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  1. 輝瑞藥廠CEO Albert Bourla陳述他是來自希臘薩羅尼基的猶太人,父母在二戰期間僥倖逃過納粹佔領軍迫害未死,戰後八年結婚,才有了他。所以為何以色列可以在全世界國都拿到疫苗之前就拿到?因為執行長是猶太人!所以我們不是猶太人,就不要抱怨了。 Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, stated that he is a Jew from Thessaloniki, Greece. His parents escaped persecution by the Nazi occupation forces during World War II and survived. They got married eight years after the war. So why can Israel get the vaccine before all countries in the world get the vaccine? Because the CEO is Jewish! We are not Jewish, so stop complaining.

  2. WHO派調查團到中國武漢調查疫情早期發展狀況,但無法拿到原始醫治醫療資料,只能拿到整理過後的摘要。The WHO sent an investigation team to Wuhan, China to investigate the early development of the epidemic, but the original medical information was not available, and only the summarized summary was obtained.

  3. 波蘭有養貂場發現貂都有病毒,可以人獸互傳。A mink farm in Poland found that the mink had the virus, which can be transmitted between humans and animals.

  4. 日本發生七點三級地震,許多鐵路停止通行,百人受傷。 An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 occurred in Japan, many railways ceased traffic, and a hundred people were injured.

  5. 昨天情人節,許多俄羅斯人湧到街頭拿蠟燭支持納瓦尼。On Valentine's Day yesterday, many Russians flocked to the streets to support Navani with candles.

  6. 以色列即將開放商店與猶太會堂等,但是購物中心與健身中心等場所則僅開放給有打過疫苗者。以色列最大HMO CLALIT表示打過疫苗者92%疫苗有效,可防止更嚴重的病狀發生。這是從120萬人,其中一半60萬人有接種者,研究的來的數據。Israel is about to open shops and synagogues, but shopping centers and gyms are only open to those who have been vaccinated. Israel's largest HMO CLALIT stated that 92% of those who have been vaccinated are effective in preventing more serious illnesses. This is data from the study of 1.2 million people, half of which 600,000 people have vaccinators.

  7. 以色列與賽普勒斯達成旅遊泡泡,將開放打過疫苗者到對方國旅遊,之前以色列與希臘也做出此類安排。Israel and Cyprus have reached a tourism bubble, which will allow vaccinated persons to travel to each other's country. Israel and Greece have also made such arrangements before.

  8. UAE第一位駐以色列大使Mohammad Mahmoud Alhaja已在國內宣誓就職,將很快到以色列去開館就任。 Mohammad Mahmoud Alhaja, the first UAE ambassador to Israel, has been sworn in in the country and will soon go to Israel to open and take office.

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