. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas attends a virtual meeting in September with Palestinian factions about the Israel-United Arab Emirates normalization agreement.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas took a huge gamble when he announced the Palestinian general elections on January 15.
Not only had he not resolved his dispute with Hamas, but he had no guarantee that Israel would allow him to hold the elections in Jerusalem. Moreover, he was risking a crisis of unprecedented proportions in his ruling Fatah faction.
On Thursday, Abbas took an even bigger gamble by indefinitely postponing the elections.
His decision has enraged many Palestinians, including senior members of Fatah. Besides putting another nail in the coffin of his credibility, Abbas is now facing intense criticism from Palestinians from across the political spectrum, who consider his argument laughable that he had to call off the elections because of the controversy surrounding the vote in Jerusalem.
The decision has even drawn sharp criticism from European Union and United Nations officials, who have called on Abbas to set a new date for the elections.
While the postponement of the elections has seriously harmed Abbas’s credibility, it is nevertheless unlikely to bring about an end to his autocratic rule.
The small street protests organized by his political rivals in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past few days do not pose a direct threat to Abbas.
For now, it seems that most of the protests are taking place on social media, where many Palestinians are venting anger and frustration over the delay of the first elections in 15 years.
But the 85-year-old Abbas has repeatedly shown that he does not care about taking a lot of flak for his controversial and unpopular decisions.
In 2009, Abbas sparked outrage when he decided to drop his support for a vote at the UN Human Rights Council on a report by South African judge Richard Goldstone accusing Israel and Hamas of committing “war crimes.”
In 2018, hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets of Ramallah to protest Abbas’s decision to impose financial sanctions on the Gaza Strip as a way of undermining Hamas’s rule over the coastal enclave.
And late last year, Abbas decided to resume security coordination with Israel, a move that also drew sharp criticism from many Palestinians. Abbas suspended the security coordination six months earlier, in protest of Israel’s intention to extend its sovereignty to Jewish communities in the West Bank.
Despite these unpopular decisions, Abbas has always managed to weather the storm, much to the dismay of his foes.
Now, he is also expected to survive the current crisis triggered by his decision to call off the elections.
Hamas does not have the means to stage a coup against Abbas’s regime, and his political rivals in Fatah do not have sufficient backing for launching mass protests in the West Bank.
By holding Israel responsible for obstructing the elections, Abbas succeeded in making it appear as if those who oppose the postponement of the vote do not care about Jerusalem.
The message Abbas sought to send to the Palestinian public is this: I was forced to take this decision, because I can’t allow Israel to impose its dictates on us by preventing us from holding elections in our capital, Jerusalem.
Abbas, in other words, is telling the Palestinians that those who insist on holding the elections without Jerusalem are traitors, because they are ready to give up the Palestinians’ right to the city.
Abbas was also keen to create the impression that the decision to delay the elections was taken by the leaders of Palestinian factions, and not him alone.
That’s why he convened a meeting in Ramallah of the faction leaders and later announced that the decision was endorsed by a “vast majority of the Palestinian leadership, factions and national personalities.”
BUT IT’S hard to say that the decision came as a surprise to many Palestinians, especially those who argued from day one that Abbas was not serious about holding the elections.
His critics and political opponents pointed out that this was not the first time Abbas had promised to hold elections, only to backtrack sometime down the road.
Palestinians still remember the president’s recurring and unfulfilled threats to resign, dismantle the PA, rescind all signed agreements with Israel and revoke the PLO’s recognition of Israel.
Abbas, however, did surprise Palestinians this time by proceeding with the electoral process, despite the split in Fatah and increased signs that Hamas could again win the parliamentary elections, as it did in 2006.
By ordering the PA security forces to stop arresting and harassing Hamas members in the West Bank to facilitate the electoral process and “boost public freedoms,” Abbas seemed to convince his opponents that perhaps this time he was serious about holding the elections.
The PA leadership’s massive diplomatic campaign to exert pressure on Israel, to allow the elections to take place in Jerusalem, also seemed to impress Abbas’s political enemies that he might finally be serious about allowing his people to cast their ballots.
Despite the cautious optimism, the first sign of the possibility that the elections could be called off came two weeks ago, when Nabil Shaath, a senior Abbas adviser, announced that it was “highly likely” that the vote would be delayed due to Israel’s failure to respond to the Palestinians’ request regarding the vote in Jerusalem.
Shaath’s announcement was followed by similar statements made by several PA and Fatah officials, who stressed that the elections would not take place without Jerusalem.
These statements finally convinced many Palestinians that Abbas was moving toward calling off the elections.
ON THURSDAY night, Abbas confirmed the suspicions of his political enemies by announcing his decision to delay the elections because of the dispute over Jerusalem.
More than half of the electoral lists had warned Abbas against using the Jerusalem dispute as an excuse for calling off the elections. They argued that the Palestinians should engage in a “battle” with Israel over Jerusalem rather than capitulate to Israeli “dictates.”
The controversy over the Jerusalem vote provided Abbas with a good excuse to call off the elections. There’s nothing better than blaming Israel for obstructing the planned elections – or anything else.
This option is certainly much better than having to face the challenges from disgruntled Fatah officials and Hamas.
Fatah is already witnessing a serious crisis, especially after the decision by Nasser al-Kidwa, a veteran official of the faction, to form his own list for the parliamentary election together with jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti.
The Kidwa-Barghouti alliance and the list belonging to exiled Fatah operative Mohamed Dahlan, an archrival of Abbas, meant that Fatah was running on three separate slates.
The past five months have shown that the challenges Abbas is facing from within Fatah are no less serious than those posed by Hamas. The president was also undoubtedly wary of the fact that most of the 36 electoral lists that had registered for the parliamentary elections included candidates known for their public and strong criticism of him and the old-guard leaders of the PA.
Abbas may have found a way to climb down from the high tree of the elections – but there is no way to weasel out of the serious challenges he is expected to face in the aftermath of his decision to delay the elections.
Judging from the strong reactions of the decision’s opponents, the political crisis in the Palestinian arena appears to be headed toward escalation.
Abbas’s exclusive control over Fatah is now at stake, and his dispute with Hamas is likely to intensify. His decision is likely to end the honeymoon between Fatah and Hamas, which surfaced thanks to former US President Donald Trump’s “hostile” policies and decisions against the Palestinians.
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