cover of episode 2021.05.02 國際新聞導讀-印度疫情大爆發每日確診超過40萬,多國停飛印度航班,國際援助紛紛進入、伊拉克庫德族警告伊斯蘭國殘餘分子重燃戰火、巴勒斯坦取消大選引發民眾抗議

2021.05.02 國際新聞導讀-印度疫情大爆發每日確診超過40萬,多國停飛印度航班,國際援助紛紛進入、伊拉克庫德族警告伊斯蘭國殘餘分子重燃戰火、巴勒斯坦取消大選引發民眾抗議

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2021.05.02 國際新聞導讀-印度疫情大爆發每日確診超過40萬,多國停飛印度航班,國際援助紛紛進入、伊拉克庫德族警告伊斯蘭國殘餘分子重燃戰火、巴勒斯坦取消大選引發民眾抗議

隨著第二波惡化,印度的每日COVID-19病例超過40萬 這是連續10天超過300,000的印度每日病例數首次突破400,000。在過去的24小時內,COVID-19的死亡人數增加了3,523。 由路透社 2021年5月1日10:13

冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)的患者在2021年4月15日在印度新德里蔓延的情況下,在Lok Nayak Jai Prakash(LNJP)醫院的傷員病房接受治療。 (照片來源:REUTERS / DANISH SIDDIQUI) 廣告 印度)週六公佈了創紀錄的每日增加401,993例新冠狀病毒病例,原因是該國向所有成年人開放了大規模的疫苗接種活動,儘管一些州警告說嚴重短缺。 這是印度)連續10天超過300,000的每日病例數首次突破400,000。根據官方數據,在過去24小時內,COVID-19的死亡人數增加了3,523,使印度的總死亡人數達到211,853。 全球最大的COVID-19疫苗生產商只能提供有限的注射疫苗,加劇了嚴峻的第二波感染,這波感染使醫院和停屍間不堪重負,而家庭則爭相購買稀有藥物和氧氣。 週六,在總理納倫德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)故鄉古吉拉特邦(Gujarat)的主要商業城市艾哈邁達巴德(Ahmedab​​ad),數百人正在排隊接種疫苗。 遭受重創的德里州首席部長周五呼籲人們不要在疫苗接種中心排隊,並承諾更多的疫苗將在“明天或次日”到達。 印度東部奧里薩邦(Odisha)週五表示,已收到150,000張槍擊的托運,但由於鎖定限制阻止了行動,因此只能讓少數人射擊。 艾哈邁達巴德以南約190公里(115英里)的一家醫院發生大火,造成16名冠狀病毒患者和2名工作人員死亡,這是醫院發生的一系列致命事故中的最新事件。 莫迪在推特上張貼自己在首都新德里的錫克教寺廟祈禱的照片後數小時,就在推特上向醫院火災受害者的家屬表示慰問。 一些專家指責大規模的宗教聚會和政治集會是印度第二波衝擊的嚴重性,這使政府措手不及。 莫迪政府成立的一個科學顧問論壇於3月初警告印度官員,該國正在流行一種新的,更具傳染性的冠狀病毒,該論壇的五名科學家告訴路透社。 儘管有警告,但其中四位科學家表示,聯邦政府並未尋求施加重大限制以遏制該病毒的傳播。莫迪,執政的巴拉蒂亞·賈納塔黨的領導人和反對派政客舉行的宗教聚會和選舉集會,有數以百萬計的人在很大程度上未被遮蓋。 印度的COVID-19病例總數已超過1900萬。路透社的統計數據顯示,隨著第二波熱潮的到來,印度自2月底以來增加了約770萬例。相比之下,印度花了將近六個月的時間才增加了之前的770萬例。 案件激增導緻美國總統喬·拜登週五對印度施加了新的旅行限制,禁止大多數非美國公民進入美國。 澳大利亞官員說,自周一計劃返回家園之日起14天之內進入印度的居民和公民將被禁止進入澳大利亞,而違抗者將面臨罰款和監禁。 其他國家和地區也對印度施加了類似的旅行限制,包括英國,德國,意大利和新加坡,而加拿大,香港和新西蘭已暫停了與印度的所有商業旅行。 India's daily COVID-19 cases pass 400,000 as second wave worsens This is the first time India's daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. Deaths from COVID-19 jumped by 3,523 over the past 24 hours. By REUTERS MAY 1, 2021 10:13

Patients suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) get treatment at the casualty ward in Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) hospital, amidst the spread of the disease in New Delhi, India April 15, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/DANISH SIDDIQUI) India )posted a record daily rise of 401,993 new coronavirus cases on Saturday as the country opened up its massive vaccination drive to all adults, although several states warned of acute shortages. It was the first time India)'s daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. Deaths from COVID-19 jumped by 3,523 over the past 24 hours, taking the total toll in India to 211,853, according to official data. The world's biggest producer of COVID-19 vaccines has a limited number of shots available, worsening a grim second wave of infections that has overwhelmed hospitals and morgues while families scramble for scarce medicines and oxygen. Hundreds of people were seen queuing to be vaccinated across Ahmedabad, the main commercial city in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat, on Saturday. The chief minister of the hard-hit state of Delhi on Friday implored people not to queue at vaccination centers, promising more vaccines would arrive "tomorrow or the day after". India's eastern Odisha state said on Friday it had received a consignment of 150,000 shots but would only allow a few people to get shots due to lockdown restrictions preventing movement. A fire in a hospital about 190 km (115 miles) south of Ahmedabad killed 16 coronavirus patients and two staff, the latest in a series of deadly accidents at hospitals. Modi offered his condolences to the families of the hospital fire victims on Twitter, hours after he posted pictures of himself praying at a Sikh temple in capital New Delhi. Some experts blame mass religious gatherings and political rallies for the severity of India's second wave, which caught the government unprepared. A forum of scientific advisers set up by Modi administration warned Indian officials in early March of a new and more contagious variant of the coronavirus taking hold in the country, five scientists who are part of the forum told Reuters. Despite the warning, four of the scientists said the federal government did not seek to impose major restrictions to contain the spread of the virus. Millions, largely unmasked, attended religious gatherings and election rallies that were held by Modi, leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and opposition politicians. The total number of COVID-19 cases in India has topped 19 million. As the second wave has picked up steam, India has added about 7.7 million cases since the end of February, according to a Reuters tally. In contrast, it took India nearly six months to add the previous 7.7 million cases. The surge in cases led U.S. President Joe Biden to impose new travel restrictions on India on Friday, barring most non-U.S. citizens from entering the United States. Australian officials said residents and citizens who have been in India within 14 days of the date they plan to return home will be banned from entering Australia as of Monday, and those who disobey will face fines and jail. Other countries and territories have also imposed similar travel restrictions on India, including Britain, Germany, Italy and Singapore, while Canada, Hong Kong and New Zealand have suspended all commercial travel with India. 拜登禁止從印度到美國的大多數旅行,以限制COVID-19的傳播 聲明說,印度“佔全球新增病例的三分之一以上”,並補充說:“需要採取積極措施,以保護印度的公共健康不受來自印度的旅行者的侵害” 由路透社 2021年5月1日00:57 美國總統喬·拜登本週在白宮外向記者示意。 (照片來源:KEVIN LAMARQUE / REUTERS) 廣告 鑑於COVID-19疫情,美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)上週五對印度實行了新的旅行限制),禁止大多數非美國公民進入美國。 新規定將於5月4日,星期二,美國東部時間(0401 GMT)生效,該規定是根據美國疾病控制與預防中心(CDC)的建議實施的,因為“白宮說,印度的COVID-19大流行正在“激增”。 拜登週五簽署了一項執行限制的公告,這是路透社首次報導的。 聲明說,印度“佔全球新增病例的三分之一以上”,並補充說,“需要採取積極措施,以保護印度的公共衛生免受來自美國的旅行者的侵害。 1月,拜登(Biden))頒布了類似的禁令,禁止最近進入南非的大多數非美國公民進入該國。他還對進入巴西,英國,愛爾蘭和歐洲26個允許跨邊界旅行的歐洲國家的幾乎所有非美國旅行者實施了入境禁令。該政策還涵蓋了中國和伊朗。 該政策意味著,過去14天內曾在上述國家/地區之一居住的大多數非美國公民沒有資格前往美國。美國永久居民和家庭成員以及其他一些非美國公民(例如學生)免稅。 消息人士說,強加最新旅行限制的決定很快就出現了,直到最近的24小時才達成。 印度駐華盛頓大使館沒有立即發表評論。 在總感染率上僅次於美國,印度連續九天每天報告超過300,000例新病例,在上週五創下了另一個全球紀錄386,452。 死亡總數已超過200,000,病例接近1900萬,僅從2月以來就接近800萬,原因是強毒的新毒株與諸如政治集會和宗教節日之類的“超級傳播者”事件相結合。 醫學專家說,實際數字可能比官方統計數字高5至10倍。 其他國家/地區也對印度施加了類似的旅行限制,包括英國,德國,意大利和新加坡,而加拿大,香港和新西蘭已暫停了與印度的所有商業旅行。 白宮週三說,美國正在向印度發送價值超過1億美元的物資,以幫助其抵抗COVID-19激增。 耗材包括氧氣瓶,N95口罩和快速診斷測試。據白宮稱,美國也將自己的阿斯利康生產供應商訂單重新定向到了印度,這將使其能夠生產超過2000萬劑的COVID-19疫苗。 航空旅行 幾乎所有乘飛機飛往美國的旅行者都必須證明其冠狀病毒試驗陰性或從COVID-19中恢復。 最近幾週,隨著疫苗接種運動的開展以及某些國家病例的減少,白宮和美國機構已開始就如何最終取消該政策展開對話。 根據行業貿易組織美國航空的數據,美國國際航空旅行比COVID-19之前的水平下降了60%,而美國國內航空旅行則下降了40%。 美國航空公司和旅行團已敦促白宮為最終放寬限制設定基準。 Biden bans most travel to US from India to limit COVID-19 spread The proclamation said India "accounts for over one-third of new global cases" and added that "proactive measures are required to protect the nation's public health from travelers entering from India" By REUTERS MAY 1, 2021 00:57 US PRESIDENT Joe Biden gestures to a reporter outside the White House this week. (photo credit: KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS) Advertisement US President Joe Biden on Friday imposed new travel restrictions) on India in light of the COVID-19 epidemic, barring most non-US citizens from entering the United States. The new restrictions, which take effect on Tuesday, May 4 at 12:01 am ET (0401 GMT), are on the advice of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and were imposed because "the magnitude and scope of the COVID-19 pandemic" in India was "surging," the White House said. Biden on Friday signed a proclamation implementing the restrictions, which were first reported by Reuters. The proclamation said India "accounts for over one-third of new global cases" and added that "proactive measures are required to protect the nation's public health from travelers entering the United States" from India. In January, Biden )issued a similar ban on most non-US citizens entering the country who have recently been in South Africa. He also reimposed an entry ban on nearly all non-US travelers who have been in Brazil, the United Kingdom, Ireland and 26 countries in Europe that allow travel across open borders. China and Iran are also both covered by the policy. The policy means most non-US citizens who have been in one of the stated countries within the last 14 days are not eligible to travel to the United States. Permanent US residents and family members and some other non-US citizens, such as students, are exempted. The decision to impose the latest travel restrictions came about quickly and was only reached in the last 24 hours, sources said. The Indian Embassy in Washington did not immediately comment. Second only to the United States in total infections, India has reported more than 300,000 new cases daily for nine days in a row, hitting another global record of 386,452 on Friday. Total deaths have surpassed 200,000 and cases are nearing 19 million - nearly 8 million since February alone - as virulent new strains have combined with "super-spreader" events such as political rallies and religious festivals. Medical experts say real numbers may be five to 10 times higher than the official tally. Other countries have imposed similar travel restrictions on India, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Singapore, while Canada, Hong Kong and New Zealand have suspended all commercial travel with India. On Wednesday, the White House said the United States was sending supplies worth more than $100 million to India to help it fight the COVID-19 surge. The supplies include oxygen cylinders, N95 masks and rapid diagnostic tests. The United States also has redirected its own order of AstraZeneca manufacturing supplies to India, which will allow it to make over 20 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, according to the White House. AIR TRAVEL Nearly all travelers to the United States by air must show proof of a negative coronavirus test or recovery from COVID-19. In recent weeks, the White House and US agencies have begun holding conversations about how to eventually unwind the policy as vaccination campaigns are rolling out and cases are declining in some countries. US international air travel remains down 60% from pre-COVID-19 levels, while US domestic air travel is down 40%, according to industry trade group Airlines for America. US airlines and travel groups have urged the White House to set benchmarks for the eventual loosening of restrictions. 伊朗希望通過核談判取消對銀行的製裁和石油 美國國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)週五表示,談判在“不清楚的地方”進行,這意味著不確定是否會達成協議。 通過路透社,TOVAH LAZAROFF) 2021年5月1日22:33

美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯上週在華盛頓國務院舉行了他的首次新聞發布會。布林肯在上個月舉行的參議院確認聽證會上說,距離重返伊朗協議“我們還有很長的路要走”。 (照片來源:CARLOS BARRIA /路透社) 廣告 伊朗首席核談判代表說,德黑蘭預計,根據迄今為止在維也納會談達成的協議),德黑蘭將取消對石油,銀行和其他部門以及大多數個人和機構的製裁。 同時,俄羅斯和西歐大國在會談休會六天之際,就使伊朗和美國完全恢復遵守2015年核協議的會談進行了鮮明對比的論述。 伊朗外交部副部長阿巴斯(Abbas Araqchi)表示:“應根據迄今達成的協議取消對伊朗能源部門的製裁,其中包括石油和天然氣,或對汽車業,金融,銀行和港口的製裁。”伊朗官方媒體的說法。 阿拉奇沒有透露將以何種機制取消制裁,也沒有提及德黑蘭將如何滿足華盛頓的要求並恢復其在該協議下的承諾。 他說:“我們將進行談判,直到雙方立場更加接近,我們的要求得到滿足為止。” “如果滿足他們,將會達成協議,否則,自然不會達成協議。” 美國國務院對阿拉奇的言論沒有立即發表評論。 美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)尋求在華盛頓於2018年在總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)領導下退出並對德黑蘭實施制裁後重返交易)。伊朗對此作出了回應,違反了該協議對其核活動的許多限制。 以色列一直反對複興伊朗協議,並認為特朗普政府對伊朗實施的殘酷美國製裁的繼續是防止德黑蘭生產核武器的最佳方法。 一名以色列官員周六晚對《耶路撒冷郵報》說:“伊朗政權只有在面對堅決壓力時才會妥協。” “當然,他們希望解除制裁,如果那過早發生,使伊朗人拆除其核基礎設施的槓桿作用將幾乎全部喪失。” 莫薩德主任尤西·科恩(Yossi Cohen)和國家安全顧問梅爾·本·沙巴特(Meir Ben-Shabbat)上週在華盛頓討論了區域戰略威脅以及恢復伊朗協議的危險。 據以色列第12頻道新聞台報導,科恩週五在白宮會見了拜登。會見前,總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡向他作了簡報。美國國家安全委員會成員也出席了會議。 國務院發言人內德·普萊斯(Ned Price)週四在華盛頓對記者說,美國“在每輪談判之前,每輪談判之後,美國都對以色列的對手進行了更新,在這些談判中我們也一直在與他們進行磋商。” 他證實,美國官員代表團本週將前往中東,與美國盟國進行對話。普萊斯說:“一個高級機構間代表團將在下週前往,討論與美國國家安全以及為減輕中東緊張局勢的升級而進行的努力有關的一系列重要事項。” “我想我要補充一點,這個代表團不關注任何一個問題,當然也不僅僅關注伊朗以及維也納正在進行的討論可能產生的任何問題。” 重啟伊朗協議的談判已於上個月在維也納開始,協議的其餘各方–伊朗,俄羅斯,中國,法國,英國和德國–在豪華酒店的地下室開會,而美國則在整個酒店範圍內的另一家酒店舉行會議。街道。伊朗拒絕與美國官員直接舉行會議。 來自法國,英國和德國的所謂E3國家的高級外交官在一份聲明中說:“我們還有很多工作,剩下的時間很少。” “在這種背景下,我們希望本週取得更多進展。” 官員們表示,他們希望在5月21日之前達成一項協議,屆時德黑蘭與聯合國核監督機構之間就繼續監測伊朗某些核活動達成協議。 他們補充說:“我們尚未就最關鍵的問題達成共識。” “絕不能保證成功,但並非不可能。” 美國國家安全顧問傑克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)週五表示,談判在“不清楚的地方”進行,這意味著不確定是否會達成協議。 俄羅斯駐聯合國核監督機構大使米哈伊爾·烏里揚諾夫(Mikhail Ulyanov)在結束了第三輪會談的其餘各方會議後對記者說:“我們很難期待在未來的日子裡取得突破。” Iran expects sanctions on banks, oil to be lifted based on nuclear talks US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Friday the talks were in "an unclear place," meaning it was uncertain whether they would lead to an agreement. By REUTERS, TOVAH LAZAROFF) MAY 1, 2021 22:33

US SECRETARY OF State Antony Blinken arrives at his first press briefing at the State Department in Washington, last week. At his Senate confirmation hearing last month, Blinken said ‘we are a long ways’ from returning to the Iran deal. (photo credit: CARLOS BARRIA / REUTERS) Advertisement Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator said that Tehran expects US sanctions on oil, banks and other sectors and on most individuals and institutions to be lifted based on agreements reached so far at talks in Vienna), Iranian state media reported on Saturday. Russia and Western European powers, meanwhile, gave contrasting accounts of the task ahead in the talks to bring Iran and the United States fully back into compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, as the talks adjourned for six days. “Sanctions… on Iran’s energy sector, which include oil and gas, or those on the automotive industry, financial, banking and port sanctions, all should be lifted based on agreements reached so far,” Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi was quoted as saying by Iranian state media. Araqchi did not say under what mechanism sanctions would be lifted, or refer to how Tehran would meet Washington’s demands and return to its commitments under the deal. “We will negotiate until the two sides’ positions come closer and our demands are met,” he said. “If they are met there will be an agreement, if not there will naturally be no agreement.” The US State Department had no immediate comment on Araqchi’s remarks. US President Joe Biden is seeking to return to the deal) after Washington pulled out in 2018 under president Donald Trump and reimposed sanctions against Tehran. Iran responded by breaching many of the deal’s limits on its nuclear activities. Israel has opposed the revival of the Iran deal and believes that the continuation of the crippling US sanctions the Trump administration imposed on Iran are the best method to prevent Tehran from producing nuclear weapons. “The Iranian regime will only compromise if it faces determined pressure to do so,” an Israeli official told The Jerusalem Post on Saturday night. “Of course they want the sanctions lifted, and if that happens prematurely, the leverage to get the Iranians to dismantle their nuclear infrastructure will be all but lost.” Mossad Director Yossi Cohen and National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat were in Washington last week to discuss regional strategic threats, as well as the dangers of reviving the Iran deal. According to Israel's Channel 12 news station, Cohen met with Biden in the White House on Friday. He was briefed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prior to the meeting. Members of the US National Security Council were also present. State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters in Washington on Thursday that the US has “updated our Israeli counterparts before every round of negotiations, after every round of negotiations, and we’ve been consulting with them during these negotiations as well.” He confirmed that a delegation of US officials was headed to the Middle East this week to speak with US allies. “A senior interagency delegation will be traveling over the coming week to discuss a number of important matters related to US national security and ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East,” Price said. “I suppose I would hasten to add that this delegation is not focused on any one issue, certainly not focused just on Iran and anything that may emanate from the ongoing discussions in Vienna.” Talks to revive the Iran deal began last month in Vienna with the remaining parties to the deal – Iran, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany - meeting in the basement of a luxury hotel, and the United States based in another hotel across the street. Iran has refused to hold direct meetings with US officials. “We have much work, and little time, left,” senior diplomats from the so-called E3 - France, Britain and Germany - said in a statement. “Against that background, we would have hoped for more progress this week.” Officials have said they hope to reach a deal by May 21, when an agreement between Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog on continued monitoring of some Iranian nuclear activities is due to expire. “We have yet to come to an understanding on the most critical points,” they added. “Success is by no means guaranteed, but not impossible.” US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Friday that the talks were in “an unclear place,” meaning it was uncertain whether they would lead to an agreement. “We should not expect breakthroughs in the days to come,” Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s ambassador to the UN nuclear watchdog, told reporters after a meeting of the remaining parties that wrapped up the third round of talks. 庫爾德斯坦地區呼籲團結起來抵抗ISIS威脅 一夜之間,ISIS襲擊了伊拉克皮爾德附近的庫爾德Peshmerga戰士。 由SETH J.FRANTZMAN) 2021年5月1日15:17

2015年,庫爾德斯坦佩什默加(Keshdistan Region Peshmerga)從他在基爾庫克(Kirkuk)附近的前線向ISIS站崗 (照片來源:SETH J. FRANTZMAN) 廣告 )伊拉克被驅逐出摩蘇爾和其他城市數年之後,ISIS)再次威脅著)伊拉克。儘管伊拉克中央政府及其武裝部隊在以美國為首的盟軍的支持下繼續開展行動,但極端分子發現了可以滲透的空白。一夜之間,ISIS襲擊了伊拉克皮爾德附近的庫爾德Peshmerga戰士。 皮德(Pirde)是標誌著庫爾德自治區與伊拉克其他地區之間分界線的地區之一。2017年,在庫爾德人舉行獨立公投之後,伊拉克聯邦部隊和親伊朗民兵襲擊了基爾庫克附近的庫爾德人,庫爾德人部隊撤回到了皮爾德地區。自那時以來,ISIS一直沿庫爾德人部隊與伊拉克聯邦部隊以及親伊朗的PMU之間的接縫轉移。PMU是控制伊拉克廣大地區的一支民兵組織。他們在當地被稱為Hashd al-Shaabi。這些親伊朗團體的一些單位在去年向埃爾比勒發射了火箭彈,目標是美軍。這是因為美軍已經撤出了伊拉克的六個設施,以響應親伊朗集團發動的火箭彈射擊。現在基地的美軍很少,民兵瞄準了庫爾德斯坦地區。 與親伊朗部隊的緊張關係意味著ISIS可以利用庫爾德人部隊與伊拉克部隊在皮爾德(Pirde)和卡拉霍赫山(Mount Qarachokh)附近的緊張關係。現在,庫爾德地區總統內奇爾萬·巴爾扎尼(Nechirvan Barzani)呼籲在有爭議地區建立一支由佩什梅加(Peshmerga)和伊拉克聯邦軍組成的聯合武裝部隊,此前一夜之間,伊斯蘭國(ISIS)襲擊了基爾庫克(Kirkuk)西部的庫爾德部隊。 一夜之間在皮德附近的戰鬥中,三名庫爾德人Peshmerga被殺。皮德(Pirde)也被稱為Altun Kupri。“ Peshmerga擊退了在Kirkuk-Erbil公路上發生的襲擊,但其三名戰士被打死,兩人受傷,” Rudaw指出。地方媒體報導了庫爾德人要求團結的呼籲。庫爾德地區副主席謝赫·賈法爾·穆斯塔法(Sheikh Jafaar Mustafa)說,他“敦促伊拉克國防部長與我們的佩什​​格瑪部隊認真開始聯絡,以縮小該地區與南部邊界之間的有爭議地區,昨晚我們Peshmerga喪生了數人,受傷了數人。我們需要共同努力解決這個問題。” 巴爾扎尼總統在一份聲明中說,該地區就“伊斯蘭國”的重組和利用佩什梅爾加與伊拉克軍隊在有爭議地區之間的安全差距警告伊拉克政府和全球聯盟“數次”。拉多指出,他再次呼籲建立兩軍之間的聯合機構。“再次,我們呼籲[伊拉克]議會,伊拉克聯邦政府和反對ISIS全球聯盟順利開展工作,以在有爭議地區建立佩什梅加和伊拉克軍隊之間的聯合部隊,以便這些地區不再被Daesh用作恐怖分子活動的走廊。” Barzani說。“這對庫爾德地區和整個伊拉克構成了極大的危險。” ISIS滲透)多年來,庫爾德人與伊拉克聯邦部隊之間的接縫線一直是一個問題。在2019年,我去了加拉霍克(Qarachokh),用雙筒望遠鏡觀察了ISIS成員躲在山下的洞穴中。當時,美國仍在尼尼微設有安全部隊援助旅,並與佩什梅加(Peshmerga)一起,跨越了邊界。對ISIS進行了空襲。例如,在Mahmuhr地區,美國陸軍第3安全部隊援助大隊在伊拉克執行任務,以訓練,提供建議,協助和使當地安全部隊動員。美國在2020年2月指出:“在伊拉克北部的馬克穆爾山區,伊拉克和敘利亞伊斯蘭國的戰鬥人員正在重組和改革,庫爾德佩什默加在靠近一系列of望哨所的地方設有一個小型軍事基地,ISIS戰鬥人員試圖向這些哨所滲透伊拉克' 多年來的問題是,儘管美國可以與伊拉克人和庫爾德人合作,但佩什梅加普遍不信任PMU,而且由於直接向美國設施發射火箭彈,美國與PMU之間存在緊張關係。尼尼微的PMU旅稱為第30旅。附近有幾支質量可疑的伊拉克軍隊。缺乏安全保障使ISIS得以存在,也使親伊朗的團體能夠使用火箭甚至是無人機來威脅該地區。 Kurdistan Region calls for unity against ISIS threats ISIS attacked Kurdish Peshmerga fighters near Pirde in Iraq overnight. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN) MAY 1, 2021 15:17

A Kurdistan Region Peshmerga looks out at ISIS positions from his frontline near Kirkuk in 2015 (photo credit: SETH J. FRANTZMAN) Advertisement ISIS is threatening) Iraq again, years after it was pushed out of Mosul and other cities. Although the Iraqi central government and its armed forces, backed by the US-led Coalition, continues to carry out operations, the extremists have found gaps to infiltrate. ISIS attacked Kurdish Peshmerga fighters near Pirde in Iraq overnight. Pirde is one of the areas that marks the dividing line between the autonomous Kurdistan region and the rest of Iraq. In 2017, after the Kurds held an independence referendum, Iraqi federal units and pro-Iranian militias attacked the Kurds near Kirkuk and Kurdish forces withdrew to the area of Pirde. Since then ISIS has moved into areas along the seam between Kurdish forces and Iraqi federal forces and the pro-Iranian PMU. The PMU are a group of militias that control swaths of Iraq. They are called Hashd al-Shaabi locally. Some units of these pro-Iran groups have fired rockets at Erbil over the last year, targeting US forces. This is because US forces have withdrawn from a half dozen facilities in Iraq in response to rocket fire by pro-Iranian groups. Now that there are few US forces in bases, the militias have targeted the Kurdistan region. These tensions with the pro-Iran units mean that ISIS can exploit the tensions between Kurdish forces and Iraqi units in areas like Pirde and near Mount Qarachokh. Now the Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani has called for the establishment of a joint armed force made up of Peshmerga and federal Iraqi army in disputed areas, following an Islamic State (ISIS) group attack on Kurdish forces in western Kirkuk overnight. Three Kurdish Peshmerga were killed in the battles over night near Pirde. Pirde is also called Altun Kupri. “Peshmerga repelled the attack, which took place on the Kirkuk-Erbil road, but three of its fighters were killed and two injured,” noted Rudaw. Regional media have covered the Kurdish call for unity. Sheikh Jafaar Mustafa, vice-president of the Kurdistan region has said he “urges the Iraqi Defense Minister to start liaison seriously with our Peshmarga forces to narrow down the disputed areas between The Region and Southern border, last night we have lost several lives and wounded #Peshmerga. We need to work together to solve this problem.” President Barzani said in a statement that the region has warned the Iraqi government and the global coalition “several times” about ISIS regrouping and exploiting the security gap between Peshmerga and Iraqi army in disputed areas. He renewed his previous call for the establishment of a joint body between both forces, Rudaw noted. “Once again, we call on [Iraqi] parliament, the federal government of Iraq and the global coalition against Daesh [ISIS] to smoothly work on the establishment of a joint force between the Peshmerga and Iraqi army in the disputed areas so that these areas are no longer used as a corridor for the movement of terrorists by Daesh,” said Barzani. “This poses a great danger to the Kurdistan Region and the whole of Iraq.” ISIS infiltration) of the seam line between Kurdish and Iraqi federal forces has been a problem for years. In 2019 I went to Qarachokh and observed ISIS members with binoculars who were hiding in caves beneath the mountain. At the time the US still had Security Force Assistance Brigade units in Nineveh and also with the Peshmerga, helping straddle the line. Airstrikes against ISIS took place. In the area of Mahmuhr, for instance, the US Army's 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade was in Iraq on a mission to train, advise, assist and enable local security forces. The US noted in February 2020 “in Makmuhr mountains of northern Iraq where fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are regrouping and reforming, the Kurdish Peshmerga operate a small military base close to a series of lookout posts where ISIS fighters have attempted to infiltrate Iraq's Kurdistan region….This time, the [US] brigade has partnered with the Peshmerga's 3rd Battalion, 14th Regional Guard Brigade, training side-by-side to increase their capabilities.” For years the problem was that while the US could work with the Iraqis and Kurds, the Peshmerga generally distrust the PMU and the US has tensions with the PMU because of the rocket fire directed at US facilities. The PMU brigade in Nineveh is called the 30th Brigade. Nearby are several Iraqi army formations of dubious quality. The lack of security has enabled the ISIS presence and also enabled the pro-Iranian groups to use rockets and now even drones, to threaten the area. 阿巴斯推遲選舉的決定引起公眾的強烈抗議 阿巴斯的政治反對派譴責這一決定是“大災難”,並呼籲巴勒斯坦權力機構總統繼續大選。 由KHALED ABU TOAMEH) 2021年5月1日21:02

與巴勒斯坦權力機構主席阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)不同,真誠致力於巴勒斯坦人民福利的巴勒斯坦領導人可以將“和平願景”中的提議作為談判的出發點。 (照片來源:FLASH90) 廣告 巴勒斯坦民間社會組織以及一些派系和人物在周末警告說,巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯)推遲舉行大選的決定)將加深巴勒斯坦人之間的分歧,並導致“混亂和軍事獨裁”。 阿巴斯的政治反對派譴責這一決定是“大災難”,並呼籲巴勒斯坦權力機構總統繼續大選。 無視公眾的抗議,阿巴斯週五發布了一項法令,他推遲了選舉。阿巴斯在法令中聲稱,以色列“防止了選舉的準備並將其拘留在被佔領的耶路撒冷”。 這項法令是在他在拉馬拉舉行各巴勒斯坦派別領導人舉行的會議後宣布推遲選舉數小時後發布的。 阿巴斯說),國際上向以色列施加壓力以允許在耶路撒冷舉行選舉的努力失敗了。他說,一旦以色列同意他們在耶路撒冷舉行投票的要求,巴勒斯坦人便準備舉行選舉。 民間社會組織呼籲“創造對話氣氛,尊重公共自由,並建立巴勒斯坦民族團結政府。” 這些組織在一份聲明中說,推遲選舉的決定具有很大的風險。 Abbas’s decision to delay elections sparks public outcry Abbas’s political opponents condemned the decision as a “big catastrophe” and called on the PA president to proceed with the elections. By KHALED ABU TOAMEH) MAY 1, 2021 21:02

A PALESTINIAN leadership genuinely committed to the welfare of their people, unlike PA President Mahmoud Abbas, could take the proposals in ‘Vision for Peace’ as a starting point for negotiations. (photo credit: FLASH90) Advertisement Palestinian civil society organizations and several factions and figures warned over the weekend that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s decision) to postpone the general elections would deepen divisions among the Palestinians and lead to “chaos and military dictatorship.” Abbas’s political opponents condemned the decision as a “big catastrophe” and called on the PA president to proceed with the elections. Ignoring the public outcry, Abbas on Friday issued a decree in which he postponed the elections. In his decree, Abbas claimed that Israel has “prevented preparations for the elections and holding them in occupied Jerusalem.” The decree came hours after he announced the postponement of the elections after a meeting in Ramallah of leaders of various Palestinian factions. Abbas said) that international efforts to exert pressure on Israel to allow the elections to take place in Jerusalem had failed. He said that the Palestinians were ready to hold elections as soon as Israel agrees to their request to hold the vote in Jerusalem. The civil society organizations called for “creating an atmosphere for dialogue, respecting public freedoms and forming a Palestinian national unity government.” In a statement, the organizations said the decision to delay the elections carries great risk.

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