英國哈里王子和他的妻子梅根在接受美國電視節目採訪時大曝內幕表示英國皇室對他們小孩皮膚深淺有意見等種族主義指控,引發關注。Royal family to 'address' alleged racism following Harry, Meghan interview "The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. Whilst some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately."
由於日本公眾對COVID-19疫情的關注,日本)已決定在今年夏天舉行的東京奧運會)和殘奧會上),不邀請國外觀眾來日本觀賽。比賽訂於7月23日至8月8日間舉行。 Japan to stage Tokyo Olympics without foreign spectators, Kyodo says. The Games are set for July 23 to Aug. 8.
以色列的疫苗接種率很高(大約500萬人,佔全國的一半以上,而18歲以上的人口則佔80%左右),並且推出了綠色通行證。全世界都在註視著綠色通行證計劃的進展。以色列政府針對COVID-19的國家專家諮詢小組主席Ran Balicer表示,這種從疫情低谷中重新開啟國家的例子是“世界級”實驗,“沒有其他人嘗試過它。”綠色通行證計劃的思想是在嚴格的法規下開放經濟:只有那些在第二次接種疫苗一周後或從COVID-19中恢復過來的人才能坐在餐廳內,參加多達300人的婚禮,酒吧,並參加按比例縮小的體育和文化活動。但由於執法部門警察的日常挑戰-犯罪,交通事故和恐怖主義-並沒有消失,因此其他主管部門應盡一切努力,確保人民遵守綠色通行證規定,否則一旦有作假或不遵守,整個制度會崩潰。 Green passport won't work without enforcement - analysis **The Green Pass regime will only work if there is enforcement: if only those vaccinated are indeed the only ones sitting inside restaurants, celebrating at weddings, and going to concerts. **All of this was made possible because of the high rate of people vaccinated in the country – some five million, or more than half of the country, and some 80% of those over 18 – and the roll out of the Green Pass. The world is watching to see how the Green Pass plan goes. Ran Balicer, the chairman of the National Expert Advisory Panel to the Government on COVID-19, said that this method of opening up the country, of emerging from the corona, is a “world-class” experiment and “no one else has tried it.” The idea behind the Green Pass plan is to open the economy under strict regulations: only those who are a week after their second vaccination, or have recovered from COVID-19, can sit inside restaurants, attend weddings of up to 300 people, go to bars, and attend scaled-down sporting and cultural events.the police’s daily challenges – crime, traffic accidents, and terrorism – have not disappeared, and therefore other authorities should be carrying out the chore of ensuring that the Green Pass regulations are being followed.
伊朗向國外輸入宗教革命,像黑手黨一樣掌控中東,威脅各國為保護付出代價或遭到攻擊。但是在該政權的領土內,也不是一切都盡如人意。上週四,有人企圖劫持一架從西南部城市阿瓦士(Ahvaz)起飛的飛機,該城市有大量阿拉伯人,前往馬什哈德(Mashhad)。伊斯蘭革命衛隊空中警察停止了劫機。據報導,他們在伊朗的許多航班上都有武裝人員,以制止這種情況。另外在伊朗東部錫斯坦(Sistan)和俾路支斯坦省(Baluchistan),持續存在緊張局勢和衝突。這些事件是在伊朗革命衛隊向跨邊界的燃料走私者開槍後造成的,至少造成10人死亡。該地區的動亂持續了數週。伊朗還嚴厲打擊 庫爾德) 激進分子,特別是婦女。一月份,有報導稱伊朗拘留了三名庫爾德女性活動家。他們被轉移到烏爾米亞的IRGC拘留中心。報導稱,一月份至少有24名庫爾德平民被拘留。Last Thursday, someone attempted to hijack a plane that was departing Ahvaz, a southwestern city with a large Arab minority, en route to Mashhad. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps stopped the hijacking. They have armed men on many flights in Iran to stop scenarios like this, according to reports.On the other side of Iran from Ahvaz, in Sistan and Baluchistan Province near Pakistan, there are continuing tensions and clashes. These began after the IRGC opened fire on alleged fuel smugglers, killing at least 10. Iran is also cracking down on Kurdish) activists, particularly women. In January, there were reports that Iran had detained three female Kurdish activists. They were transferred to an IRGC detention center in Urmia. At least 24 Kurdish civilians were detained in January, the reports said.
由於動盪和犯罪激增,一次貨幣崩盤抹去了他們大部分薪水 ,黎巴嫩的安全部隊)對此不滿。 自2019年底以來,黎巴嫩)的英鎊在金融危機中已下跌了85%,這是自1975-1990年內戰以來對穩定的最大威脅。他週一說:“士兵們像人民一樣餓了。” “他們要不要軍隊?你要不要軍隊堅持下去?……他們不在乎。”過去,士兵或警察的基本月薪大約為800美元,今天的價值還不到120美元。削減預算迫使軍方去年削減了飯食。法國大使館上個月向黎巴嫩軍隊捐贈了食品包,這被視為時代的標誌。黎巴嫩軍隊長期以來一直得到西方國家的支持。 隨著黎巴嫩的邊緣化,動盪預計將加劇。自黎巴嫩鎊跌至新低以來,抗議者燒毀了輪胎並封鎖了主要道路。隨著黎巴嫩的邊緣化,動盪預計將加劇。自黎巴嫩鎊跌至新低以來,抗議者燒毀了輪胎並封鎖了主要道路。
哈薩斯在加沙地帶的領導人亞哈·辛瓦爾(YAHYA SINWAR)已經證明他不止一次務實而且願意與以色列打交道。知情人士說),哈馬斯選出了加沙地帶的一位新領導人,以接替Yahya Sinwar)。消息人士稱,他的名字叫Nizar Awadallah。 巴勒斯坦《聖城報》報導,現年63歲的阿瓦達拉是向辛瓦爾挑戰的四名候選人之一。其他三個候選人被確定為Mahmoud Zahar,Fathi Hammad和Ziyad al-Thatha。 在第一次起義期間,他領導了一個秘密的哈馬斯)武裝聯隊,名為巴勒斯坦聖戰者組織。 阿瓦達拉將擔任加沙地帶哈馬斯政治局局長。預計該恐怖組織還將為目前由伊斯梅爾·哈尼耶(Ismail Haniyeh)領導的政治局選出新的總體領導人。 阿瓦達拉(Awadallah)在埃及學習土木工程,與哈馬斯的創始人兼精神領袖謝赫·艾哈邁德·亞辛(Sheikh Ahmed Yassin)密切相關。他以前因參與恐怖主義而在以色列監獄里呆了10年。 現年58歲的辛瓦爾於2017年接任哈尼耶(Haniyeh)成為哈馬斯在加沙地帶的領導人。 Hamas leader Sinwar ousted in secret vote. Awadallah will serve as head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip. The terrorist group is also expected to elect a new overall leader for its political bureau, currently headed by Ismail Haniyeh. Awadallah, who studied civil engineering in Egypt, was closely associated with Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. He previously spent 10 years in Israeli prison for his involvement in terrorism. Sinwar, 58, succeeded Haniyeh as Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip in 2017.
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