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B1 words and expressions studied:
In this B1-level podcast today, I'll also discuss 6 interesting intermediate B1-level words, which you can listen for while you listen to the short story.Intermediate-level words and expressions:
**lack of something **- not enough of something
get rid of somebody - tell somebody to leave
out of work - to have lost your job
try your best - do a task the best way you can
**stay behind **- to wait after others have left
consist of something - talks about the parts of somethingTo see answers and read the full transcript, go to my website:https://www.practisingenglish.com/podcast-216.htm)
At https://www.practisingenglish.com/) I offer learners of intermediate-level English, grammar help and exercises and other English learning pages.https://www.practisingenglish.com/My latest novel for learners of B2 English is called The Tudor Conspiracy. You can see it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/33Axu2N)https://amzn.to/33Axu2NBe back soon with another podcast!Mike Bilbrough (Secondary school English teacher and Doctor in English philology)