NEWS ON 08/261.SAM’S CLUB, IKEA WILL OPEN NEW STORES IN SHANGHAI山姆会员店、宜家将在上海开设新门店2.GOV’T SHOPPING VOUCHERS SPUR SPENDING政府发放消费券有效促进消费3.ZAPORIZHZHIA NUCLEAR PLANT DISCONNECTED FROM POWER GRID扎波罗热核电站与乌克兰电网中断**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SAM’S CLUB, IKEA WILL OPEN NEW STORES IN SHANGHAI山姆会员店、宜家将在上海开设新门店*Some foreign retail giants have expressed confidence in the Chinese market and plan to expand operations here. Zhang Hong tells us more about two companies opening new stores in Shanghai.一些外资零售巨头表示对中国市场充满信心,并计划扩大在华业务。记者张泓向我们详细介绍了两家公司在上海开设新店的情况。Sam’s Club is opening its fourth store in Shanghai tomorrow on Jufengyuan Road in Baoshan District. Some nearby residents were lining up to get a membership this morning.山姆在上海的第四家门店将于明天(8/27)在宝山区聚丰园路正式开门迎客。今天(8/26)上午,不少周边居民正在排队办理会员卡。Resident市民*I didn’t expect it would open a branch here. The new store will benefit us.我没想到山姆会开到这里来,我们居民现在可以受益了。The Baoshan store is smaller, but still carries about 3,000 types of products and it’s the closest to downtown Shanghai. It also allows customers to make an order by scanning the QR code in the store and have products shipped to their home, which is a new service they are offering.作为距离中心城区最近的一家,宝山店的面积虽然比其它门店略小,但商品数量一样达到了约3千种。客户可以通过扫描店内的二维码下单,并享受送货上门的服务,这是在这家门店率先落地的新业务。Xu Qiuxiong, General Manager, Sam’s Club, Baoshan Store许秋雄 上海宝山山姆会员商店总经理*Disposable income has been increasing in Shanghai and people here have stronger desire for good quality products. That’s why we are willing to open new stores in Shanghai. We’re planning to set up at least two new stores here in the next two years or so.上海消费者的消费能力不断提升,对品质的要求也越来越高。这也是我们愿意在上海不断地去开拓更多新店的原因,我们目前计划应该是在两年左右,未来至少两家店会跟会员去见面。At the *junction【交叉口】*of Jinzhong Road and Xiehe Road in Changning, Swedish company Ingka Group, the parent company of IKEA, is building its first Livat Shopping Mall in Shanghai with total investment of 8 billion yuan. IKEA’s sixth store in Shanghai will open there.在长宁区金钟路和协和路的交汇处,由宜家的母公司——瑞典英格卡集团投资约80亿元建设的上海第一个荟聚综合体,也正在加紧推进。宜家在上海的第六家门店将开设在这里。Song Ying’ai, Vice President, IKEA China宋颖爱 宜家中国副总裁**Livat is a shopping mall and it will also be home to an IKEA store. We’ll be able to hold events in the mall and I think it offers good business opportunities. We’d like to experiment with new business modes in Shanghai.它(荟聚)有购物中心,有宜家商场,宜家商场和购物中心之间的这种互动都是我们特别好的一个机会,我们有新的模式或者有新的尝试的时候都会非常愿意在上海市场最先开始。The manager also said the company is confident in the Chinese market. IKEA announced this week that it will invest 5.3 billion yuan in China in the next three years.这位负责人还表示,公司对中国市场充满信心。宜家本周宣布,未来三年将继续在中国投资53亿元人民币。2.GOV’T SHOPPING VOUCHERS SPUR SPENDING政府发放消费券有效促进消费*The city government’s shopping coupons【优惠券】are being given out after the first round of lottery sign-ups wrapped up. Each recipient gets three vouchers -- one with a 50 yuan discount on purchases of at least 100 yuan, and two giving 25 yuan off on purchases of more than 50 yuan. Some folks have already gleefully dashed out for a spending spree【狂热行为】. Sun Siqi takes a look.市政府的购物券在第一轮抽奖活动结束后开始发放。每位获奖人将获得一张满100减50和两张满50减25的消费券。不少中签的市民已经迫不急待地来消费了。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。At 7am, a group of seniors were waiting for a Lianhua Supermarket to open on Xinhua Road. 早上七点刚过,新华路上的这家联华超市,已经有人在等开门。*Resident***市民 *I’m always happy when I’m given a coupon, whatever the value. 中签总是开心的啰,不管大小,都是可以抵钱的。The supermarket chain is offering extra value as it’s giving out 20 million yuan worth of vouchers, where you save 10 yuan on purchases of 100-yuan or more. By 7:30, a small line had formed at the checkout counter. 配合政府的消费券,联华超市提供了额外的优惠,发放了总价值为两千万元的满百减十的消费券。早上七点半,收银台前就开始排起了队。Shen Jie, Store Manager, Lianhua Supermarket Xianghua Location*联华超市香花店店长 沈杰**We had about 200 customers in the first 30 minutes of business today, which is twice as many as normal. About 40 of them used a coupon. Mostly, the 50-kuai one. 今天(8/26)开门半个小时之内,顾客到店的人数大概在200个左右,比平时翻一倍。大概有40个左右的顾客是用券的,而且基本上都是用50元的抵用券。And it was much the same at a Burger King on West Nanjing Road. 在南京西路上的汉堡王餐厅,电子消费券同样好用。Resident市民*We both got the coupons. Today we used his and next week we’ll use mine. Anyway I will use all the coupons.我们两个人一道来吃,我们都中了,这个星期用他的券,下个星期用我的券,总归用完它(消费券)。Bao Cheng, Operation Manager, Burger King*包诚 汉堡王营运督导**We have our own promotions that can be combined with the coupons, so we’ll be able to pull more people in.因为这个券它是会发三轮,所以我们会根据发的券,我们自己也会组织优惠的一些活动,让人气可以拉起来。The government coupons are valid till September 14th. Most major online retailers and offline grocery stores, eateries and cafes take the vouchers when you open Alipay or WeChat and use the coupon code at the checkout. **Fret【烦恼】*not if you didn’t receive them. The second lottery signup starts in the second half of September, while the third one begins in October. Keep in mind that changes in the value of the vouchers are possible.第一轮消费券使用期限到9月14号。在大部分主要的在线零售商和线下杂货店、餐馆和咖啡馆,使用支付宝或微信结账时使用优惠券就能享受优惠。如果你没有收到优惠券,也不用烦恼。第二轮、第三轮的消费券将分别于9月下旬、10月下旬开始报名,消费券券面额度将作动态调整。3.ZAPORIZHZHIA NUCLEAR PLANT DISCONNECTED FROM POWER GRID*扎波罗热核电站与乌克兰电网中断**Ukraine’s state nuclear agency Energoatom yesterday said that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has been disconnected from Ukraine’s national grid【输电网】. A Ukrainian official stated that the region has been left without electricity, but the Russian side later said power has been restored to the region. Stephen Rancourt has more.乌克兰国家核电公司昨天(8/25)表示,扎波罗热核电站已与乌克兰国家电网中断连接。一名乌克兰官员表示,该地区已经断电。但俄罗斯方面随后表示,该地区的电力供应已经恢复。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。Satellite images showed fires near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Energoatom said fires broke out in the ash pits of a coal power station near the plant’s reactor complex and interfered with power lines connecting the plant to the grid. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy blamed the damage on Russian shelling and accused Moscow of putting Ukraine and Europe "one step away" from disaster.从卫星图上可以清晰地看到,扎波罗热核电站内多个起火点腾起滚滚浓烟。乌克兰国家核电公司称,大火发生在核电站反应堆群附近的一个燃煤发电站的灰坑中,并烧着了连接核电站和电网的输电线。乌克兰总统泽连斯基将其归咎于俄罗斯的炮击,并谴责莫斯科让乌克兰和欧洲离灾难只有一步之遥。Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian President****泽连斯基 乌克兰总统The world must understand what the threat this is, if the **diesel【柴油】**generators had not turned on, if the automation and our technicians had not reacted after the blackout, then we would have already been forced to face the consequences of a nuclear meltdown.全世界都应该意识到这有多么危险,如果柴油发电机组不能工作,如果停电后机组与核电站员工不能工作,我们可能会面临一场核泄漏事故。Russia, however, is blaming Ukraine for the outage. The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Ukrainian troops continue to **shell【炮轰】**the nuclear facility, saying Ukraine launched seven strikes in the area near the plant using large-caliber **artillery【火炮】**in a single day. The United Nations said the shutdown of power units at the plant indicates the need to send International Atomic Energy Agency specialists to the station as soon as possible. The IAEA Director-General also said he hoped an inspection could take place within days once a deal has been reached on gaining access to the site.然而,俄方则指责乌方是“罪魁祸首”。俄国防部表示,过去一天,乌军继续炮击核设施,对核电站区域使用大口径火炮发动了7次打击。联合国表示,核电站动力装置的关闭表明需要尽快向核电站派遣国际原子能机构专家组。国际原子能机构总干事还说,他希望一旦就进入该厂达成协议,就能在几天内赶紧进行检查。#热词加油站junction [ˈdʒʌŋkʃn] 【交叉口】coupon [ˈkuːpɒn] 【优惠券】spree [spriː] 【狂热行为】fret [fret] 【烦恼】 grid [ɡrɪd] 【输电网】diesel [ˈdiːz(ə)l] 【柴油】shell [ʃel] 【炮轰】artillery [ɑːˈtɪləri] 【火炮】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~