【政府工作报告】 “更大力度吸引和利用外资,扩大市场准入,加大现代服务业领域开放力度,落实好外资企业国民待遇。” ——2023年政府工作报告 "Greater efforts are needed to attract and utilize foreign capital, expand market access, increase the opening of modern service industries, and implement 'national treatment' for overseas investors." 【李曦萌】There's still a lot of things that can be done in terms of leveling the playing field and giving equal access to foreign and Chinese and especially Chinese state-owned enterprises. 【费列罗】Our ambition at Ferrero remains absolutely unchanged in the short and in the longer run in China. 【久事】We saw an amazing response from our stakeholders,from our fans,not just in Shanghai but around the world. 李曦萌中国丹麦商会总会长 Simon Lichtenberg, Chairman of Danish Chamber of Commerce in China 目前丹麦企业在华投资主要在哪些领域?您认为政府工作报告中提及的扩大市场准入能给哪些领域带来更多机遇? Where are Danish companies investing in China? Which fields can benefit from an expansion of market access as was mentioned in the government work report? Denmark is very strong in pharmaceuticals, in renewable energy and green transition industries, in agriculture and food-related industries, in heating and cooling, and also in a lot of designer products and furniture-related things. 丹麦在制药行业、可再生能源和绿色转型行业、农业和食品相关行业、供暖和制冷行业,以及许多设计师产品和家具相关行业的实力都十分强劲。 Denmark is in fact the country in Europe with the largest per capita investment and trade with China and more than 10 billion dollars of investment. 实际上,丹麦是欧盟中人均对华投资和贸易额最大的国家,投资额超过100亿美元。 I think that China's transition and China's development is emphasizing a lot on high-quality development and also modern transition. 我认为中国的转型和发展十分重视高质量和现代化。 A lot of things around people's health where Denmark also has a lot to offer is also a very important part of the future policies. 在国民健康相关的领域,丹麦能(向中国)输出产品和技术,这也是对未来政策的一个非常重要的期待。 A green transition, the sustainable development for the two carbon goals for China. In that area, Denmark has a very strong position to be part of that development. 中国推动绿色转型和可持续发展,助力实现双碳目标。丹麦具有强大的优势参与这一领域的发展。 政府工作报告中提及更大力度吸引和利用外资。您认为哪些举措有利于吸引外资? The government work report highlighted intensifying efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. In your opinion, where do you think the government should focus these efforts? There're a lot of government services and access to human resources, access to information, how do you book the taxes and the customs import export issues. All those things have really developed a lot. 中国在政务服务、人力资源和信息获取等方面,比如如何登记税收,以及海关进出口方面等,都有了很大的提升。 In terms of business access or market expansion, there's still a lot of things that can be done in terms of leveling the playing field and giving equal access to foreign and Chinese and especially Chinese state-owned enterprises. 在市场准入方面,促进公平的竞争环境,让外企享有同中国企业,特别是国有企业同等准入机会,这些方面能做得更好。 The direction is clearly further opening-up, modernizing China's development, more emphasis on foreign investments and better access to foreign investors. This is the overall direction. 我看到政府报告强调扩大对外开放,推动现代化发展和更大力度吸引和利用外资是总体方向。 The negative list is one part, that is the industries, but there’re the communication and the dialogue between the country's leadership but also between the businesses abroad and the businesses here is very critical in order to establish the trust between the parties. 优化市场准入的负面清单是一方面,而另一方面,政府部门之间,以及海内外企业之间的沟通和对话,对于建立双方之间的信任至关重要。 马如城费列罗中国总经理 Mauro De Felip: General Manager of Ferrero China Q The government report says that the country is going to utilize foreign investment and optimize the business environment. Ferrero has set up a regional headquarters in Shanghai as well as a factory in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. How will the company make a good use of these opportunities to expand its market share? 政府工作报告中提到今年将积极有效利用外资,不断优化外商投资环境。这些将会给企业带来何种市场机遇? The recent recognition of Ferrero Trading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. as managerial regional headquarters is going to give us more opportunities in China. 最近费列罗贸易(上海)有限公司升级为中国区管理总部,这将为我们在中国的发展提供更多机会。 We are now representing an important hub not only for other Asian market, but also for other markets that are farther away like North America. And our ambition is to keep in increasing our capacity of course in Hangzhou both for the local market and the export. (对于公司全球业务而言)我们现在不仅是亚洲其他市场的重要枢纽,对于北美等更远地区的市场也很重要。我们的目标是继续提高位于杭州的工厂的生产能力,持续为中国国内市场和出口提供产品。 Q: The recovery and expansion of consumption is listed as a top priority in the work report. What does this mean for Ferrero’s marketing strategy? 政府工作报告中提到把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置。这对于费列罗来说,将会带来何种利好? Overall I would say strategically China represents a unique opportunity for Ferrero. This is the second largest sweet packaged food arena worldwide with the value of more than 40 billion Euros. As a global company, we cannot miss this opportunity. Our ambition at Ferrero remains absolutely unchanged in the short and in the longer run in China. 总的来说,我认为对于费列罗的战略而言,中国提供了一个独特的机遇。中国已成为全球第二大糖果市场,市场价值超过400亿欧元。作为一家全球性公司,费列罗不能错过这个机会。我们在中国市场的短期和长期目标都保持不变。 We've been also working on our crucial, important, critical project, our digital transformation journey, which is really a way to improve the efficiencies of our organization all across the value of chain from the raw material acquisition to the end consumer by leveraging the available technology in China. Because China is from a digital perspective on the far front of worldwide. 我们还一直致力于我们的重点项目和数字化转型。通过利用中国现有的技术,从原材料采购到终端消费者的整个价值链上提高效率。因为从数字化的角度来看,中国站在世界的前沿。 Michael Luevano // Tournament Director, Rolex Shanghai Masters 吕华勇上海劳力士大师赛赛事总监 The Government Work Report mentions plans to increase the promotion of sports activities in China. In your opinion, how would you improve the promotion of sports activities, and what would be some of the challenges and opportunities ahead? 《政府工作报告》提到,“体育健儿勇创佳绩,全民健身广泛开展。” 您认为应该如何更好地推广体育赛事?全民体育活动在中国发展有哪些机遇和优势? We saw an amazing response from our stakeholders,from our fans,not just in Shanghai but around the world, as well as the municipal government, and the ATP tour that the event would be returning. 我们得到了合作方、来自上海和全世界的球迷、以及政府部门和ATP(男子网球联赛)世界巡回赛对上海大师赛回归的积极响应。 We have been here organizing international sports events since 1998,the government has been fantastic,but we do need to take it to the next level in this new era of the Rolex Shanghai Masters. 自1998年起,我们就开始举办国际体育赛事,(上海)政府一直很支持,在上海劳力士大师赛升级后,我们需要将其提升到一个新的水平。 I think our challenge will be to make sure that we have enough fans and that the fans that we do a good job of promoting the event and people coming out, and to really help us get our attendance up to where it should be. Our goal is to have 200,000 people over the 12 days. 存在的挑战可能会是保证我们有足够多的观众,做好赛事宣传和现场人员方面的工作,以吸引足够多的观众到场观看比赛。我们希望在12天的赛事期内能吸引20万观众来现场看比赛。 Shanghai and in China people are very conscious of their health, and their children's health. I think exercise plays a big role in well-being. In my opinion, especially here in Shanghai, tennis is so much of a lifestyle sport. 在上海,乃至全中国,人们都很关注自己以及子女的身体健康,我认为运动对维持身体健康很有帮助。尤其是在上海,网球已经成为一项日常锻炼活动。 Rolex Shanghai Masters is one of the most successful commercially supported events in the world, if not the world's number one. We are happy that sponsorship have increased by almost 35% in the last three months. 虽然离世界第一还有距离,上海劳力士大师赛已然成为世界上最成功的商业赛事之一。我们很高兴在过去三个月里,赛事赞助增加了近35%。