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The ancient Christian community in the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq was severely persecuted and massacred during the 2014-2017 occupation by the Islamic State. Many people immigrated to Europe and the United States and did not return home. Some returnees would be frightened. Half of the population in the Christian town of Handamniya is Christ. Christians formed their own Christian militia to protect themselves, so Christian residents dare to return to their hometowns, and foreign Christians also come here to assist in the reconstruction. This is a rare bright spot. 伊拉克北部尼尼微平原古老的基督徒社區受到伊斯蘭國2014-2017年佔領期間嚴重迫害與屠殺,許多人移民歐美不再返鄉,有的返鄉者會擔驚受怕,基督徒城鎮Handamniya一半人口是基督徒,組成自己的基督教民兵組織保護自己,所以基督徒居民敢於回鄉,也有外國基督徒來此協助重建,是一個難得的亮點。

Last Thursday, an Israeli car ship in the Gulf of Oman was attacked by an explosion. The reason is not clear. It is uncertain whether it was hit by a mine or was attacked by a missile. However, both the United States and Israel believe that it was an attack from Iran. There is no direct war with Israel, and he does not want to be the target of the Biden administration of the United States.上週四發生在阿曼灣的一艘以色列汽車輪受到爆炸攻擊事件,原因還不明確,是碰觸水雷或者受到飛彈攻擊還不確定,但美國與以色列都認定是來自伊朗的攻擊,但目前伊朗與以色列之間無直接交戰,不想成為美國拜登政府針對的對象。

According to the Times of Israel report, the Israeli Navy sank a Hamas ship used as a naval vessel with anti-ship missiles. The incident occurred in the sea off Khan Yunis. In addition to using rockets, missiles, mortars, kite arson, and digging tunnels, Hamas also attempted to infiltrate Israel with frogmen during the 2014 war. Hamas has 400 naval commandos out of its 30,000 troops, and various other military equipment is also sufficient.依據以色列時報報導,以色列海軍以對艦飛彈擊沈一艘哈瑪斯用於作海軍艦艇用途的船隻,事件發生在Khan Yunis外海發生的事件。哈瑪斯以火箭、飛彈、迫擊砲、風箏縱火、挖坑道突擊手段外,也在2014年戰爭期間以蛙人企圖滲透入以色列。哈瑪斯 3萬兵員中有400名海軍突擊隊,其他各種軍事配備也十分充足。 本人評析:以巴衝突中以方似乎佔上風優勢,但其實以色列猶太人也承受來自巴勒斯坦人各種手段的人身攻擊,以色列政府秉持的第一原則就是人命至上,為了保護國民的性命安全,所有的宗教戒律、國際法、國內法通通都可以不遵守,甚至國家聲譽受損都在所不惜,而以人命保存為第一要務。所以未來有任何以巴和談,絕對必須將給予以色列人安全感列為第一要務,否則對以色列就沒有意義。

Saudi Arabia intercepted missile missiles and drone attacks from the Yemen Hussein regime yesterday. Riyadh’s Patriot missiles fought with the attacking ballistic missiles and caused huge explosions. None of the attacks caused casualties. The battle between Yemen and Saudi Arabia has not stopped. The blockade of Yemen by the Saudi coalition has also caused a humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Millions of people have been displaced, tens of thousands of people have died, and relief supplies cannot be accessed. The solution is nowhere in sight.沙烏地阿拉伯在昨天攔截來自葉門胡賽政權的導彈飛彈與無人機攻擊,利雅得的愛國者飛彈與進犯之彈道飛彈交戰導致巨大爆炸聲。所有攻擊都沒有造成死傷。葉門與沙烏地之交戰迄今未停止,沙國聯軍對葉門之封鎖也造成葉門人道危機,數百萬人流離失所,數萬人死亡,救援物資無法進入,解決遙遙無期。

本週在阿布達比軍事展因為有將攻擊以色列人的情報,以色列軍火公司取消出席,但未來肯定會去參加招商。 This week at the Abu Dhabi military exhibition, the Israeli arms company canceled its attendance because of intelligence that it would attack the Israelis, but it will definitely participate in investment promotion in the future.

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