I’ve been listening to some Delores Cannon lately and she says we chose this life and our parents before ever being born and manifesting on earth. At first this seemed crazy. I can get on board with us manifesting here but choosing our parents? That seemed insane to me, but she has an interesting theory on this. She says we chose to come to earth from various dimensions, we might have chosen difficult life situations in order to bring lessons to others The part I find most interesting in this theory is that in order to come here we had to forget who we are and then remember it through our life lessons. Delores Cannon YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6tTHgyNTUCTauwkXI1aQvQ
The Coffee Buzz December Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5xnYbVMC2wvUTGyeqKGPUj
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