The search for Dr Ruja Ignatova gathers pace, five years after she disappeared. Files leaked from Dubai reveal how Dr Ruja stashed millions in the emirate and struck up a relationship with a mysterious sheikh. Then, a careless selfie leads the podcast to a mansion in an exclusive gated community. As the FBI steps up its search, new information surfaces about Dr Ruja’s disappearance from an unlikely source.
Presenter: Jamie Bartlett Producers: Rob Byrne and Georgia Catt Series Producer: Georgia Catt Commissioner: Dylan Haskins Series Editor: Philip Sellars Original music and sound design: Phil Channell Original music and vocals: Dessislava Stefanova and the London Bulgarian Choir Featuring footage from: LiveNow from Fox, 5en News, Prag News, Welt Netzreporter The Missing Cryptoqueen is a BBC Documentaries production for BBC Sounds and BBC 5Live