在中国的古老神话里,有一位名叫“嫦娥”的美丽女子,服下了长生不老药后飞上了月宫。某种程度上来说,她应该是最早的中国宇航员。中国探月工程“嫦娥”系列便得名于此。其实,你无需仰望星空,就能感受到中华传统文化的魅力,其爱好者遍布全球。那么,你最爱的中华宝贝又是什么呢? In the ancient Chinese legend, a beautiful lady named Chang’e consumed a magical elixir and flew to the moon. In some ways, she can be considered the original and through this legend, gives her name to China’s moon missions. But you don't need to look to the stars to see the reach of China's vibrant cultural heritage. It has admirers all over the world. So what's your favorite Chinese treasure? 今年夏天,“爱上海的理由”第四季热闹开场,邀请中外青少年向全世界展现中华传统文化的魅力。在活动正式开启之前,项目组在上海,北京,纽约,悉尼和伦敦,五座国际大都市采访了来自三十个国家的近百名外国人,了解他们对中华传统文化的印象以和感兴趣的话题。他们的回答也许能给大家带来一些“小灵感”。 This summer, My Favorite Shanghai returns for a new season. Join us to share the charm of traditional Chinese culture. To kick start this journey, we traveled to five international cities: Shanghai, Beijing, New York, Sydney and London. There, we interviewed nearly 100 foreigners from 30 countries, delving into their impressions of Chinese traditions and the topics that pique their interest. Some of their answers might just inspire you. 歪果仁有话说 采访: 受访者国籍:美国 我在高中选修了普通话。在农历新年的时候,我们会在学校的厨房一起包饺子。 I took Mandarin in high school. Like during Lunar New Year, we were like, went and made dumplings and stuff. 受访者国籍:美国: 我们学校会举办特别的演出,有舞龙,还有扇子舞。非常好看! My school had a whole performance. They had the dragon dance, and the fan dances that I mentioned before. It was very beautiful. 受访者国籍:马达加斯加/柬埔寨/贝宁: 舞狮也非常受欢迎。还有红包。 Yeah, also the lion dancing is quite popular. Also the red envelope. 受访者国籍:阿根廷: 我去过几次布宜诺斯艾利斯,就是阿根廷最大的城市。那里有华人社区,我在那里品尝了特别多的中国菜,因为太好吃了! I’ve been a couple of times in Buenos Aires, that is the biggest city in Argentina. And they have a Chinese neighborhood. I tried a lot of the food of the place because it’s amazing. 受访者国籍:佛得角 真的很好吃! It’s delicious. 受访者国籍:美国 像是茶文化啦,着装习俗,又或者是礼仪方面的习俗。人与人交流中的礼貌和尊重非常重要,这些给我的印象比较深刻。 For example, tea traditions, or just dress up traditions, or mannerisms, I know that much. 受访者国籍:日本/巴基斯坦 有空的时候参加那个广场舞,跟不认识的老人一起下中国象棋我特别喜欢,人情味儿非常浓的感觉。 I joined in the dancing in the square in my free time. Also playing chess with elderly people. I really like this feeling of being closely connected with people. 受访者国籍:澳大利亚 中国人很尊重长者,并且照顾年长者,社会重视老年群体,这是我非常欣赏的一点。在西方社会,感受就不那么明显。 Respect for the elders, right, and looking after the elderly and make sure that these are like, you know, their integral part of the society. I think that's something that I really appreciate, that isn't so much in the west, you know. 你好!中国 受访者国籍:菲律宾 我想学习中文。大家都在学,我得跟上。 I wanna learn the language. I need to keep up. 受访者国籍:法国 我想了解汉服还有中国菜。 I will say maybe Hanfu, and also food. 受访者国籍:英国 我想试试中国小城街头的地道美食。 I'd like to discover Chinese food in China, in small cities. 受访者国籍:卡塔尔 各种茶吧。我知道中国的茶特别棒。 Teas,I know that you guys have amazing teas. 受访者国籍:澳大利亚 或许可以多说说中医药相关的内容。 Chinese medicine maybe? 受访者国籍:芬兰 中国音乐,特别是民乐。 Chinese music, and especially folk music. 受访者国籍:英国/南非 我想了解中国的文化。我想了解中国人日常的生活点滴。 I wanna know about the culture. I wanna learn how people go about their day-to-day basis in China. 受访者国籍:菲律宾 我想了解中国历史,并且我相信世界需要了解它,因为它正是现代文明所传承和发展的。 I would like to learn about the history. And I believe that the world needs to know it because that's how the modern civilization has adapted to what it is now. 受访者国籍:澳大利亚 中国人重视传统,重视家庭。我想知道传统文化对他们来说到底意味着什么。我想知道中国人的核心价值观是什么。 They like to have tradition. They like to do all these things with family. And I would like to know what it means to them. Core values I believe, core values. **解说词:**所以,如果你有一个很棒的故事想和大家分享,把它制作成短视频,并且在8月31日前投递给我们。话题不限。 So, if you have a great story to tell, make it into an engaging video and share it with us before August 31. Any topic. **同期声:**第三季的同学:喜欢功夫! I love Kung Fu. **解说词:**体裁不限。 Any style. **同期声:**第三季的同学:我喜欢皮影戏。 I like to make shadow puppets. **解说词:**让我们一起把中华宝贝的故事大声讲给全世界听。 Together, we will bring China's rich culture to life in the eyes of the world. 采访: 受访者国籍:瑞士 永远不要忘记你们所拥有的灿烂文化。 Never forget how rich that culture is as well. 受访者国籍:澳大利亚 告诉我们中华文化有多特别。 Show why they're special. 受访者国籍:菲律宾 代表你们的国家发光发热!做一个自豪的中国人! Represent the country well and be proud Chinese. 受访者国籍:澳大利亚 你不需要和别人一样,坚持你们自己的文化是最棒的! Don't be like anyone else. Be yourself, because everyone else is taken. 受访者国籍:美国 你们一定会做得很好!自信表达,向世界展示中华传统文化的精彩。 Y'all got this. Don't be scared and show the world what y'all about. 扫码下载“看看新闻”APP,报名加入活动,与世界分享你最爱的中华宝贝。 To get started, scan the QR code, download the Knews app, and follow the instructions to sign up.