Targeting 2022 外资金融机构@中国经济丨系列访谈(二) We saw at the tone-setting annual central economic work conference officials said China is facing what they had described as "threefold pressure". And they defined that as a contraction in demand, supply shocks and weak respectations. This notion of "three-fold pressure" is not something that really comes up a lot in the past. In this episode, we have Mr. Daniel Zipser, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Greater China Consumer & Retail Practice Leader, to share his views behind the "three-fold pressure". 今年的中央经济工作会议中提到中国经济正面临着“三重压力”,即需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱,这样的提法再过去并不常见。今天,ICS特邀麦肯锡全球资深董事合伙人、麦肯锡中国区消费与零售咨询业务负责人泽沛达和大家分享他对于“三重压力”的观察,特别是对于消费收缩的一些见解。