cover of episode 8/31TOP NEWS | 我国首条跨海高铁全线铺轨贯通/开学季校园防疫安全/俄乌局势

8/31TOP NEWS | 我国首条跨海高铁全线铺轨贯通/开学季校园防疫安全/俄乌局势

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NEWS ON 08/30 1.TRACK-LAYING COMPLETED ON FUZHOU-XIAMEN HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY 我国首条跨海高铁福厦高铁全线铺轨贯通 2.SCHOOLS PREPARE FOR THE NEW SEMESTER  “一校一方案”! 精心守护校园防疫安全 3.UKRAINIAN MILITARY LAUNCHES SOUTHERN COUNTEROFFENSIVE 俄乌局势:乌军称突破俄军第一道防线 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.TRACK-LAYING COMPLETED ON FUZHOU-XIAMEN HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY 我国首条跨海高铁福厦高铁全线铺轨贯通 Track-laying was completed on a high-speed railway that connects Fuzhou to Xiamen in Fujian Province. It’s being billed as the country’s first sea-crossing high-speed** railway**【铁路】. 我国首条跨海高铁福厦高铁全线铺轨贯通。 Stretching 277 kilometers, it has a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour and eight stations. It’s expected to slash削减】the travel time between Fuzhou and Xiamen from 2 hours to just one. Construction crews overcame problems including a complicated marine海洋】 environment, while using advanced track-laying equipment to improve efficiency. An average of 6 kilometers of track was laid per day. Construction is expected to be completed in 2023. 福厦铁路正线全长277公里,设计时速350公里,全线共设8座车站。铁路建成通车后,福州、厦门两地通行时间将从2小时缩短至仅1小时。施工人员克服了复杂的海洋环境等重重困难,同时使用先进的铺轨设备提升效率,每天平均可铺设6公里轨道。预计2023年即可竣工。 2.SCHOOLS TO REOPEN WITH STRICT VIRUS CONTROL MEASURES “一校一方案”! 精心守护校园防疫安全 Schools in Shanghai have been making full preparations for the new semester as more than 1 million primary and middle school students will return to class on Thursday. Zhang Yue tells us more. 周四(9/1)将有100多万中小学生返校,上海各校正积极做好各项准备工作。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 At Shuiqing Road Kindergarten in Minhang District, cartoon images can be seen at the gate reminding children to follow pandemic protocols协议】, such as keeping a two-meter distance when standing in line for a PCR test. 闵行区水清路幼儿园在门口的防疫指示牌上增加了卡通图像,提醒学生遵循防疫规则,如排队做核酸检测时需保持两米间距。 Luo Na, President of Shuiqing Road Kindergarten 罗娜 闵行区水清路幼儿园园长 Cartoon images help children better understand the meaning of the pandemicprotocols. A PCR code for each child has been printed out in this brochure for us to scan one by one, so that there won’t be any mistakes. 增加了卡通的图像,方便孩子去解读这个牌子是什么意思。扫码由老师专门做成一本册子,我们会一个个轮着去扫码,不会弄错。 The kindergarten was** disinfected**【消毒】several times before the new semester. 新学期开始前,水清路幼儿园已完成多次消杀。 Fu Dongmei, Child-Care Worker of Shuiqing Road Kindergarten 傅冬梅 闵行区水清路幼儿园保育员 Different buckets are used for different purposes. The blue one is for holding water, and the green one is used to hold 250 milliliters of disinfectant every morning, which will be used for wiping tables. 不同颜色的桶用处不同。蓝色的那个桶是清洁的,就是拿清水擦一下,这个绿色的桶是每天早上配250毫升消毒液,来擦拭桌面。 Also in Minhang, a safety drill was completed at Tianyuan Foreign Language Primary School’s Yindu Campus. It tested the ability of 50 teachers to handle** emergencies**【紧急情况】while doing PCR tests. 12 spots are available for students to be tested at school. 闵行区田园外语实验小学银都校区则开展了全体教职工实操应急培训和演练,近50名核酸采样人员进行了岗前再培训、再考核。学校内共设有12处核酸采样点。 Zhao Yingqun, Principal of Tianyuan Foreign Language Primary School 赵瑛群 闵行区田园外语实验小学校长 Each floor has two PCR test locations, and each one is responsible for testing students from four classes. Students enter from the front door and exit from the back door, so that the sample【样本】collection process will go smoothly. 我们每一个楼层是安排了两个(采样)点位,每一个点位是负责四个班级。学生是从后门出、从前门进,这样也确保了我们核酸采样顺利进行。 Due to the city’s lockdown in April and May and textbook revisions, Xinhua Bookstore employees are working extra hours to ensure 600,000 textbooks are distributed to schools in Huangpu District. All the books will be disinfected before they are given to students. 由于上海四月和五月的疫情封控和教材修订,新华书店加班加点,保障黄浦区中小学60万份教材正常分发。所有新书都会在消毒后送到学生手里。 3.UKRAINIAN MILITARY LAUNCHES SOUTHERN COUNTEROFFENSIVE 俄乌局势:乌军称突破俄军第一道防线 The Ukrainian army’s southern command said yesterday it has started a counter-offensive against Russian forces in the south. Ukraine has regularly stated its intention to retake the south, and in particular the city of Kherson. Stephen Rancourt has the story. 乌克兰南部作战司令部发言人昨天(8/29)表示,已在南部展开对俄反攻行动。乌方多次表示要夺回南部地区尤其是赫尔松的控制权。记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。 Kherson was the first Ukrainian city to fall to Russia and is a key launch point for Russian strikes攻击】on surrounding areas. The Ukrainian armed forces announced yesterday that they have broken through the first line of Russian defenses in the Kherson region. Russia has not responded to this claim. On the same day, Russian forces continued to carry out strikes on ammunition武器】**depots【仓库】in the Kherson region with high-precision weapons. Russia and Ukraine have been accusing each other of attacking the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. With fears mounting of a nuclear accident in Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia authorities handed out iodine【碘】**tablets to the local population yesterday. 赫尔松是乌克兰第一个沦陷的城市,同时也是俄方向附近地区进攻的关键跳板。乌军方昨天(8/29)称已在赫尔松地区突破了俄军第一道防线。俄方对此没有回应。当天(8/29),俄军继续使用高精度武器对赫尔松地区的乌军弹药库实施打击。俄乌仍在互相指责对方袭击扎波罗热核电站。面对日益加剧的核事故风险,扎波罗热当局昨天(8/29)开始向当地居民提供碘片。 Local Resident 当地居民 I came to get iodine tablets. In case of radiation exposure threat, if we can take these pills in time, we won’t suffer from any side effects. 我来领取碘片。万一受到辐射威胁,我们要及时服用这些药片。这样就不会受到一些副作用的侵害。 Director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi announced that he and a team of experts arrived yesterday in Kyiv. They will reach the plant in the next few days to inspect the current state of the structure, the conditions in which the staff are working and the functionality of its safety and security systems. The Kremlin and Kyiv both said the IAEA mission was necessary and urged the international community to pressure the other side to reduce military tensions in the region. 国际原子能机构总干事拉斐尔·格罗西宣布昨天(8/29)已率领专家代表团抵达基辅。他们将在未来几天前往扎波罗热核电站,评估炮击损害,员工工作环境,及其安全与保障系统的运行状况。俄乌双方均对此表示欢迎,并希望国际社会向对方施压,缓和该地区的军事紧张。 Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin Spokesman 佩斯科夫 俄总统新闻秘书 The pressure on Ukraine can help to stop shelling at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and its surrounding territories. Russia is interested in the IAEA mission and took part in its preparations. 对乌克兰施压将促使其停止对扎波罗热核电站及附近区域的炮击,俄方对国际原子能机构此行表示欢迎,并参与了前期准备活动。 Dmytro Kuleba, Ukrainian Foreign Minister 库列巴 乌克兰外长 We expect from the mission a clear statement of facts, on violations of all nuclear, and safety protocols. 我们希望此访能得出事实文件清晰陈述(俄方)违反核安全条款的行为。 Even after the IAEA inspection, the nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia, which is still staffed by Ukrainian technicians, but controlled by Russian-backed separatists, will most likely continue to be a hotspot in Russia-Ukraine conflict. 虽然国际原子能机构已采取调查,但扎波罗热核电站仍由乌方技术人员操作,由俄军分裂主义者管理,该地可能仍将是俄乌冲突的热点地区。 #热词加油站 railway / ˈreɪlweɪ /【铁路】 slash / slæʃ /【削减】 marine / məˈriːn /【海洋】 protocol / ˈproʊtəkɑːl /【协议】 disinfect / ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt /【消毒】 emergency / ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi /【紧急情况】 sample / ˈsæmp(ə)l /【样本】 strike / straɪk /【攻击】 depot / ˈdiːpoʊ /【仓库】 iodine / ˈaɪədaɪn /【碘】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~