cover of episode Major Snow丨与子白头

Major Snow丨与子白头

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Getting to know the Chinese Calendar 大雪至!想和你“一不小心共白头” 今天是大雪,Major Snow. As the name implies, it will snow more frequently during Major Snow than that of Minor Snow and even accumulate on the ground. 大雪节气,顾名思义,降雪和积雪的可能性与小雪节气时相比更大了。 For snow, a Chinese proverb goes like, a timely snow promises a good harvest. Just like one English proverb says, a snow year, a rich year. As the snow covers the ground, pests living through the winter will be killed by the cold temperature. “瑞雪兆丰年”是中国广为流传的农谚。英语中也有类似的说法。白雪覆盖大地,会冻死地里的害虫。 Several cities in northern regions of China have already welcomed winter. Although we don’t often see snowscapes like this here in Shanghai, we can still feel the winter atmosphere as more people are participating in winter sports. There are now more than 30 skating, skiing and roller-skating clubs, 32 specialist schools focusing on developing youth winter sports, plus a city-level winter sports association and curling association in Shanghai. 此时,北方部分城市已经大雪纷飞)。在上海,虽然雪景难得一见,但冬日氛围随着冰雪运动的兴起而火热起来。上海目前有30余家滑冰、滑雪包括轮滑的俱乐部,并且有32所全国青少年冰雪运动特色学校,设立了上海市冰雪运动协会和上海市冰壶运动协会。 The city has 44 winter sports venues and more are planned. For example, the indoor ski resort Wintastar Shanghai in Lingang City in Pudong New Area will open in 2022. It will feature three ski slopes of different gradients for skiers from beginner to advanced levels. It is on track to become the world’s largest indoor ski resort. Just get your snowboard and ski boots ready for this! 上海共有44处冰雪场地,还有更多的设施在计划建设中。例如位于上海浦东新区临港新城的室内滑雪场“冰雪之星”,计划于2022年对外开放。三类不同梯度的滑雪道,让无论是滑雪爱好者还是专业的滑雪者,都能拥有极致的滑雪体验。这还是全球最大的室内滑雪场项目。快准备好你的滑雪板和滑雪靴吧! Winter sports are fun for sure, but there are plenty of relaxing options too. 除了欢乐的冰雪运动,休闲活动也有不少选择。 Wintersweet usually blossoms around this time in some southern cities. Wintersweet is native to China and is known for its perseverance and ability to survive severe winters. 在中国南方一些城市,腊梅会在大雪前后开放。腊梅是中国传统花木之一,中国人爱其凌寒不屈、傲霜斗雪的品性。 Wintersweet can be seen in parks and gardens across Shanghai. These fragrant yellow flowers are a delightful scene on any winter day. Century Park is one of the most popular parks in the city and contains more than 3,000 wintersweet trees. Many visitors are attracted by the beautiful scenery each year. 上海的很多公园都能赏腊梅。黄色花朵香气扑鼻,在冬日里十分赏心悦目。上海世纪公园是赏梅胜地之一,3000株腊梅迎风怒放,众多游客“为有暗香来”。 Shanghai Botanical Garden has more than 60 varieties of wintersweet flowers. A few varieties will be in full bloom this month with the majority showing their true colors in January. Some late flowering varieties bloom in February with the blossoms lasting about a month. Remember to bring your camera to capture the gorgeous moments. 上海植物园引种收集了腊梅品种60)余个,部分早花品种将于本月盛放,大部分中花品种将在来年一月吐露芬芳,晚花品种则要等到明年二月才开花,花期持续约一个月。记得带上你的相机,记录下这些美丽的瞬间。 初雪为欢谣,再雪犹喜视。大雪至,冬安好!