斯老师带你一分钟搞懂“社会面清零”/"社会面基本清零" Basic Clearance of Community Transmission As of today, May 1, there is a new district level designation, basic clearance of community transmission. Now what this means is inside any given district, fewer than one case per 100,000 people has been discovered in three consecutive days outside of that districts closed or controlled areas. Previously, people in precautionary areas that means not closed or controlled areas were allowed outside their neighborhoods but they were limited to their sub district. Now once basic clearance is achieved, they are free to move about the entire district. Now so far six districts in Shanghai have achieved basic clearance status on all but one of these districts. People can drive cars in some cases and public transportation will be coming back online. Unfortunately as Putuo district is inside the city center, people are going to have to wait a little bit longer for cars and public transport. Now when the nine other districts in Puxi, the PCR testing and disinfection dance will continue until which time basic clearance can be achieved. Now on the other side of the river, things are being handled a little bit differently as Pudong is by far the largest district in Shanghai, the same system will be applied but it will be done by subdistrict. So what's the end game? Well, basic clearance leads to total clearance of community transmission. Now total clearance is applied to a district where zero cases have been discovered for three consecutive days. Now once all the districts of Shanghai are at total clearance status, the city opens back up again. We're back in business. Basically, we're where we were a month and a half ago, an open city, with several areas still under pandemic protocols. 5月1日上海明确了社会面清零和基本清零的评价标准。如果连续三天单日新增数占区内总人口数比例小于十万分之一,就可以认为社会面基本清零。 之前,防范区的居民可以在本街道/镇范围内活动。现在,已经社会面基本清零的非中心城区(目前有金山、奉贤、崇明、青浦、松江等5个区),市民可以在区内活动,前往开放的超市、药店和医院,区内可以逐步恢复公共交通,私家车可以在区内有限通行。已经社会面基本清零的中心城区(目前就是普陀区),市民可以在所在街镇内活动,前往指定的超市、药店。 对尚未达到社会面基本清零标准的其他区域,主要是黄浦、静安、徐汇、长宁、虹口、杨浦、宝山、闵行和嘉定等9**个区,继续从严从紧,实施“全域严格管理、全员检测筛查、全面流调排查、全民清洁消杀,全程查漏补缺”等综合防控措施,力争尽早实现社会面基本清零。因为区域面积较大等原因,浦东新区将按照街镇划分,并实施相应的分区分级差异化防控措施。** ****如果连续三天单日新增数为零,就实现了社会面清零。本轮疫情社会面清零之后,全市将进入常态化防控阶段。在大家的共同努力下,越来越多的小区可以成为“无疫小区”,越来越多的市民可以跨出家门、走出小区,早日恢复如常的生活