Episode 45 is the fourth episode in a 5-episode series on becoming more spiritually minded. The purpose of the series is to help you figure out how God speaks to you as well as learn how you receive personal revelation. Today’s topic is: Act on promptings felt from God.
If you listened to episodes 42,) 43), and 44) you know that each week of this series has a free printable). The episodes are focused on a portion of a quote from President Nelson’s talk from April 2018 General Conference. The talk is called Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives). Here is the part of that talk we are focusing on this week:
…follow through with actions that you are prompted to take.
The printable for this week’s episode will give you the chance to ponder and think about situations and times when you have felt prompted and how you acted on the promptings.
The “Act” section of the printable will help you review the ways you have acted on the topics from the previous three weeks:
In this episode, I share some examples about how acting has helped me spiritually throughout my life. You’ll hear how acting gives you power whereas not acting creates doubt.
I shared this quote by Michelle Gifford of The Women With Fire Podcast
Heavenly Father can’t move an object that is standing still.
I also talked about how sometimes we know “what” God is prompting us to do but we don’t know “why.” Listen to hear why this is totally OK and how we can still act and receive blessings from God even if we don’t know the “why” of a prompting. Show Notes Download the printables for each episode HERE).
You can find part 1: Seek a Relationship with God HERE.) You can find part 2: Build Spiritual Reserves HERE). You can find part 3: Use God as a Guide HERE).
Listen to the full episode about how acting helped my family change our financial situation in episode 34: Why I am Grateful for the Hardest Time in my Life).
Listen to The Women With Fire episode 52: The Quester: Part 3 of the Quest Series), for more about the quote by Michelle Gifford mentioned above.
Listen to The Women With Fire interview with Lizzy Jensen) where she shares how to “Act on the ‘what,’ even if you don’t know the ‘why.'”
The scripture I shared about Nephi acting on the “what” when he didn’t know the “why” can be found in 1 Nephi 9:5-6).
Read the entire talk with the quote I read from Elder David A. Bednar called The Spirit of Revelation.) Follow Spiritually Minded Mom Blog: spirituallymindedmom.com Instagram: Instagram.com/spirituallymindedmom) Facebook: facebook.com/spirituallymindedmom) Podcast: Spiritually Minded Mom on iTunes)