CHINESE NEW YEAR APPROACHES, AND SO DO THE BONUSES ... AND THE NEW JOBS 2021,至少还有年终奖能让你满意? The Chinese New Year is approaching, and with it something very important to all of us -- the year-end bonuses. So it’s a busy time, for employers planning the bonuses, and for employees thinking about whether to move to a better job once they get the cash. How do things look this year? How much will the employees be getting, and will it be enough to keep them at their desks? Ying Junyi takes a look. 农历新年近在咫尺,随之而来的便是对所有人都非常重要的东西——年终奖金。公司老板们忙着计划今年该发多少奖金,公司员工们则忙着考虑奖金到手后是否选择换份更好的工作。那么今年的情况如何?员工将得到多少年终奖金?到手的奖金是否多到足以让他们选择留下? With much of China’s economy gradually recovering, many employees are feeling optimistic about their 2021 year-end bonuses. But of course, some more than others. 随着中国经济逐渐复苏,许多员工对2021年的年终奖金感到乐观。当然,有些人会更加乐观。 “Mine will be paid before the Chinese New Year, based on the company’s performance this year. I think it should at least be more than last year.”就在过年前发的,数额肯定看今年公司效益嘛。我觉得应该是至少会比去年多吧。 “We usually receive the year-end bonus at New Year’s Eve. It won’t change much, several tens of thousands for this year.” 我们都是除夕发,数额大概几万吧今, 不会有太大变动。 “I switched to a new job this year, so I don’t know how much it will be. It should be pretty good as the company’s been performing well.” 其实我今年工作有变动,所以还不知道。但是应该不错,公司业绩是稳步上涨的。 Human resources consulting firm CIIC says 90 percent of employers it surveyed intend to pay year-end bonuses this year, a good deal up from last year’s 73 percent. The company says most who do pay will be giving employees better than two months’ pay. Those working for well-performing companies are likely to see more. 人力资源咨询公司 CIIC 表示,接受调查的雇主中有90%今年打算支付年终奖金,远高于去年的73%。该公司表示,大多数支付薪水的雇主会给员工的年终奖金要比他们两个月的工资更高。而在业绩良好公司工作的人可能会拿到更多。 Shen Qian, Administration HR Director, Central Holding Group “The year-end bonuses for our employees will be equivalent to from two to four month’s salary. And they may get more based on their performance. For example, our business in the agriculture and comprehensive healthcare sectors grew rapidly last year, so our employees working on those will receive more.” 我们基础员工的话应该能拿到相当于2到4个月的薪水。除了基础的年终奖,还会给到业务提成。比方说像公司在农业和大健康板块的员工,会给他们发放的多一点,因为今年这两个板块是非常好的一个状态。 And those getting the bonuses have something new to think about now - their tax planning. China has just extended preferential income tax policies for people in low- and middle-income groups through to the end of 2023. Human resources specialists say that will help employees save a good deal of money, if they handle their tax filing correctly. 那些获得奖金的人现在需要考虑新的事了——税收筹划问题。 鉴于中国刚刚将中低收入群体的所得税优惠政策延长至 2023 年底,人力资源专家表示,如果正确处理纳税申报流程,员工将省下大量资金。 Zhang Xin, Product Expert, CIIC Consulting “The preferential policies have been extended to 2023. Employees can continue to choose the tax calculation that benefits them most, either their year-end bonuses being counted separately from monthly income or counted as part of yearly income. Our survey shows that, 95 percent of companies say their employees would have to pay more tax on the bonus if the preferential policies had not been extended. It’s clear that the burden of personal income taxes on low- and middle-income groups has been eased.”年终奖优惠政策顺延到2023年,对于员工来说,他们可以继续选择对于他们更优惠的积税方法缴纳个税、单独计税或者并于全年计税。根据我们之前的调研,95%的企业表示,税优政策到期会对员工年终奖税后收入会有影响。现在的政策顺延,对于减轻中低收入群体的个税负担是有很明显效果的。 And good news for the companies too. CIIC says they’re likely to see a lower New Year turnover rate this year than before. There are fewer job seekers in the market, and what they are looking for is quite different this year. 这对公司来说也是个好消息。该咨询公司指出,今年新年期间的人员流动率较以往来看可能会更低。市场上求职的人越来越少,而他们今年要找的工作也大不相同。 Zhang Xin, Product Expert, CIIC Consulting “It’s quite usual for employees to move to a new job after the year-end bonus. But it’s not happening that much this year. Both job seekers and companies are quite conservative about their prospects for 2022 due to the recent COVID-19 cases. People are less willing to job-hop. And in addition to higher pay, job seekers now are more interested in the long-term stability of the company and the whole industry.”员工拿到年终奖后选择离职是很常态化的现象。但今年相比往年有所缓解,主要也是因为部分疫情反弹的形势下,企业和员工对于2022年的发展经营还是比较保守的。员工主动跳槽的意愿是在下降的,除了高薪,现在员工跳槽还是会更关注行业和企业的长期稳定发展。 So it looks like even employees who may be looking for new jobs next month, are likely to be a lot more careful about their career moves. 因此,似乎对于是下个月准备换份工作的一些员工来说,他们也可能在未来的职业变动方面更加谨慎。