2021.04.24 國際新聞導讀-美國承認土耳其人對亞美尼亞人種族滅絕、美國表示不承認以色列生存權者不能參加巴勒斯坦大選、阿富汗女性前景未卜、以色列右派黨魁Naftali Bennet有意組閣
土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安(Tayyip Erdogan)在2020年12月14日於土耳其安卡拉舉行的內閣會議後的新聞發布會上發表講話
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他說,拜登對土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)違反美國利益的政策感到不滿,並認為土耳其總統在處理COVID-19案件激增和本國經濟危機時不能做出過分強烈的回應。
兩國之間因土耳其對美國牧師安德魯·布倫森(Andrew Brunson)的拘留而在2018年發生外交爭端,導致華盛頓對安卡拉實施制裁,這使土耳其貨幣自由落體。
華盛頓美國進步中心國家安全和國際政策高級研究員艾倫·馬科夫斯基(Alan Makovsky)表示:“我認為,美土關係的惡化確實是在這裡造成了很大的不同。”國務院。
土耳其議會與主要反對黨的前成員艾坎·埃德米爾(Aykan Erdemir)告訴媒體熱線,土耳其可能會採取與承認種族滅絕的其他國家相同的行動,例如召回美國大使。
他說:“最終,埃爾多安政府的政策使華盛頓孤立了土耳其。” “土耳其最終沒有朋友來鼓吹安卡拉在華盛頓的地位。”
Biden’s recognition of Armenian Genocide shows Turkey’s fading influence
Previous US presidents have avoided using the term ‘genocide’ out of fear of angering key NATO ally
APRIL 23, 2021 19:40
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a news conference following a cabinet meeting in Ankara, Turkey, December 14, 2020
US President Joe Biden’s expected recognition of the Ottoman Empire’s mass killings of Armenians as genocide is a sign of Turkey’s waning influence over Washington, analysts told The Media Line.
For more stories from The Media Line go to themedialine.org
Biden is expected to make the recognition on Saturday, Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, according to US reports, which cited unnamed officials.
Turkey’s foreign minister told a local news channel that such a move would harm relations with the United States.
That sentiment was echoed by Turkey’s main opposition party, The Republican People’s Party, in a statement released on Thursday, denouncing the possible move by Biden.
“This is unjust, unwarranted and inappropriate. We do not accept this characterization,” the party said in its statement.
Turkey, where many revere the Ottoman Empire, accepts that Armenians were killed but has long refuted equating the deaths with genocide.
“Genocide recognition is going to be a large blow to the Turkish government,” said Berk Esen, an assistant professor of political science at Sabancı University in Istanbul.
He says Biden has been angered by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s policies that went against US interests and believes the Turkish president can’t respond too strongly while he is dealing with a major spike in COVID-19 cases and an economic crisis in his country.
Relations with the US are especially important to Turkey’s economy, which strongly relies on foreign investment.
A 2018 diplomatic dispute between the two countries over Turkey’s detention of US pastor Andrew Brunson led to Washington placing sanctions on Ankara which sent Turkey’s currency into free fall.
Economists said the image of Ankara arguing with the biggest economy in the world played more of a role in the economic crisis than the sanctions themselves.
Esen told The Media Line that the recognition of genocide would show how low US-Turkish relations have sunk, considering previous presidents avoided using the term so that they would not upset an important NATO ally.
Turkey has made a slew of decisions since the dispute that have harmed ties with Washington, including launching an offensive against US-allied Kurdish forces in Syria and purchasing an advanced Russian anti-missile defense system, the S-400s, which led to Ankara being kicked out of the US F-35 joint strike fighter program.
“I think the deterioration in US-Turkish relations really is the big difference maker here,” said Alan Makovsky, a senior fellow for national security and international policy at the Center for American Progress in Washington, who previously worked on Turkish affairs at the US State Department.
Turkey’s geopolitical position, bordering Iraq, Iran and Syria, has made it a valuable NATO ally, including by hosting a base which was used by the US to launch attacks against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Makovsky told The Media Line that a Biden recognition of the Armenian deaths as genocide would be a signal to Turkey that it doesn’t have the amount of leverage it believed it did.
“It’s a problematic relationship. The US is starting to hedge its bets a bit … people still see [Turkey] as important strategically but I think Turkey has lost its veto power in certain areas in the US, including on this issue,’ he said.
Makovsky added that the lack of a strong reaction from Ankara after the US Congress passed a resolution to recognize the deaths as genocide showed there probably would be no major fallout from such a move.
Even before he became president, Biden said he would take a tough line with Erdogan, telling The New York Times he would support the opposition.
Since taking office, Biden has not held a phone call with Erdogan even as the Turkish president attempts to strengthen relations with his Western allies.
Aykan Erdemir, a former member of the Turkish parliament with the main opposition party, told The Media Line that Turkey would likely act the same as it did to other countries which have recognized the genocide, such as by recalling the US ambassador.
Erdemir, senior director of the Turkey program for the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said such a clash with the US would be short-lived but welcomed by Erdogan who could use the row to distract the public from the country’s domestic issues while playing to his nationalist base.
He said the recognition of genocide by both the Senate and House of Representatives in 2019 showed how bipartisan skepticism of Erdogan has become in the US.
“Ultimately, the Erdogan government’s policies have isolated Turkey in Washington,” he said. “Turkey ended up with no friends to advocate for Ankara’s position in Washington.”
哈馬斯駐加沙地帶的副領導人哈利勒·海亞(Hhalya al-Hayya)與其他代表一同抵達,為即將於2021年3月29日在加沙市舉行的議會選舉登記哈馬斯的名單。2021年3月29日拍攝的照片。
美國駐聯合國代表團的政治協調員羅德尼·亨特(Rodney Hunter)對聯合國安理會說:“我想感謝即將舉行的巴勒斯坦大選,我們認為這是巴勒斯坦人民必須決定的事情。”
國務院發言人內德·普萊斯(Ned Price)迴避了有關哈馬斯參加週三選舉的問題,只說“我們對哈馬斯的立場是眾所周知的”。
以色列美國和聯合國大使吉拉德·埃爾丹(Gilad Erdan)在向哈馬斯(安全理事會)談及哈馬斯(Hamas)舉行選舉的危險時談到了哈馬斯(Hamas)參加選舉的問題。
“拒絕以色列生存權的恐怖分子被允許參加選舉。哈馬斯的候選人名單包括賈馬爾·阿布·哈亞(Jamal Abu al-Hayja)等人進行了多次恐怖襲擊,納爾·巴爾古提(Nael Barghouti)是以色列監獄中服刑時間最長的囚犯之一而Tawfiq Naim是另一名被判有罪的恐怖分子,”埃爾丹說。
他引用了美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)在2006年擔任參議員時的講話。“拜登在談到2006年《巴勒斯坦反恐怖主義法》時提到,哈馬斯的政治崛起提出了挑戰。哈馬斯甚至不能滿足四方提出的承認以色列的生存權,放棄暴力並接受以前所有一切的三個要求。以色列和巴勒斯坦之間達成的協議。”埃爾丹解釋說。
Terror candidates must not run in Palestinian elections, US tells UNSC
"Terrorists who deny Israel's right to exist are being allowed to participate in the elections," said UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan.
APRIL 23, 2021 08:38
Khalil al-Hayya, Hamas's deputy leader in Gaza, arrives with other representatives to register Hamas's list for the upcoming parliamentary elections, in Gaza City March 29, 2021. Picture taken March 29, 2021.
The United States cautioned against allowing Palestinian politicians who do not recognize Israel or who support terrorist activity — such as members of Hamas or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — from running in the upcoming Palestinian elections when it addressed the United Nations Security Council on Thursday.
"I want to acknowledge the upcoming Palestinians elections, which we believe are a matter for the Palestinian people to determine," the political coordinator for the US Mission to the UN Rodney Hunter told the UNSC.
"The United States and other key partners have long been clear that participants in the democratic process must accept previous agreements, renounce violence and terrorism, and recognize Israel’s right to exist," Hunter said.
Hunter spoke as the Palestinians prepare for their first Legislative Council election since 2006 set for May 22nd, in which 132 seats must be filled.
The Biden administration has been supportive of the elections, but on Thursday it revived a set of criteria for those elections that had in the past been held by the Quartet and the former Bush administration. The Quartet is composed of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia.
Candidates from Hamas and the PFLP, both of which support violence against Israel and have not recognized its right to exist, are running in the election.
State Department spokesman Ned Price had ducked a question about Hamas participation in the elections on Wednesday, stating only that, "our position vis-a-vis Hamas is well known."
He added, "I’m not going to entertain a hypothetical when it comes to elections for the Palestinian people. That’s up to them to decide."
Less than one day later, at the UNSC, Hunter clarified the US position on the matter.
Israel's US and UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan addressed the issue of Hamas' participation in the elections, when he spoke to the security council about the danger of Hamas running the election.
"I hope that you will at least address how this institution will be able to continue to work with the Palestinian Authority if Hamas increases its power in the upcoming elections and becomes an official part of the Palestinian Authority," Erdan said.
"This is the most important issue to address in regards to the conflict," Erdan said as he chastised the member states for ignoring the issue and focusing most of their energies instead on attacking Israel.
Hamas has won the popular vote in the 2006 Legislative Council elections, a move that complicated relations with the PA until the 2007 Hamas coup in Gaza, which created a bitter rift with Fatah that has not been healed.
Since then, Hamas has ruled Gaza and the Fatah led PA has been in charge of the West Bank. Israel is concerned that the elections could empower Hamas in the West Bank.
"Terrorists who deny Israel's right to exist are being allowed to participate in the elections. Hamas’s list of candidates includes names such as Jamal Abu al-Hayja who carried out numerous terrorist attacks, Nael Barghouti, one of the longest-serving inmates in Israeli prison and Tawfiq Naim another convicted terrorist," Erdan stated.
He referenced remarks US President Joe Biden made already in 2006 when he was a senator. "Biden mentioned in his remarks on the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism act in 2006, the political rise of Hamas presents a challenge. Hamas does not even come close to meeting the Quartet's three requirements of acknowledging Israel's right to exist, renouncing violence and accepting all previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinians," Erdan explained.
"The fact that Hamas is being allowed to run in the upcoming elections and is predicted to increase its power" but has not renounced terror," should be worrying for this body. It should be worrying for everyone," Erdan stated.
Raziya Masumi在阿姆斯特丹的一次講故事會議上談到了自己在阿富汗的生活以及她提倡防止對婦女的暴力行為。
Raziya Masumi在伊朗生活到13歲為止。2002年,她和家人回到阿富汗時,他們發現了她所說的“噩夢”。沒有飲用水,也沒有電力,並且禁止婦女上學或獨立。當時她沒有想到自己最終會學習法律並在該國的人權委員會擔任律師,負責處理針對婦女的暴力案件。
有關The Media Line的更多故事,請訪問themedialine.org
Masumi認為,美國總統喬拜登(Joe Biden)上周宣布,到9月11日,美國從阿富汗撤出最後2500名士兵是“一個大錯誤”。自美軍入侵阿富汗以來,今年已是20週年。這場戰爭已成為美國最長的戰爭。Masumi說撤軍將削弱阿富汗在婦女權利方面取得的進展,美國應該再停留兩年到三年,那時她認為阿富汗軍隊將能夠處理安全局勢。
“他們說女人不能當記者或老師。他們談論的是13歲的女孩沒有在公共場合唱歌,因為在伊斯蘭教中這是禁止的禮拜活動。” Masumi繼續說道。“情況日益惡化。即使在和談之後,我們也目睹了許多不明槍手襲擊目標的人權活動家。我們失去了才華橫溢的年輕人……他們是醫生,學生…………為阿富汗帶來了更美好的未來。”
阿富汗和平國務部長薩伊德·薩達特·曼蘇爾·納德里(Saded Manator Naderi)的顧問阿迪拉·艾哈邁迪(Adila Ahmadi)則持不同看法。儘管她擔心自己國家的婦女前景如何,但她認為塔利班是和平協議以來最嚴重的一次。
人權觀察(HRW)婦女權利部門臨時聯合主任希瑟·巴爾(Heather Barr)表示:“我認為很難確切知道影響會是什麼,但我認為很明顯影響不會很好。” )告訴媒體專線。她說:“我認為您在聽阿富汗婦女和維權人士時看到的是,人們正在努力抱有希望,並團結在一起。” “但是籠罩在這些討論中的事實是,許多人都預測暴力將嚴重升級。”
巴爾說:“ 2022年6月30日,阿富汗人將不會停止需要醫療保健,而派遣部隊回國的國家不應有這樣的感覺:'這不再是我的問題。' 人們正在為出口而奔波。我希望那些正在決定是否提供援助的國家也將在決定是否接受難民,而且我們已經看到了大多數國家在這方面的記錄……但是他們應該做好準備阿富汗正在發生的危機將在他們自己的海岸上消失的事實。”
瑪麗娜·勒格里(Marina LeGree)是美國非政府組織“登高阿富汗”的執行董事,該組織致力於通過以體育為中心的領導指導幫助女孩在阿富汗社會中進步。儘管她擔心阿富汗婦女的未來,但她也很樂觀。
她對媒體專線說:“我們和在阿富汗工作的許多非營利組織一樣,都長期存在,我們正在謹慎地觀察其影響,但我們沒有計劃去任何地方或改變我們的工作。” 。“我們經常聽到並在媒體上看到有關老年人的討論,是的,他們在大多數情況下都處於權力位置……我並不是在絞盡腦汁,說所有的希望都因為政治決定而喪失了。 ”
勒格里補充說:“阿富汗人本身俱有巨大的潛力和可能性。” “我們的女孩人數很少,但他們是阿富汗青年運動的一部分,他們不願意退步,所以不要忘記他們。”
Afghan women contemplate a future without US troops
Activists and NGOs imagine what Afghanistan will be like after September 11, when the last US soldiers leave the country
APRIL 22, 2021 23:37
Raziya Masumi talks about her life in Afghanistan and her advocacy to prevent violence against women during a storytelling meeting in Amsterdam.
(photo credit: TORI EGHERMAN)
Raziya Masumi lived in Iran until the age of 13. When she and her family returned to Afghanistan in 2002, they found what she describes as a “nightmare.” There was no potable water and no electricity, and women were forbidden to go to school or to be independent. She could not have imagined then that she eventually would study law and serve as a lawyer with the country’s human rights commission, where she dealt with cases of violence against women.
For more stories from The Media Line go to themedialine.org
“I was struggling with my circumstances. I was dealing with people who were against me and I received death threats for my work. We, as women in Afghanistan, were fighting for our rights. This was our goal,” she told The Media Line. “We thought that if we don’t take a step right now, nothing is going to change.”
One such change was getting a million signatures in support of a law criminalizing violence against females, which would eventually pass Afghan’s parliament.
Now in her first year studying international and European law at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Masumi hopes to establish a legal research institute for Afghanistan in Europe and then return to Afghanistan to work as lawyer specializing in international law.
Masumi believes that it is a “big mistake” for the US to withdraw its last 2,500 troops from Afghanistan by September 11, a decision US President Joe Biden announced last week. This year marks the 20th anniversary since US troops invaded Afghanistan in what has become America’s longest war. Masumi says a withdrawal will erode the progress Afghanistan has made regarding women’s rights and that the US should stay another two years to three years, which is when she believes Afghan troops will be able to handle the security situation.
“The purpose of the current peace is for the Taliban to exert more of their extremist religious beliefs over Afghanistan. They don’t care about human rights standards, which most of our constitution is based on,” she said.
“They say women cannot be journalists or teachers. They talk about 13-year-old girls not singing in public because it is haram [forbidden] in Islam,” Masumi continued. “The situation is getting worse day by day. We witnessed many human rights activists targeted by unknown gunmen, even after the peace talks. We lost talented young people … they were doctors, students … helping bring about a better future for Afghanistan.”
Professional women also have been targeted. In March, for example, three female employees of a news broadcast station were assassinated in Jalalabad.
Adila Ahmadi, an advisor to Afghanistan’s State Minister of Peace Sayed Sadat Mansoor Naderi, sees things differently. While she is concerned about what the prospects are for women in her country, she believes the Taliban is the most serious it has ever been about a peace deal.
“I myself fear for the future of women in Afghanistan, but this time the Taliban are ready for a peace deal. It’s a good opportunity to take the risk, so we are hopeful for that,” she told The Media Line.
Ahmadi says that much of what life will be like for women will depend on the actions of the Afghan government in the upcoming peace talks in Turkey, which on Tuesday were further postponed until after the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.
“If the government makes good decisions regarding women’s rights, then it will be a little easier to guess the situation after the US troop withdrawal in September. But, as we have observed, the Taliban’s nature hasn’t been changed. It’s difficult to handle the thought of Afghanistan going back 20 years,” she said.
In order to not turn back the clock on women’s achievement, the international community must draw a “red line” in the peace talks that protects Afghan’s female population, Ahmadi says.
NGOs and human rights groups also are concerned about what life will be like for women in Afghanistan after US troops leave.
“I think it is hard to know exactly what the impact will be, but I think it is quite clear the impact is not going to be good,” Heather Barr, interim co-director of the women’s rights division at Human Rights Watch (HRW), told The Media Line. “I think what you see when you listen to Afghan women and activists, people are trying to be hopeful and pull together,” she said. “But looming over these discussions is the fact that many people are predicting a serious escalation of violence.”
“That seems like it’s going to be hard to avoid; there’s already a very high and intolerable level of violence in Afghanistan but that doesn’t mean things couldn’t get worse,” she added.
Barr says that there also is concern about increased Taliban power, which has grown steadily over the last ten years. The primary concerns for women under the Taliban involve education and access to health care.
“One important change since 2001 is that the Taliban supports at least primary education for girls. We see in practice that this is not necessarily something followed – some commanders don’t allow it, but it is the official position that primary education should be permitted,” she said.
According to Barr, 40% of primary school and lower secondary school-age children already were not in school before the pandemic and while there is no updated data on figures today, the situation has become worse. Some 66% percent of the lower secondary school-age children, or ages 12 through 15, not attending school are female.
Late last week, HRW called on countries withdrawing their troops from Afghanistan to keep their financial commitments to humanitarian concerns.
Barr says that 75% of the Afghan government’s budget comes from overseas. These donors help fund government schools and community-based education classes, usually coordinated by NGOs, that take place in informal settings such as a private home. Classes in homes are especially important for girls.
International dollars also fund the World Bank-led program responsible for providing basic health-care services to the Afghan population. Barr says that the initiative is a $600 million effort that started in 2018 and is scheduled to end next year.
“On June 30, 2022, Afghans are not going to stop needing health care and countries that have sent their troops home shouldn’t feel like: ‘That’s not my problem anymore,’” Barr said. “People are running for the exits. I hope the same countries that are deciding whether or not to give aid are also going to be deciding whether or not to accept refugees, and we’ve already seen what kind of a record most of them have on that … but they should prepare for the fact that the crisis that’s happening in Afghanistan will wash up on their own shores.”
The consequences of decreased funding is already being seen, such as in hospitals that no longer have the supplies they need to provide care for free. Instead, free government hospitals are forcing patients to purchase supplies before they can receive treatment. Women are especially vulnerable to cuts in health care.
Health care is a cost out of reach for many Afghans, due to a poverty rate that has been rising over the last decade. The poverty rate now stands at between 61% and 72% as a result of the pandemic, according to the World Bank. In 2011, the country’s poverty rate was 38%.
Marina LeGree is executive director of Ascend Afghanistan, an American NGO that seeks to help girls advance in Afghan society through sports-focused leadership guidance. While she is worried about the future for women in Afghanistan, she also is optimistic.
“We, like so many nonprofits that work in Afghanistan, are in it for the long haul and we are cautiously watching what the impact will be, but we have no plans to go anywhere or change what we do,” she told The Media Line. “We often hear about and see in the media discussions of old men and yes, they are, for the most part, in positions of power … I’m not wringing my hands and saying all hope is lost … because of a political decision.”
“Afghans themselves have tremendous potential and possibility,” LeGree added. “Our girls are a small number, but they are part of a huge movement of Afghan youth that are not willing to take a step backwards, so let’s not forget about them.”
She says that her organization has been focusing on additional training, as well as informing girls of what their rights are and what the law says.
LeGree, however, says that the future for women in Afghanistan is not something that can be determined by foreign forces.
“It’s not like 2,500 troops are going to be withdrawn and suddenly everything is dramatically different from one day to the next … the fight will go on. These girls and women need to be tough and resilient and smart and find ways to keep defending themselves and pushing for their rights. I think they will,” she said.
She adds: “There was never a military solution that was going to fix this problem of women’s rights not being respected.”
大馬士革門的抗議者。(圖片來源:SETH J. FRANTZMAN)
勒哈瓦(Lehava)負責人本·錫安·戈普斯坦(Ben-Zion Gopstein)說:“今晚我們來到這裡,是向任何其他人澄清:耶路撒冷是我們的!”
2021年4月22日,在耶路撒冷舊城大馬士革門的抗議活動繼續進行時,大火燒毀了垃圾箱。(圖片來源:SETH J. FRANTZMAN)
賈法門(Jaffa Gate)在賈法街(Jaffa Street)逮捕了4個人,原因是他們襲擊了一個路人,該路人在人群中被發現之前就溜過了人群。
在Mahaneh Yehuda市場的街道上看到警馬小跑,而騎摩托車的人員則在輕軌上減速。
勒哈瓦(Lehava)週三宣布,正計劃在繼續在聖殿山(Temple Mount)齋月服務期間進軍,以抗議最近一周對猶太人的暴力事件。
Dozens hurt and arrested as Jewish and Arab extremists clash in Jerusalem
Dozens of people were injured and arrested as far-right Jewish extremists marched into east Jerusalem, chanting "Death to Arabs."
APRIL 23, 2021 14:03
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Jewish extremists and Arabs clash with police outside Jerusalem's Old City, April 22, 2021 (Thomson Reuters)
Dozens of people were injured and arrested late Thursday night as far-right Jewish extremists marched into east Jerusalem, chanting "Death to Arabs."
The protests took place mainly at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City where Arab youth hurled rocks and bottles at police as the daily Ramadan fast came to an end. The Jewish group - led by the far-right Lehava organization - announced earlier in the day that it would march to the gate to stop the Arabs and remind them who Jerusalem belongs to.
Israel Police deployed throughout the city to tackle the foot traffic and in an attempt to prevent the violence. The goal of the police throughout the night was to keep the two groups as far away from each other as possible.
Police forces successfully broke up some of the protests, warning the protesters – numbering in the hundreds – beforehand, starting to push them towards Highway 1.
A Jerusalem Post correspondent confirmed that the Jewish protesters were pushed toward the Jerusalem Municipality building, while the Arab protesters were directed in the direction of Salah a-Din Street.
Police forces have begun to break up the protests, warning the protesters beforehand, starting to push them towards Highway 1. (Credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
Arab youth opened the night by lighting fireworks at Damascus Gate, calling out "Allahu akhbar." At the same time, Israeli media reported, hundreds of Jewish youth from the far-right extremist Lehava organization arrived at the gate from Zion Square along Jaffa Street, yelling "Death to Arabs," and "Revenge." They held up signs that read "Death to terrorists," according to N12.
Protesters at Damascus Gate. (Credit: SETH J. FRANTZMAN)
The tension accumulated to an instance of bottle throwing, at which point the police arrived to break up the fight.
Using stun grenades, they created a human blockade of police officers to prevent any violence. Meanwhile, Arab youth continued to throw stones and fireworks towards the officers.
Eventually, the Lehava teens broke through the wall of cops.
"We've come here tonight," Ben-Zion Gopstein, head of Lehava, said, "to clarify to anyone who thinks otherwise: Jerusalem is ours!"
Police forces eventually succeeded in creating and maintaining space between the two groups, with the goal of stopping the protests from bleeding into the Old City.
The Post correspondent reported that few Arabs tried to reach the Jewish activists, with stones flying back and forth in the process. Several were detained.
Mobs of Jewish demonstrators tried to break through police barricades and enter the city through Damascus Gate, Kan News reported.
As police began to attempt to clear the protesters out of the area, dumpsters were lit on fire near Damascus Gate.
Fires burn through dumpsters as the protests at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City continue, April 22, 2021. (Credit: SETH J. FRANTZMAN)
A number of policemen were injured in the clashes. One officer sustained injuries to his head from a rock that was thrown at him.
One of the Israel Police officers who was hit by a stone being thrown at him during the night of Arab and Jewish protests in Jerusalem during Ramadan, following nights of violent incidents, April 22, 2021. (Credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
Four individuals were arrested along Jaffa Street, by Jaffa Gate, for attacking a passerby, who slipped through the crowd before he could be identified.
Sources confirmed to The Jerusalem Post that police searched cars and performed thorough security checks on civilians in the general vicinity of activity ahead of the protests, earlier in the evening. Security forces were positioned near Damascus Gate as well as in other areas in the center of town.
Dozens of police officers, all fully armed, stood along Jaffa Street, a central road in Jerusalem along which protesters were reportedly gathering.
Police horses were seen trotting along the street of Mahaneh Yehuda Market and officers on motorcycles were speeding down along the light rail tracks.
Drivers reported police stop-and-searches in the region, as well.
Lehava announced on Wednesday that it was planning a march while Ramadan services on the Temple Mount continue, to protest the recent violence exhibited towards Jews over the last week.
Police arrested over 50 individuals for disturbances in Jerusalem and 20 officers were injured. Some of the instances were filmed and uploaded online.
The recent increase in violent incidents and public disturbances are due to rising nationalistic tensions, while Ramadan continues in the Arab sector.
The US Embassy in Jerusalem released a statement Friday expressing concern about the violence over the past few days. "We hope all responsible voices will promote an end to incitement, a return to calm, and respect for the safety and dignity of everyone in Jerusalem," the embassy said in a tweet in Arabic, Hebrew and English.
納夫塔利·班尼特(Naftali Bennett)
(照片來源:OURI KAHN)
Yamina負責人 納夫塔利·本內特(Naftali Bennett)週五在臉書上表示,他已經開始與“變革集團”成員組成“國家統一政府”的談判。
據N12報導,耶什·阿迪德(Yesh Atid)負責人Yair Lapid證實,他和貝內特(Bennett)正在討論成立全國統一政府。
內塔尼亞胡•本內特(Netanyahu Bennett)抨擊說,總理“不可能組建右翼政府,也沒有意願做任何要組建政府的事情。”
貝內特說,內塔尼亞胡的不願與新希望領導人吉迪恩·薩爾(Gideon Sa'ar)妥協,以換取總理職位,後者為首位。貝內特聲稱,另一種選擇是內塔尼亞胡(Ratan)在拉姆(Ra'am)的外部支持下擔心,因為政府的決定取決於阿拉伯政黨。
Bennett: 'I have begun talks to form a national unity government'
The Likud Party responded to Bennett, saying in a statement that Bennett wants to be prime minister at all costs, including at the cost of [forming] a left-wing government"
APRIL 23, 2021 20:16
Yamina head Naftali Bennett said on Friday via Facebook that he has entered negotiations to form a "national unity government" with members of the "change bloc."
"From the moment I realized that Netanyahu did not intend to choose one of the two alternatives for forming a right-wing government, I began the effort to form a national unity government," Bennett wrote in the extensive post.
Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid confirmed that he and Bennett are in discussions to form a national unity government, according to N12.
In the post, Bennett also criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Religious Zionist Party head Bezalel Smotrich, saying the former is dragging Israel to its fifth elections, while the latter is preventing the formation of a right-wing government by conducting a campaign against the Ra'am Party.
The Yamina head laid out his exact reasoning for justifying negotiations to form a national unity government, weaving into the complexities associated with the goal of forming a right-wing government, his desire to be prime minister and opposition to a fifth election, which he says will be a disaster for Israel.
Slamming Netanyahu Bennett said that the prime minister has "no possibility of forming a right-wing government and has no will to do whatever it takes to form a government."
Netanyahu's unwillingness, Bennett said, was over compromising with New Hope leader Gideon Sa'ar in a rotational agreement for the premiership, with the latter going first. The other option, outside support from Ra'am, Netanyahu feared due to government decisions being dependent on an Arab party, Bennett claimed.
On the difficulties of forming a national unity government under the change bloc, Bennett said he had little confidence it will be possible, highlighting the ideological differences between all the parties of the change bloc, and its likely inability to agree on issues important to Yamina, such as Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank and justice system reform.
In the case that a national unity government is formed, Bennett said its priorities will be passing a budget, renewing operations in government bureaucracies, and creating long-term policies for pressing economic issues in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
"Israel is in an extremely difficult crisis. In every crisis there are people sitting in the bleachers criticizing and explaining 'why not' It's easy to be "right." Even very easy. And there are those who enter the arena, strive to come up with solutions, face the difficult and unpleasant alternatives, and work for a solution. They are called leaders," Bennett concluded.
The Likud Party responded to Bennett's Facebook post, saying in a statement that Bennett wants to be prime minister at all costs, including at the cost of [forming] a left-wing government"
Netanyahu's party added that Bennett as prime minister of the change bloc would be a left-wing government with a right-wing fig leaf.
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