Python is a platform-independent, object-oriented scripting programming language whose philosophy emphasizes readability in that source code does not need to be compiled in order to run, which offers advantages such as speed of development. With Python you can make any type of program, from Windows applications to network servers or even web pages. It is an interpreted language.Want to know more about how to clear variables in python) the check our website.
Python Beginnings
Python was born by Guido Van Rossum, a Dutch programmer who was then working at the Computer Science Research Center (CWI) in Amsterdam. This programming language has its beginnings at the end of the 80's, it began to be implemented in December 1989 and in February 1991 the first public version (version 0.9.0) was published.It was born as a free software project and its success is due to the decision to make it open source. Since then the degree of popularity has been so great that it is one of the 5 most used languages today.
Why name it Python?
Its logo is related to a kind of snake, contrary to what one might think, its creator was inspired by his favorite comic group called Monty Python.
Python Features
Now that we know the beginnings of Python, let's get down to business:
High-level programming language : This refers to the fact that it is a language that expresses its algorithms taking into account the cognitive abilities of human beings. It is made so that people understand it without difficulty.
It is an interpreted language: It runs in real time on any platform that has an interpreter, a great advantage when we make small changes to an application and we do not have to recompile the entire application each time we make a change, which allows us to be more efficient when it comes to to program.It is multi-paradigm: You can create more than one program with several different development styles. Python allows us to use modular, structured, object-oriented programming depending on what is most efficient to create our need.**It's free:**The source code is available to know, analyze and study it in depth. Also, Python has a great community on its portal for any kind of help. Additionally it has some really good documentation freely available.
Advantages of Python
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