cover of episode #68 AI乐观派(下)|那些技术乌托邦、超人类和加速主义者们

#68 AI乐观派(下)|那些技术乌托邦、超人类和加速主义者们

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AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
#technology#artificial intelligence and machine learning#future of humanity#intellectual discourse#longevity and anti-aging#human evolution#autonomous vehicles#neuralink and ai integration#technology#agi discussion#biotechnology and neuroscience People
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 : 技术乌托邦主义者对互联网抱有狂热乐观态度,认为它能赋能普通人,实现自动化民主。他们反对政府对技术的过度监管,希望通过人工智能和高科技的广泛应用,实现更公平的资源分配,解决社会问题,甚至迎来人类新的文艺复兴。他们希望未来社会被视为一种技术系统,由技术精英领导,而非官僚和政客。 @尼克·波斯特洛姆 在其新书《深层乌托邦》中设想了一种人工智能高度发达的乌托邦未来,资源无限丰富,人类可探索宇宙,甚至生活在虚拟现实中。他提出“天堂工程”的概念,设想通过先进科技带来的乌托邦未来,人类认知能力增强,并可能探索新的文明。 @维诺德·科斯拉 预测未来科技将带来免费的专家服务、无限的免费劳动力、免费的公共资源(如计算机)、娱乐和设计行业的爆发、智能体辅助工作、大幅提升的医疗水平、更清洁的能源等等,最终实现人人富裕。 @库雷·库兹韦尔 认为人机融合、机器智能突破、基因研究等将使人类超越身体限制,最终消除疾病。奇点主义者认为技术最终源头是智慧,奇点时刻将是历史分水岭,人类应预想并适应技术超越人类后的发展。 @维塔利克·布特林 提出的“DACC”(去中心化加速主义)主张利用去中心化、民主化、防御性的机制来应对技术发展中的问题。他认为技术发展并非自动发生,需要人类努力,应选择有利于人类的技术并加速其发展。他核心观点是让不同的AI互相竞争,并保持去中心化,以确保安全和避免权力集中。 尼克·波斯特洛姆: 我认为如果人工智能发展得非常好,那会发生什么呢?我会设想一个由基金人类增强技术实现的乌托邦式的未来。如果人类殖民宇宙并创造行星大小的计算机能够运行数字人,那么未来的后人类人口会达到惊人的规模。由于超级智能引起了经济的爆炸,我们可能还会受到地球的物理资源的限制,所以我们应该尽可能地进行一些太空的探索来加大人类生存的空间。 维诺德·科斯拉: 我相信,通过科技创新,我们可以让地球上的80亿人都过上富裕的生活。我的12个科技预测都指向了这样一个乌托邦式的未来,其中包括免费的专家服务、无限的免费劳动力、免费的公共资源、娱乐和设计行业的爆发等等。这些预测,虽然现在看来很多还距离比较遥远,但我相信,它们早晚会实现。 库雷·库兹韦尔: 人与机器的融合,加上机器智能的突破爆发和基因研究,让我们能够超越我们脆弱的身体和限制,最终我们可以看到疾病将会被消除。奇点临近,当我们与AI融合时,我们将拥有更强大的能力,创造更美好的未来。 维塔利克·布特林: 我相信,通过去中心化、民主化、防御性的机制,我们可以更好地应对技术发展中的挑战,确保人工智能的安全和公平发展。我们需要让不同的AI互相竞争,避免权力集中,并通过防御性的技术来保护人类免受伤害。去中心化的技术,例如区块链和密码学,将是实现这一目标的关键。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the core belief of technological utopianism?

Technological utopianism believes that technology, particularly the internet and AI, can create a more democratic and equitable society by providing platforms for the voiceless, enabling fair resource distribution, and solving global issues like climate change and healthcare. They oppose excessive government regulation and advocate for open, global networks that empower entrepreneurs, consumers, and policymakers.

What are Nick Bostrom's predictions in his book 'Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World'?

Nick Bostrom envisions a future where AI advances to the point where all economically valuable work can be done at near-zero cost. He suggests that even tasks like parenting could be performed better by AI. He also explores the idea of colonizing space, creating planet-sized computers, and living in virtual realities, potentially leading to a post-human population of unimaginable scale.

What are Vinod Khosla's 12 technological predictions?

Vinod Khosla predicts a future with free expert services like doctors and teachers, unlimited robotic labor, ubiquitous computing, a boom in entertainment and design industries, personalized medicine, new food and fertilizers, autonomous urban transportation, faster air travel, clean energy, exploration of new natural resources, and the elimination of carbon emissions through advanced technology.

What is the main goal of transhumanism?

Transhumanism aims to use technology and rationality to enhance human capabilities, including intelligence, lifespan, and physical abilities. It seeks to eliminate disabilities, diseases, suffering, aging, and death through advancements in biotechnology, genetic engineering, and cybernetics, ultimately striving for a future where humans transcend their biological limitations.

What is the concept of the Singularity in AI?

The Singularity refers to a hypothetical point in the future where AI surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid technological advancements that are beyond human comprehension. Singularitarians believe this moment will be a historical turning point, requiring humanity to adapt to a new era where machines dominate technological progress.

What is Effective Accelerationism (E/ACC)?

Effective Accelerationism is a philosophy that advocates for the unrestricted advancement of AI and other cutting-edge technologies to accelerate human evolution and societal progress. It emphasizes the role of technology in driving social change and believes that technological development is an inevitable and universal law of the universe.

What is Vitalik Buterin's concept of D/ACC?

Vitalik Buterin's D/ACC (Decentralized/Defensive Accelerationism) promotes a decentralized, democratic, and defensive approach to technological development. He believes that technology should be distributed and not controlled by centralized entities, ensuring a balance of power and protecting humanity from potential risks posed by advanced technologies like AI.

What are the main criticisms of technological optimism?

Critics argue that technological optimism overlooks the potential negative consequences of technological advancements, such as increased resource consumption, environmental degradation, and social inequality. They also contend that technology alone cannot solve deep-rooted societal issues, which require systemic changes in economic structures, cultural values, and political systems.

  • 技术乌托邦主义者对互联网和人工智能的乐观态度
  • 他们反对政府对技术的过度监管
  • 他们对知识产权保护和行业补贴的支持
  • 他们对未来社会愿景的描述

Shownotes Transcript




00:15 开场白

01:12 技术乌托邦主义(Technological Utopianism)

09:49 尼克·波斯特洛姆(Nick Bostrom),2024年出版的最新著作《深层乌托邦:已解决世界中的生命和意义》(Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World)

14:07 维诺德·科斯拉(Vinod Khosla)风险投资家,Sun公司最早的联合创始人

20:45 超人类主义(Transhumanism)

21:57 马克思·莫尔(Max More),英国哲学家

27:00 超人类主义宣言(The Transhumanist Declaration)

31:22 奇点主义者(Singularitarianism)

34:06 库雷·库兹韦尔(Ray Kurzweil),奇点大学创始人兼校长,他2005年的《奇点临近:当人类超越生物学》(The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology),以及2024年刚出版的续集《奇点临近:当我们与AI融合时》(The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI)

36:54 e/acc(有效加速主义, Effective Accelerationism)

41:11 纪尧姆·韦东(Guillaume Verdon),Extropic AI创始人兼首席执行官

47:29 维塔利克·布特林(Vitalik Buterin),以太坊创始人

01:06:56 黑键乐队(The Black Keys) 的《I Got Mine》(我得到了我的)


The Black Keys - I Got Mine

