NEWS ON 08/24 POWER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING PARK TO BE BULIT IN LINGANG 上海建设“全球动力之城” 临港定下“空天陆海能”动力产业三年发展目标 STUDY FINDS FOLIC ACID LOWERS RISK OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE IN NEWBORNS 孕前增补叶酸到位,胎儿先心病发生率减半 RUSSIA CLAIMS PROGRESS IN DONETSK, UKRAINE VOWS TO TURN UP THE HEAT 俄方称在顿涅茨克和赫尔松等地取得进展,乌方称将加大反击力度 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- POWER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING PARK TO BE BULIT IN LIN-GANG 上海建设“全球动力之城” 临港定下“空天陆海能”动力产业三年发展目标 Plans were announced today to build an industrial park for advanced power equipment manufacturing in Lingang, while a general action plan was also issued for the special area. Zhang Hong tells us more. 以“引擎新动力塑造经济新引擎”为主题的上海“全球动力之城”建设推进启动仪式今天(8/24)在临港新片区举行,并发布《临港新片区加速打造“空天陆海能”高端动力装备产业行动方案》。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 The city-level industrial park will be the country’s first with aviation, aerospace, automobile, marine and energy industrial chains. The park is now trying to attract talents and funds. By 2025, the park is expected to attract 30 billion yuan of investment and contribute to forming an industrial cluster valued at hundreds of billions of yuan in Lingang. 市级特色产业园区“动力之源”,是全国首个承载“空天陆海能”五大动力领域产业链集聚发展的特色产业园区。目前,产业园区正大力吸引人才、资金,预计到2025年,‘动力之源’将新增投资300亿元,带动临港新片区千亿级动力产业集群集聚。 Liu Ping, Deputy Director, SH Municipal Commission of Economy & Informatization 刘平 上海市经信委副主任 We want to attract more attention to the manufacturing of power equipment. It will help companies achieve breakthroughs and the companies will be able to represent China in global projects. 现在我们把动力这个板块,从幕后推向前台,这样更有利于代表我们国家来突破动力领域卡脖子的技术,代表中国来参与全球动力产业的竞争与合作。 Shanghai also encourages leading companies to attract other companies to form a complete industrial chain. 当前,上海正在实施全球动力企业集聚计划。精准引育一批供应链上下游配套企业,大力培育国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业。 Shao Yu, General Manager, CSSC Power Co. 邵煜 中船动力总经理 When we talk about cooperation in the industrial chain, it starts from the research and development side. We propose a requirement and the upstream supplier will come up with a design. We’ll adopt the design to our products and then deliver the products to our customers. An industrial chain is thus formed. It’s an extension of the traditional purchasing or supply chain that we are accustomed to. 现在我们提到的产业链合作是从研发端开始,我提出需求,上游的供应商根据我的需求设计。这样的设计经过我产品的认可,用到我的产品中,我的客户中就构成了完整的产业链。这种产业链不是我们以前熟知的采购链、供应链,它比这些范围更向上延伸。 According to the action plan released today, Lingang will set up 3 to 5 national-level and city-level innovation centers and at least 5 unions led by industry leading companies. Lingang plans to attract over 50 companies with advanced technologies and 3 to 4 companies with registered capital of more than 10 billion yuan. 《行动方案》明确,将建设3-5家高水平国家级和市级制造业创新中心、5家以上龙头企业牵头的创新联合体、10家以上产业创新平台、50家以上“专精特新”企业;诞生3-4家百亿级企业、形成5-8个细分领域产业集群。 STUDY FINDS FOLIC ACID LOWERS RISK OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE IN NEWBORNS 孕前增补叶酸到位,胎儿先心病发生率减半 Researchers in Children’s Hospital of Fudan University found that the risk of congenital【先天的】 heart disease in newborns dropped if a married couple had a sufficient intake of folic acid before conceiving【怀孕】 a child. The findings were published yesterday in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Zhang Hong has the story. 复旦大学附属儿科医院的研究团队发现,如果一对已婚夫妇在孕前摄入足够的叶酸,新生儿患先天性心脏病的风险就会下降。相关成果近日(8/23)发表于国际顶级学术期刊《内科学年鉴》。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 Congenital heart disease has a prevalence【流行】 of more than 8 per 1,000 newborns in China and is a major cause of death in children less than 5.In 2015, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University started a study on congenital heart disease with folic acid. Researchers evaluated mothers from 28 maternity centers in Shanghai. And experts found the folic acid concentration in women and men preparing to have a child in Shanghai is severely substandard, with the percentage below the WHO recommended level of 90% for women and 95% for men. Experts said it’s too late for women to start taking folic acid supplements after they become pregnant. 先天性心脏病在中国的发病率超过8‰,是5岁以下儿童死亡的主要原因。2015年,复旦大学附属儿童医院开始了一项关于叶酸与先天性心脏病联系的研究,研究人员评估了来自上海28个产科中心的母亲体内的叶酸含量。专家们发现,在上海,备孕的夫妇的叶酸浓度严重不达标,其比例低于世界卫生组织建议的女性90%和男性95%的水平。专家说,女性在怀孕后开始补充叶酸已经太晚了。 Yan Weili, Clinical Test Center Director, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University 严卫丽 复旦大学附属儿科医院临床试验中心主任 Congenital heart disease occurs during the early stages of organ synthesis in the embryo【胚胎】. It is about four to six weeks, or around 28 days. This means that by the time a woman knows she is pregnant, the baby’s heart is already developing and there may be defects in the heart’s structure. 先心病是在胚胎早期器官合成的阶段就发生了,这个时间大概是在四到六周,如果按天数算就是28天左右,也就是说等她知道怀孕的时候,其实心脏已经在发育了,而且可能有缺陷就已经发生了。 The study recommended that men and women planning to have a baby take daily folic acid supplements 3 months in advance, with the mother continuing to take them until 3 months after pregnancy. It added this can reduce the incidence of congenital heart disease in babies by 51.3%.The director of the Children’s Hospital of Fudan University said the study would help promote testing of folic acid in mothers, so that the risk of congenital heart disease can be reduced. 该研究建议备孕阶段的男性和女性可提前3个月每天服用叶酸补充剂,其中,女性可持续服用直到怀孕后3个月。研究表明,这可以将婴儿先天性心脏病的发病率降低51.3%。复旦大学附属儿童医院院长表示,这项研究具有重大的公共卫生意义,可以促进备孕夫妇对于增补叶酸的重视,从而降低先子代天性心脏病的风险。 RUSSIA CLAIMS PROGRESS IN DONETSK, UKRAINE VOWS TO TURN UP THE HEAT 俄方称在顿涅茨克和赫尔松等地取得进展,乌方称将加大反击力度 As the Russia Ukraine conflict reaches the six-month mark, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that its forces and the armed forces of the Don-bas have made progress in the Kherson and Donetsk regions. Stephen Rancourt has more. 俄乌冲突绵延六个月,俄罗斯国防部表示,俄军和顿巴斯地区的武装部队在赫尔松地区、顿涅茨克地区等地取得进展。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 Today is Ukraine’s Independence Day. Ukraine said that in response to possible attacks from Russia, the capital city of Kiev strengthened security measures on Tuesday, while the northeastern city of Kharkiv announced a two-day curfew【宵禁令】. The Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that the Russian Air Force hit temporary deployment points of Ukraine’s 81st Aeromobile Brigade and 95th Airborne Assault Brigades in Donetsk. The Ukrainian Defense Minister said that Ukraine is stabilizing all battlefields or frontlines through small-scale troop movements. 今天(8/24)是乌克兰的独立日。乌克兰表示,为应对可能发生的来自俄罗斯的袭击事件,乌克兰首都基辅于周二加强了安全措施,而东北部城市哈尔科夫宣布实施为期两天的宵禁。俄罗斯国防部周二表示,俄罗斯空军打击了乌克兰第81航空兵旅和第95空降突击旅在顿涅茨克的临时部署点。乌方国防部长表示,乌克兰正在通过小规模的部队调动稳定所有战场或前线。 Zhangyao, Executive Member, Shanghai Russia & Central Asian Studies 张耀 上海俄罗斯中亚学会 常务理事 Although both sides only conducted some small-scaled tentative attacks in some areas, we cannot say the conflict is coming to an end, because obviously neither Russia or Ukraine has yet to achieve their desired goals. 现在虽然说战线比较固定,双方只是在局部地区有一些小规模的试探性攻击,但是我们不能说这个冲突已经接近尾声,因为很显然双方都没有达到自己的战争目标。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday that a potential Russian attack would not change Kyiv’s approach to the war, as Ukrainian retaliation【反击】 would only become stronger in the future. Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine would continue to turn up the heat as the army acquires heavy weapons from abroad.The U.N. nuclear agency is renewing its request to assess the safety and security at Zhaporizhzhia, Europe’s largest nuclear plant in southeastern Ukraine. Both Russia and Ukraine continue to accuse each other of shelling the power plant. A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called on both countries to exercise maximum restraint and minimize the risk of accidents at the nuclear facility. 乌克兰总统泽伦斯基周二表示,俄罗斯的潜在攻击不会改变基辅的战争方针,因为乌克兰的报复行动在未来只会变得更加强大。泽伦斯基指出,随着军队从国外获得重型武器,乌克兰将继续加大火力。联合国核机构正在重新要求评估位于乌克兰东南部的欧洲最大核电站扎波罗热的安保情况。俄罗斯和乌克兰都继续指责对方炮击该电厂。中国常驻联合国副代表耿爽,周二呼吁两国保持最大限度的克制,将核设施发生事故的风险降到最低。 Geng Shuang, China, Deputy Permanent Rep. to the U.N. 耿爽 中国常驻联合国副代表 To deal with the issue of safety and security of nuclear facilities, we must adhere to science and rationality, the spirit of humanity, communication and cooperation. We must go beyond political positions, hostile differences, and military considerations. We must not allow the tragedies of Chernobyl and Fukushima to be repeated. 处理核设施的安全和安保问题,应当超越政治立场,超越敌对分歧,超越军事考量,我们绝不能让切尔诺贝利核事故和福岛核事故的惨剧重演 Geng mentioned under the current circumstances, it is necessary for the International Atomic Energy Agency to conduct a site visit to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant as soon as possible to make a professional safety and security assessment. 耿爽提到,在目前的情况下,国际原子能机构有必要尽快对扎波罗热核电站进行实地考察,做出专业的安全保障评估。 #热词加油站 congenital [kənˈdʒenɪtl] 【先天的】 conceive [kənˈsiːv] 【怀孕】 prevalence [ˈprevələns] 【流行】 embryo [ˈembriəʊ] 【胚胎】 curfew [ˈkɜːfjuː] 【宵禁令】 retaliation [rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃn] 【反击】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~