Shanghai Launches Its First China-Europe Freight Train 首列“上海号”中欧班列发车 NEWS ON 9/29 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- The first freight【货运】 train between Shanghai and Hamburg, Germany departed today. The route is expected to expand business opportunities for trade companies here in Shanghai and nearby cities. “中欧班列-上海号”首趟列车今天(28日)发车,前往德国。班列的开行将为上海乃至周边城市的外贸企业带来更多商贸机会。 With a blast from its horn, Shanghai’s first freight trainheading all the way to Europe left this morning carrying 50 40-foot-equivalent【相等的】 containers - full of clothing, glassware, auto parts and precision equipment. 随着一声响亮的鸣笛,首发“上海号”中欧班列驶往欧洲。50个40尺的集装箱里,满载着服装鞋帽、玻璃器皿,汽车配件和精密仪器的配件。 Nine of the steel boxes belong to the Shanghai-headquartered trading company Cargo Services China, which has been using rail freight to Europe for around 5 years, but previously its containers【集装箱】had to be driven to other cities to get on a train. 其中的9个集装箱,属于总部位于上海的嘉宏国际运输代理有限公司。他们使用中欧班列已有5年,但之前需要把集装箱运至其它城市,装上班列。 Walter Wang, Assistant General Manager Corporate Commercial, Cargo Services China Many of our cargos are fromthe Yangtze River Delta Region. And in the past, we had to first put the cargo on a truck trailer and drive it to Zhengzhou or Hefei. A trailer from Shanghai to Zhengzhou could cost 2,000 US dollars, and it took 2 or 3 days to complete the inland transport. 我们很多货都是集中在长三角,以前很多时候都是要用拖车到工厂装完货送到郑州、合肥发车。上海到郑州拖车要2000美元的成本,时间也要2-3天内陆运输。 Shanghai’s first train will leave China via the Alataw Pass in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and arrive in Hamburg in about 2 weeks. And on its way back in the mid October, it will carry exhibits from Europe for the upcoming China International Import Expo. The new route is expected to eventually see 500 trains a year, and it’s been very welcomed by the market. 首发“上海号”中欧班列将从新疆阿拉山口口岸出境,14天左右抵达德国汉堡;回程将从欧洲运回第四届进博会的参展展品。“上海号”已受到市场欢迎,未来全年可开行500列。 Wang Jinqiu, Chairman of the Board Orient Silk Road Previously, our clients using China-Europe freight trains had their cargos【货物】 shipped through other cities. But now, they can just start in Shanghai. The trains are almost booked out through the end of the year, which promises increased frequency next year. 原来中欧班列的客户都到其他地方的,现在都回归到上海。今年年底,已经基本订满了,都在排队,为明年提升频次创造了条件。 The number of trips made by China-Europe freight trains had now exceeded【超过】 1,000 per month for sixteen straight month.More than 10,000 trips were made during the first 8 months of the year, up 32%year-on-year. And now they’re going ... direct from Shanghai. 中欧班列已连续16个月单月开行千列以上。今年1至8月,中欧班列累计开行突破万列,同比增长32%。现在,“中欧班列-上海号”也正式发车了。 #热词加油站 freight, n. ['freɪt]【货运】 equivalent, adj. [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]【相等的】 container, n. [kənˈteɪnər]【集装箱】 cargo, n. [ˈkɑːrɡoʊ]【货物】 exceed, v. [ɪkˈsiːd]【超过】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~