cover of episode 中国货币政策转向时机已至?China's Monetary Policy: Shift or Continuation

中国货币政策转向时机已至?China's Monetary Policy: Shift or Continuation

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Targeting 2022  外资金融机构@中国经济丨系列访谈 (一) The watchword from the PBOC and from the government authorities as far as monetary policy goes over the last year or more has been stable monetary policy. In 2022, will we see a shift or a continuation? We have with us today, Mr. Li Wei, Senior Economist of Standard Chartered Bank, to share his insight views. 过去一年多来,人民银行和相关政府部门都采取了稳定的货币政策。放眼2022,中国货币政策是否到了转向的时候?应ICS的邀请,渣打银行资深经济学家李炜,将为大家带来他的分析与见解。