cover of episode 8/26 TOP NEWS | 青年失业率上升/各校开学仍将严格防控/英美增强对乌军援

8/26 TOP NEWS | 青年失业率上升/各校开学仍将严格防控/英美增强对乌军援

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NEWS ON 08/25 1.YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT REACHES 19.9% 青年失业率升至19.9% 2.SCHOOLS TO REOPEN WITH STRICT VIRUS CONTROL MEASURES 各校开学仍将严格执行新冠疫情防控措施 3.U.S. AND UK ANNOUNCE NEW MILITARY AID FOR UKRAINE 英美宣布进一步向乌克兰提供军事援助 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT REACHES 19.9% 青年失业率升至19.9% The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said the employment market has remained stable for the past decade with new jobs increasing 13 million annually. But it noted that young people face a difficult time finding a job. Lei Shuran has more. 人社部表示,十年来,我国就业局势保持稳定,年新增就业达1300万人。但青年求职面临困难时期。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The pandemic has made it challenging for young people to find work. The National Statistics Bureau last month reported the urban unemployment rate for people aged 16 to 24 had reached 19.9%, a 0.6 percentage point jump from the previous month. The National Human Resources and Social Security Department has launched出台】a series of measures to help alleviate缓解】the problem. 由于疫情肆虐,青年人的求职就业出现困难。国家统计局发布的数据显示,7月份,我国16到24岁城镇青年人失业率为19.9%,环比上升0.6个百分点。针对青年人就业持续承压的情况,人社部已推出一系列有针对性的举措。 Zhang Ying, Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security 张莹 人社部就业促进司司长 We have been introducing employment subsidies补助】, position expansion subsidies and social insurance allowances津贴】to encourage companies to hire more people. We have also been expanding employment opportunities in grass-roots unit positions, offering policies such as guaranteed loans, tax exemptions and social insurance allowances. We encourage entrepreneurship创业】and flexible jobs. 一直以来,我们运用就业补贴、扩岗补助、社保补贴等政策,鼓励企业更多吸纳就业。拓展基层就业空间,提供担保贷款,税费减免、社保补贴等政策。支持自主创业和灵活就业。 Officials repeated warnings that there should be no discrimination against individuals who have recovered from COVID-19. Companies violating this rule will be given administrative talks or other punishment. The conference also announced that the state-level pension plan now covers 1.04 billion people, an increase of 250 million in the last decade. 人社部再次强调,绝不能对新冠康复者实施就业歧视。相关部门将对违反规定的单位机构采取行政约谈或其他处罚措施。在今天举行的新闻发布会上,有关负责人还表示,国家养老金目前已覆盖10.4亿人口,较过去十年增长2.5亿人口。 Qi Tao, Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security 亓涛 人社部养老保险司负责人 Currently, the accumulated积累】surplus in the company basic pension养老金】insurance fund is 5.1 trillion yuan, indicating it is very secure. Central fiscal policies have continuously expanded assistance to basic pension insurance, which has now reached around 650 billion yuan and tends to focus more on western regions and old industrial bases. 当前企业职工基本养老保险基金累计结余5.1万亿元,有较强的保障能力,中央财政对企业职工基本养老保险基金的补助力度持续加大,今年达到6500亿元左右,并重点向西部地区和老工业基地倾斜。 The ministry briefing also noted that the level of the country’s professional skills has improved. Officials said that more than 200 million workers in China are now classified as skilled, including more than 60 million classified as senior workers with higher skill levels. 新闻发布会还提到,国家的专业技能水平有所提高。官员表示,中国技术工人队伍扩大至2亿人,其中6000万人为具备更高水平技能的资深工人。 2.SCHOOLS TO REOPEN WITH STRICT VIRUS CONTROL MEASURES 各校开学仍将严格执行新冠疫情防控措施 Primary and secondary schools are being prepared for the new semester, which will begin next Thursday. Strict COVID-19 prevention and control measures have been put in place to the safety of both staff and students. Zhang Yue brings us more. 下周四(9/1)各中小学将迎来新学期,各个学校正为此做足准备,严格实施新冠疫情防控措施,以保障广大师生安全。记者张悦带来更多报道。 At the gate of Experimental School of Shanghai Conservatory of Music in Yangpu District, 6 lanes have been set up for nearly 3,000 teachers and students to quickly verify their health with digital sentries哨兵】. The school has the machines at different heights. 杨浦区上海音乐学院实验学校门口,现在已经分隔出了6条数字哨兵通道,供全校约3000名师生快速查验核酸码。该学校有多种高度不同的数字哨兵。 Jia Xiaolan, Principal of Experimental School of Shanghai Conservatory of Music 贾晓岚 上海音乐学院实验学校校长 Primary and secondary students can have their face recognized at different machines according to their heights. Students in different grades will enter the school at different times, with an interval of five to eight minutes between each grade. 让小孩子一直到初三的同学按照他的身高识别数字哨兵,顺利进入校园。错峰入学的话,我们是以年级为单位,一般就是每隔五到八分钟一个年级(入校)。 To avoid gatherings, different colored stickers have been pasted on each floor to guide students in different routes. The school has disinfected all key areas including classrooms and canteens. At Minhang Zhuan Qiao Middle School), tents have been set up for PCR tests. All teachers and students will be required to get tested once on campus at the beginning of the new semester. 为避免聚集,学校在各楼层地面铺设了不同颜色的指示贴纸,引导学生按照不同路线分流行进。学校已安排对教室和食堂等重要场所进行消杀。闵行区颛桥中学已配备了核酸采样点位。新学期开学,所有师生都需要完成一次校内核酸检测。 Chu Chenting, Director of Minhang Zhuan Qiao Middle School 褚琛婷 上海市闵行区颛桥中学学生发展部主任 There are nearly 1,500 teachers and students at our school, which is a huge burden for on-campus PCR tests. So we have arranged 15 PCR test sites. 我们因为全校师生将近快1500人左右,所以我们的体量是比较庞大的,配备的工位要相对足一些,目前我们总共是15个(核酸检测)工位。 The school has also prepared disinfection supplies, masks and antigen self-test kits. 与此同时,学校还准备了消毒用品、口罩和抗原检测剂。 3.U.S. AND UK ANNOUNCE NEW MILITARY AID FOR UKRAINE 英美宣布进一步向乌克兰提供军事援助 U.S. and UK announced yesterday that they will provide new military assistance to Ukraine while the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues. Lei Shuran has the story. 美、英两国昨天宣布,由于俄乌冲突持续,将进一步向乌克兰提供军事援助。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。 A shopping mall in the Donetsk region went up in flames yesterday, Russia claims the fire was caused by shelling from the Ukrainian armed forces. However, Kiev did not admit it. According to the Ukrainian National News Agency, Russian military forces yesterday fired missiles at the Chaplin railway station in the Dnepropetrovsk region, killing at least 22 people. The Russian Defense Minister said yesterday that the slow pace of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine was due to a desire to protect civilians. 昨天(8/24),顿涅茨克一家购物中心燃起熊熊大火。俄方称,火灾是由乌军炮轰所致,但基辅方面并未承认。据乌克兰国家通讯社报道,俄罗斯导弹昨天击中了第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克州的一座火车站,造成至少22人死亡。俄罗斯国防部长昨天表示,为保护平民,已放缓在乌军事行动攻势。 Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister 绍伊古 俄罗斯国防部长 The special military operation is going according to plan and all its objectives will be achieved. Everything is done to avoid civilian** casualties**【伤亡】. Undoubtedly, it slows down the pace of the offensive, but we do it deliberately. 特别军事行动正在按计划进行,所有目标都将实现,同时我们正在尽力避免平民伤亡。这虽然减缓了进攻的步伐,但我们是有意为之。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday visited Kyiv and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Johnson announced the UK will also provide a military package for Ukraine worth 54 million pounds, including 200 drones and munitions弹药】. On the same day, U.S. President Joe Biden announced nearly 3 billion US dollars in additional military aid to Ukraine, calling it the largest commitment yet. The new assistance will allow Kiev to get new air defense systems, artillery, ammunition, and anti-drone aerial systems. The United Nations Security Council yesterday held a meeting on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, six months after it began in February. China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, asked the United States and NATO to stop adding fuel to fire, mentioned the dangers of a beginning a new Cold War and stressed the importance of safeguarding global stability. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊昨天访问基辅,会见了乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基。约翰逊宣布了价值5400万英镑的对乌军事支持方案,其中包括200架无人机和弹药等。当天,美国总统乔·拜登也宣布,将进一步向乌克兰提供目前为止规模最大的单次安全援助,军援价值近30亿美元。进一步援助将为乌克兰提供新型防空系统、火炮、弹药和反无人机系统。自2月份第一次举行会议后,联合国安理会昨天就俄乌冲突再次召开会议。中国常驻联合国代表张军指出,美国及北约应停止拱火浇油,滑向“新冷战”将为各国带来威胁,并强调当今时代需要守护好全球稳定。 #热词加油站 launch / lɔːntʃ /【出台】 alleviate / əˈliːvieɪt /【缓解】 subsidy / ˈsʌbsədi /【补助】 allowance / əˈlaʊəns /【津贴】 entrepreneurship / ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːrʃɪp /【创业】 accumulate / əˈkjuːmjəleɪt /【积累】 pension / ˈpenʃən /【养老金】 sentry / ˈsentri /【哨兵】 casualty /'kæʒuəlti /【伤亡】 munition / mjuːˈnɪʃn /【弹药】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~