【政府工作报告】【金句】 “推动高质量共建“一带一路”,积极拓展全球伙伴关系,致力于建设开放型世界经济,维护多边主义,推动构建人类命运共同体。” ——2023****年政府工作报告 We should promote the high-quality construction of the “BRI”, actively expand global partnerships, commit to building an open world economy, and uphold multilateralism. These efforts will go towards creating a shared future for all humankind. 【康明礼】People in Pakistan have high hopes with CPEC that it would help in reviving country’s economy and would also bring investment. 【马星星】After staying in China for such a long time, when I leave China and I go somewhere else, I represent Armenia and China. 【菲利蒲】可以说一带一路在百年未有之大变局的这个大环境下,它其实给了发展中国家更多的选择 Raza Khan, Reporter Independent News Pakistan 康明礼巴基斯坦独立新闻社记者 根据您的观察**,“中巴经济走廊”的哪些项目已经初见成效?请您举几个例子 What are some examples of projects in the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) that have worked out well? Before the launch of CPEC, Pakistan was suffering from energy crisis, especially electricity crisis. And 10 to 15 hours of daily electricity breakout was quite normal in Pakistan. So the people of Pakistan and economy of Pakistan are both were suffering badly from this electricity crisis. When CPEC was launched in 2015, the major focus was given to electricity projects in Pakistan. Various electricity or energy projects were carried out on agenda basis. 14 projects of energy have been completed so far under CPEC and it has added 10,000 megawatt electricity in the system. And it has solved the energy crisis of Pakistan. 在“中巴经济走廊”启动之前,巴基斯坦正面临能源危机,尤其是电力危机。当时,每天停电10到15小时很正常。巴基斯坦人民和本国经济都深受影响。2015年“中巴经济走廊”启动时,巴基斯坦的电力项目是重点项目。因此,在合作框架下开展了多个电力或能源项目。截至目前,“中巴经济走廊”已经完成了14个能源项目,为巴基斯坦新增了10000兆瓦的电力,解决了巴基斯坦的能源危机。 Secondly, we can talk about road infrastructure projects, six road projects about 1,650 kilometers of land have been completed so far under CPEC. These road projects have connected various regions of Pakistan, various cities of Pakistan. The travel is now easier and more swift and more frequent. The road infrastructure network had also boosted tourism in Pakistan. 在交通基础设施项目方面,截至目前,“中巴经济走廊”已建设完成六个交通基础设施项目,全长约1650公里。这些交通设施连接了巴基斯坦的主要区域和城市。旅行变得更容易、更快捷、更频繁。交通基础设施网络也促进了巴基斯坦的旅游业。 Agricultural cooperation under CPEC would be key. Chinese companies and agriculture experts are working with Pakistani farmers to modernize their agricultural practices in Pakistan. It has enabled Pakistani farmer to get more yield from their crops. The second important thing is cooperation in the science and technology sector. This cooperation can enhance productivity of Pakistan's industrial sector. “中巴经济走廊”的农业合作也是重点项目。中国的企业和农业领域的专家正与巴基斯坦当地的农民合作,助力实现巴基斯坦农业现代化,帮助当地农民提升农作物产量。同时还有科技领域的合作,可以提高巴基斯坦工业部门的生产力。 **“中巴经济走廊”为两国的经济发展起到怎样的作用?民间反响如何? How does the CPEC work to boost the economies of China and Pakistan? What are Pakistanis’ thoughts on the CPEC? CPEC is like a win-win cooperation for both China and Pakistan. People in Pakistan have high hopes with CPEC that it would help in reviving country’s economy and would also bring investment. It is expected that in a civilization phase of CPEC would create thousands of jobs in Pakistan. “中巴经济走廊”为中巴两国带来双赢。巴基斯坦人民对“中巴经济走廊”有很高的期待,认为它将有助于振兴本国经济,促进投资。“中巴经济走廊”的建设将在巴基斯坦创造数千个就业机会。 Filip Filipovic, Postgraduate School of Int’l Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University 菲利蒲复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院硕士研究生 政府工作报告提及中国对沿线国家货物进出口额年均增长13.4%**。您了解到中国和塞尔维亚之间有哪些方面进出口增加?您怎么看****“一带一路”对于建设开放型世界经济的作用? According to China’s government work report, imports and exports between China and countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative increased at an annual rate of 13.4 percent. Have imports and exports increased between China and Serbia? In your opinion, how can the BRI contribute to building an open world economy? 中国是塞尔维亚的第二大贸易伙伴,也是我们的第二大进口来源地,总体来说是从中国的进口大于我们对中国的出口,但是近几年我们对中国的出口是连续翻了好几番,有一个时间节点是非常重要的,就是上海办进口博览会,从上海开始办进口博览会,到现在我们对中国的出口是大幅度增加,就像刚刚提的它翻了好几倍,主要出口的是像金属矿产,然后还有很多食品,还有饮品,我们国家的红酒,还有肉类,这些是近期出口的一些热门的内容。 China is Serbia's second largest trading partner and also the second largest source of imports. Imports from China surpass Serbia’s exports to China, but in recent years more exports are going to China. The change began due to a certain occasion, that is, the opening of the CIIE in Shanghai. Since then, our exports to China have increased significantly. It has increased by several folds. Exported products are mainly metals, minerals, food, drinks, wine, and meat. These are the most popular products that are exported. 当然还吸引了很多投资,就很多其他一带一路沿线国家的投资者看到你这里有公路,你这里有新的铁路,那我过来投资设厂,从而盘活了整个塞尔维亚的经济。 The Belt and Road Initiative helps Serbia attract a lot of investment. Investors from other countries that also joined the Initiative noticed that highways and new railways have been built here, so they came here to invest and build factories, boosting Serbia’s economy. 在互联互通方面,其实一带一路给了塞尔维亚更多的理由去接触那些以前离我们非常遥远的国家,比如说像肯尼亚、巴基斯坦,还有像东南亚的人口大国,马来西亚、印度尼西亚,这些都是我们近几年借着一带一路希望去深入发展的对外关系。 In terms of connectivity, the Belt and Road Initiative offers Serbia more opportunities to get in touch with countries that are far away, such as Kenya, Pakistan, and populous countries in Southeast Asia, like Malaysia and Indonesia. These are countries that we have been looking forward to further developing foreign relations with the help of the initiative in recent years. 可以说一带一路在百年未有之大变局的这个大环境下,它其实给了发展中国家更多的选择, The Belt and Road Initiative has given developing countries more choices as the world faces profound changes that have not been seen in over a century. 您认为有哪些方法可以促进“一带一路”人文交流? What do you think are the ways to promote cultural exchanges among people in BRI participant countries? 我觉得学术活动其实是促进“一带一路”人文交流的一个非常重要的方式。 I think academic events are a very important way to promote cultural exchanges. 比如说2019年的时候,我代表国务学院邀请了塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学政治科学院的副院长纳蒂奇先生来复旦参加由我院主办的院长联盟论坛。我们邀请了来自“一带一路”沿线的重点国家的政治学,还有国际关系学院的院长来复旦参会,共话“一带一路”。 For example, in 2019, on behalf of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, I invited Darko Nadic, Vice Dean of Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade, to Fudan University to participate in the USPIR Dean’s Forum. We invited deans of schools of politics and international relations from countries participating in the BRI to attend the meeting, and discussed Belt and Road cooperation. 除了这些活动,还有我们学校的品牌项目,青年全球治理创新大赛。在过去的几年里,我们邀请了来自“一带一路”沿线数10个国家的上百位学生来参加比赛。 Apart from that, there’s our school's signature project -- the Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (YICGG). In the past few years, we have invited hundreds of students from over 10 BRI participant countries to compete in the event. 我们今年有计划邀请塞尔维亚“一带一路”研究所的所长来复旦交流访问。我是希望6月份还有在下半年的时候能够回国,然后邀请对复旦以及对跟中国合作相关的教授,还有学者来中国参观,然后让大家看看复旦看看上海,也是把这边的一些现代化的经验带回到塞尔维亚。 This year, we plan to invite head of the Belt and Road Institute in Serbia to Fudan. I want to go back to Serbia in June of this year, and then invite professors and scholars who have been working with Fudan, and working on China-related researches to visit Fudan and tour Shanghai. They can also learn about China’s path to modernization and bring some of China’s experience back to Serbia. Astrid Poghosyan Executive Assistant to the President of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 马星星上海交响乐团团长助理 上海交响乐团是否有和“一带一路”相关的演出? Symphony composers take inspiration from all kinds of places. Are there any music pieces composed on the theme of the BRI? We are very proud to say that we were one of the first orchestras in the country to promote this idea (BRI) and do a lot of concerts related to this project and promoting unity. Especially for this 10-year anniversary, we had a couple of concerts purely dedicating to this, the topic. 我们可以非常自豪地说,我们上海交响乐团是中国最早推广“一带一路”倡议的乐团之一,并且办了很多相关的音乐会来促进团结。特别是在“一带一路”倡议10周年之际,我们举办了好几场以此为主题的音乐会。 It's the symphonic suite or to the silk road. As we know, like silk road started from Shaanxi. And then that was the first stop how the silk road the whole idea one Belt one Road idea started. So it's telling about the whole development of silk road, including a lot of like a musical elements of all the countries involving in and then one belt one road. And it's a good way to use music to introduce people the history. 比如交响套曲《丝路颂》。众所周知,丝绸之路始于陕西,是丝路的第一站,是“一带一路”倡议的来源。因此,这件作品汇集了各个“一带一路”沿线国家的元素来讲述了整个丝绸之路的发展。用音乐来回顾历史是一个非常好的方法。 有没有与“一带一路”**国家音乐家的合作? Is there any kind of cooperation between the Orchestra and musicians from countries that are participating in the BRI? Ten years ago when the project itself started by one world one road initiative, our orchestra already started cooperating because it involves so many countries that when you just do music just generally normal season, you will accidentally have all these musicians coming from all those countries. 十年前当“一带一路”倡议被提出时,我们的乐团已经开始尝试各种合作了。因为倡议涉及到许多国家,所以当你和往常一样演出时,会惊讶地发现音乐家们都来自这些国家。 So a lot of musicians in the world they are coming from those countries and especially of course with the emphasizing on the activities and 10 years celebration. 他们汇聚在这里,为“一带一路”10周年庆共谱音乐盛宴。 您了解到亚美尼亚的年轻人对于学习中文、了解中国文化的热情程度如何? Are young people in Armenia interested in learning Chinese culture? I'm happy to say that at the moment in Armenia, every time I go back, I see a lot of things has changed. A lot of people have so much knowledge about China, about culture, about all digital technologies here and everything. 我很高兴的是每次我到亚美尼亚,我都能看到日新月异的变化。很多人对中国、中国文化、数字技术等都非常了解。 And some of the public schools in Armenia, they have Chinese language class available for kids to learn which is really fascinating to me because back then when 2009 and I never had this option. 如今,亚美尼亚的一些公立学校为孩子们提供中文课程供,我真的很羡慕他们。要知道在2009年,是没有这么好的学习中文的机会的。 I think it's we have a very close connected to culture and thanks to the silk road because I believe this is the times when cultures were like really connected to each other. And even though geographically we are apart now, once you go back to those beat, music or even you see a painting, you recognize something similar. 我认为我们的文化紧密相连。感谢丝绸之路,因为我相信这是一个文化能够真正融会贯通的时代。即使我们在地理位置上隔得很远,但是一旦你感受到那些节拍、音乐,甚至你看到一幅画,你就会有这种似曾相识的感觉。