1.Fatah and Hamas agree on terms of 1st Palestinian election in 15 years Deal reached at Cairo summit between 14 Palestinianfactions; Palestinians are skeptical that the vote will be held at all, as election promises have fallen through before.巴勒斯坦法塔與哈瑪斯等共14個派系昨日在埃及開羅達成初步協議讓5月22日的國會大選可以繼續進行。雙方也協議應該互相釋放政治犯、成立包括各界的選舉法院以解決糾紛歧異等。
2.Iran cleric: People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’ Iran’s regime has executed 4,000-6,000 gays and lesbians since its 1979 Islamic revolution. 伊朗教士Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian表示注射西方的COVID19疫苗將導致人成為同性戀,兒伊朗在1979年宗教革命以來已經處決4000-6000名的同性戀國民,伊朗外長札里夫面對外界質疑時表示伊朗有自己的道德觀道德原則不受外界影響。
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