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以色列60歲以上重症病患人數減少中,以色列衛生部長尤利·愛德斯坦(Yuli Edelstein)在周五早上報告說,總共有370萬名以色列國民至少接受了一劑冠狀病毒疫苗,另外240萬人接受了第二劑疫苗。 “我們將開放體育館,”愛德斯坦說。“您將決定自己是慶祝活動的一部分還是落後此潮流。只是給疫苗起一個肩膀。對您來說,這是一小步,對國家來說是一大步。” Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein shared positive news on Friday morning: more than 3.7 million people have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine and another 2.4 million their second dose, too. “We will open gyms,” Edelstein said. “You will decide whether you be part of the celebration or stay behind. Just ‘give a shoulder to the vaccine. A small step for you, a big step for the country.”

英國籍的卡利.汗當選國際刑事法院新任檢察官,接任上周宣示國際刑事法院對以巴2014年戰爭有管轄權的Bensouda檢察官。他曾經手過伊斯蘭國、肯亞、蘇丹、利比亞等地之相關案件處理,經驗豐富。 Britain's Karim Khan elected International Criminal Court prosecutor Last week the court said it has jurisdiction over war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories, which could lead to an inquiry strongly opposed by non-ICC member Israel and the United States. British barrister Karim is best known for heading the United Nations' special investigative team looking into Islamic State crimes in Iraq. In his 27-year law career Khan, who is also Queens Counsel, has worked for almost every international criminal tribunal in roles in prosecution, defense and as counsel for victims. At the ICC Khan is best known for being a lead defense counsel who has worked on cases from Kenya, Sudan and Libya.

美國國務院發言人派斯表示以色列應停止屯墾區擴建,巴勒斯坦方應停止付款給恐怖分子家屬,至於耶路撒冷問題應由以巴雙方經過直接談判解決,是最終解決方案的一部分。 US: It's critical to refrain from settlement activity, terror payments "We believe it is critical to refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions and that undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two state solution."The US on Thursday called on Israel to refrain from settlement activity and for the Palestinian Authority) to halt payments to terrorists and their families. But Price clarified that the Biden's administration) position on Jerusalem was transient and that ultimately the status of Jerusalem would be determined by direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians. "The ultimate status of Jerusalem is, in fact, a final status issue which will need to be resolved by the parties in the context of direct negotiations," Price said.

俄羅斯外交部長拉夫若夫表示倘歐盟制裁俄羅斯,俄羅斯也會做出相應報復。繼俄羅斯驅逐參加反政府示威的幾個歐洲國家外交官後,這些相應國家也驅逐相應的俄羅斯外交官。 Russia warns it may cut ties with EU if new sanctions imposed As fight over Navalny imprisonment intensifies, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Moscow doesn’t want to be isolated, but is ready to retaliate if EU action hurts its economy Navalny’s arrest triggered a wave of protests across Russia that drew tens of thousands of people to the streets in the largest show of discontent in years. Authorities responded with a sweeping crackdown, detaining about 11,000 people across Russia. Many protesters were fined or given jail sentences ranging from seven to 15 days. The United States and the European Union have urged Russia to release Navalny and to end the crackdown on protests. The Kremlin has accused them of meddling in Russia’s internal affairs and said it would not listen to Western criticism of Navalny’s sentencing and police actions against his supporters.

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