Grid screening around the city started a few days ago, a new strategy to stop the recent surge in coronavirus infections. Huamu in Pudong, and Hongqiao in Changning have more expats than any other area in town. Let’s see how everything is going there.为了更高效更精准地做好疫情防控,上海近日开始网格化筛查。浦东花木街道和长宁虹桥街道是上海外籍人士最密集的社区之一,一起去看看那里的社区是如何防疫的吧。I’m now at Huamu sub-district, home to more than 18,000 expats. 我现在在花木街道,这里有超过1万8千名外籍居民。Police officers are helping expats access the QR codes on the Jiankangyun app in advance to speed up the process.警察蜀黍手把手指导歪果仁在健康云上做登记核酸检测,让检测过程更加顺畅。 Any inconvenience due to the lockdown? 小区临时封控有什么不便吗? Jason Jose, Indian Expat No, it’s okay. It’s testing time, so we need to be cooperative. Everything is put in place to ensure our safety. It’s okay!没觉得什么不方便。毕竟现在是网格化筛查的关键时刻,市民们都要积极配合。小区各方面都井井有条,保证我们的安全。Barry Bird, Canadian Expat I don’t like going out much. I imagine some young people who might go out a lot might have a problem with it. Staying at home is no problem for me. 我其实挺宅的!(大笑)一些爱玩的年轻人可能觉得小区封控管理比较不便,但是对我来说一点也不是问题。Tu Zhoucong, Pudong Police Officer Safety outside of residential compounds is also important. We will keep patrolling the perimeter of places in lockdown, and make sure major public places are disinfected properly.屠周聪 浦东民警小区外的安全同样重要,会针对属地封控小区进行巡逻,同时对疫情高发的公共场所进行检查和消毒。 Here at Hongqiao Sub-district, where 20,000 foreigners reside, expat volunteers who speak Chinese and English are assisting police officers to provide guidance for those about to be tested.长宁区古北虹桥街道的外籍居民多达2万多。中英文双语志愿者自愿加入社区民警的队伍,协助他们为市民提供帮助。Habib-ur-Rehman// Pakistani Expat Any problems that the foreigners over here have, I can help them solve it. So that they can save their time. The process of COVID testing can go smoothly.哈比 巴基斯坦籍志愿者 这边的外籍人士有任何防控相关的疑问,我都可以尽量帮助他们解决,节省他们的时间,也让核酸检测的效率更高。[NAT] 长宁民警日语喊话核酸检测点位 : 请大家排队时保持距离“みなさん 列に並んだ時 距離を取ってください”排队请保持距离 Please keep a distance.Fei Chenyue// Changning Police Officer I studied Japanese in college. I want to use my language skills to help more people get tested efficiently.费晨悦 虹桥路派出所 我大学是学日语的,想用自己的语言优势帮助辖区内的居民快速有效地完成核酸检测。